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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. I see your Club30 and raise you Club De Mar... Link
  2. I've been looking through the City Falkirk ones cause there's a guy who looks like Lionel Richie/Chris Kamara who goes up the town. Sadly I can't find a picture of him.
  3. He looks like he enjoys a buttery biscuit base.
  4. It's a shame they're redoing the GambitLive website (club photos from Edinburgh nightclubs), there were some absolute belters in there.
  5. Tricky final question today: Italian Prime Ministers I'm pretty hopeless with politics in general and could only think of Berlusconi which was obviously a higher scorer. The two guys managed to win it with their final guess, Aldo Moro.
  6. Currently at No.1 on Beatport. Pretty similar to Pjanoo and Lift but still enjoying it.
  7. This page has the full list of answers if anyone's interested. Link
  8. I thought it was pretty harsh as well. My 3 guesses were Turin, Eindhoven and Belgrade.
  9. For anyone who enjoys stupid gameshow answers, there's a whole channel of them on YouTube. I'm not on my laptop but I think this should link to it: www.stupidgsa.com
  10. Jeff bridges films is the final category today. Other than Tron, I'm absolutely clueless.
  11. He almost tries to talk to him out of it!
  12. I listened to Open All Mics yesterday and Derek Ferguson reckoned there were 25 scouts at NDP. Both sides have plenty of talented youngsters so it's anyones guess who they wanted to see.
  13. I used to play basketball and remember most of the teams from the playstation game. From my point of view, it's the easiest category I've seen.
  14. Didn't catch this the other day but would have taken a stab with some of the carribean or pacific islands. The easiest final round I've seen was a few months ago. NBA teams.
  15. Is this worth watching? I find Jack Whitehall pretty annoying and not sure if I could put up with him for half an hour.
  16. My favourite trance tune of all time
  17. It's been ages since I subscribed to anything but I'm sure that's all there is to it. As long as you're connected to the internet, iTunes should automatically download any new podcasts as soon as you open it.
  18. Anyone seen this one yet? "A DADDY isn't defined as the man who makes the child, but rather the man who extends his hands and time to help with the child's raising and his heart to love the child through anything!!!! BLOOD doesn't always make you a DADDY. Being a DADDY comes from the heart... any fool can make a baby, it takes a man to raise a child!..RE-POST this if you agree.."
  19. Latapy was on Off The Ball last Saturday. Still available for another day or so if anyone fancies listening. Link
  20. Not long til the first OF game of the season. My FB goes mental during that 90 minutes. Funny all the burds, and the odd guy, that never post anything related to football but come out with all the "FTP", "WATP", etc.
  21. Seeing as there's 73 pages of this thread, I'm guessing we've already covered the Sunday morning hangover patter that gets spouted every week? The only time I've ever liked one of these posts was a lad on my FB saying, "Rougher than Ian Huntly's foreplay".
  22. I had a Rangers fan on my facebook who was off out last night to celebrate Celtic getting knocked out
  23. Good to see the club getting more involved with the fans. Hopefully they can take the stuff on board.
  24. Saw Laidback Luke at the Arches last year and he dropped this.
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