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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. Mccann out of contract in the summer but if we offer him a deal on better terms than what he's on now and he goes elsewhere I'm sure we'd be due compensation.
  2. How many of this team will go to forge a career in the top flight?
  3. Any team with their 4 best players from the previous season missing through injury is going to struggle so will definitely cut them a lot of slack if things do start getting a bit hairy but on the face of if I don't think we've recruited particularly well.
  4. MOH ahead of Moffat and Jakubiak ahead of Wighton for me, Clive.
  5. Got relatively lucky with injuries last season but lady luck totalling shafting us the now
  6. Wighton doesn't look interested a lot of the time
  7. I'd rather have him to bring off the bench than Liam Hoggan or Ethan Mcleod man. Goal at East End last season was a belter.
  8. Squads piss thin mate, every name I've mentioned over the Summer would improve it.
  9. Wonder if we were in for Darren Lyon or Anton Dowds. Should have been anyway.
  10. We also forfeited a tie in this cup 2 years ago against Elgin, shows how low down the club holds it in its priorities. Even the away trip to Boreham Wood, as much as it was a class trip for the fans, the club were unhappy at making a loss. Understandably so. I'd enjoy it if we won it and it would be a class day but probably wouldn't give it a 2nd thought till we reached the final. Maybe this is how Old Firm fans feel about domestic cups in general
  11. Had a keg of jupiler in the perfect draft machine not long ago and it was class so less of the Belgium slagging please.
  12. Martin Hardie title decider of 2011 trumps everything IMO. Case closed.
  13. Not to be that guy but he did have a hand in our equaliser at Starks in September 2021, lovely ball down the line to Edwards with the outside of his foot.
  14. Much like our boards decision not to furlough the out of contract players then. Not something that our fanbase can take flack for.
  15. Something that will never sit easy with me. Much like a certain January transfer window signing from 2022 won't sit well with much of your fanbase. We can do this all day
  16. After signing Summers, I'm not even too fussed for DW anymore. A striker would be nice.
  17. Missed the boat on too many players already, may as well just stick to what we've got.
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