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Everything posted by cowden0

  1. 8/10 for second day and a multi-guess 9/10 for Wednesday. Only Australian politician letting me down. Did even better on fruit v veg quiz. Think it could be my new specialist subject.
  2. 7/10 to start the defence of the league title. A lot of guessing going on. Think the lads got carried away with all the razzmatazz of hoisting the league flag. Sent from my VF-895N using Pie and Bovril mobile app
  3. I have never felt so humble to see my name etched in posterity on the trophy alongside all the illustrious previous champions. The dancing on the streets of Tournafulla will tale place as soon as I am deemed well enough to go home. Five fechin months stuck between Tralee and Limerick hospitals. The quiz has meant more to me than you could possibly imagine. The highlight of every dreary day. Home soon though as I have been assured. I thank you all and in particular his Eminence for making this possible. Sent from my VF-895N using Pie and Bovril mobile app
  4. 8/10 for Friday. The lads gave it there all out there. I can't ask any more of them. Will it be enough to secure the title only time will tell. I can't blame them for missing the Seinfeld and flappy pie chances. Flappy pies are not something I have them working on in training. The guess rate was excellent guessing memoir and Aussie sport guess in particular pleased me. So often declared by some in the media as our weakness. The lads kept plugging away and eventually it paid dividends. If we fall short of the winning the league this season, we will bounce back stronger than ever. There's a real buzz about the place come what may.
  5. I'm hanging in there. 9 Tuesday 6 for both Wednesday and Thursday. Sent from my VF-895N using Pie and Bovril mobile app
  6. 4/10 for Monday. Only knew one, or so I mistakenly thought. My flag colours were upside down. Tough for any day let alone a Monday.
  7. 8/10 for Thursday. First four and last four correctly guessed in the main. Only really knew the Swiss and motor racing questions.
  8. Only knew Marco polo and tour De France. So you can imagine my delight scoring a delicious, neigh delectable 8/10. Only ginger ed and Marmaduke letting me down.
  9. Sorry unable to do quiz earlier due to forces out with my control. Monday = 8, Tuesday = 6, Wednesday= 7, Thursday = 7 and Friday = 7. Mediocre, granted but after the week I've had glad to post any score.
  10. A glorious 9/10 to finish the week off. Knew eight! Got temple wrong but guessed last on correctly. I'm away to the range to practice for the weekend.
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