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Everything posted by Rob1885

  1. I disagree and think he's getting it way too tight from our fans so far (appreciate you'll have seen more of him though)
  2. Chalmers more than capable of playing in a team competing for League 1 title.
  3. See we got beat 3-1 off the US Navy team [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
  4. Does the basics well, keeps things ticking over and is tidy on the ball.
  5. Wasn't there yesterday but I like what I've seen from Chalmers personally.
  6. One of the best fights I've ever seen.
  7. Another way of looking at it is we've taken points off everybody we've yet to play. 1 point behind, game in hand, all to play for!
  8. Would have absolutely zero confidence in this board to find a competent replacement.
  9. He picked up a complete basket case and has only had a January transfer window to try sort things.
  10. Don't have an issue with anyone holding Hughes to account at all it's just not the way I'm choosing to look at it.
  11. This for me as well. Yogi gets a free pass from me until he's had his Summer recruitment and I'm not even his biggest fan.
  12. Aye the crowds were still actually quite strong even the season we finished 7th. Was a bit of a different feel around the place at the time despite the much served up on the park.
  13. Out of interest why do you think Yogi would jack it in?
  14. The 2 you'd maybe be able to recoup some sort of a fee for would be Comrie and Wighton.
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