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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. Yet he was trialing for Airdrie, and has signed for a league 2 club. But yeah, whatever.
  2. Dargo will have a coaching role as well. As for centre halfs, we could do worse than Gary Kenneth IMO
  3. Que standard Fifer jokes about his dad being bigger than my dad
  4. If we get a fee for him then I'll bite yer hand and arm off
  5. We never hads a name on dot net it was always just the "*insert swear word here* who are standing in the north west at the halfway line" f**k yer eee
  6. Many games did he play against you? Seen that, good news, looked tasty against Hearts, local laddie tae.
  7. Would you take Craig Dargo? Heard his name banded about a few times. Personally, I'd have him. Not as a starter but definately capable of coming off the bench if needing a goal. Would score goals for fun against the small teams in the division as well I'm sure (i.e Cowden, Airdrie, Dumbarton, Raith)
  8. kyle will go to the newco just like liam buchanan. leaves us with kirk, wallace and barrowman. all more than capable in this league. maybe add another depending on who jj can get in. no poiunt getting in somebody just for the sake of it who isn't good enough. god, we've been down that road far, far, far too many times in the past.
  9. hasn't been bad the last two games, reckon he could do a job. husband looked decent, the keeper performed well kicking is still pish though, not convinced kyle will get up to speed, anyone know who the trialist left back in the second half was?
  10. Smith didn't look too clever at the first goal, kicking pretty erratic too, italian geezer didn't have much to do their 3rd goal was superbly taken. Murray and Kyle should be giving deals if they earn them, shouldn't be giving on reputation. Whittle showed flashes of brilliance. Geggan looked competent at right back, Falkingham played well. John Potter seemed to talk away a lot and won the majority of headers against his marker.
  11. If it was a toss up between me and chris, i know which smith i'd rather have in goals, worst keeper i've ever seen. ever.
  12. All the luck in the world to Wimbledon, they're gonna need it.
  13. Anybody who believed the original reasoning given needs their head looked at. Ah well, I don't have the wonga to pay for the EEE membership so its probably for the best that their is going to be another 'singing section'
  14. Good but not fantastic as one or two punters have been tweeting or putting up on facebook. Anyone who thinks its fantastic news wasn't at cappielow first time around in the championship winning season. I liked Dowie pushed further forward in midfield but seems as if we're covered there. Needs somebody vocal beside him, doesn't shout and doesn't command like, in my opinion, a centre half should.
  15. Whittle is streets ahead of anything we had in the first team last season, apparently
  16. Youngsters, Young was on the bench a lot last season.
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