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Everything posted by RoversMad

  1. ^^^Knew I should have made 2 separate posts...
  2. Hope so mate, in the mean time have you thought of this: how's the tatt?
  3. I just watched a mickey mouse medley with the wee one cuddled in falling asleep too, after she had bumped her head and I had to kiss it better.Its ace when your kids think you are superdad, enjoy it whilst it lasts coz in 10 - 15 years they'll think we're dicks.
  4. Nice! Enjoy, I know it's clichéd but I fucking love the Cavern for live music and a few Guinness' (Guinni... )
  5. At least it would have helped me look better in the wedding snaps...
  6. that was the cue for one of my mates to pipe up and saved me,They missed it. *Edit for wrong queue
  7. the only thing I can catch these days is a virus. I actually had to get an HIV and hepatitis test before my wedding. I have never been as nervous in my life as when the nurse opened the envelope with my results. I'm not a smack head so that side of things isn't an issue but when you start thinking back every sexual partner you ever had and then factor in their ex partners, then theirs,then theirs, etc, etc, it gets to be pretty fuckin scary, I came out of there feeling like I'd won the lottery
  8. Yeah still here Mark, thanks for the concern, deltoid still randomly pulsing away of its own accord, if this is the onset of AIDS I can confirm it's rather annoying.
  9. For the last hour my right deltoid muscle has decided it wants to be a heart and is pulsing away of its own accord...
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