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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. Just came on to post that pic. It's been doing the rounds on Facebook. Superb stuff.
  2. Didn't know Ferry Corsten had a podcast Saying that, I've not subscribed to anyone new in over a year. Those Shogun tunes are good though. I'm sure if I've heard some of his work before - probably on ASOT albums - but never got round to properly checking him out. Radio 1 is essential listening for a Friday night in. Pete Tong has played some good stuff tonight with my highlight so far being John Dahlback - Life. Can't find it on Youtube yet so it must be pretty new. Also, Nicky Romero is in 15 minutes of fame. He's playing at the Arches on the 28th of this month. Really keen to go after hearing some of his stuff but I want to be fresh for an early start to drinking on the 29th.
  3. Saw this posted on Facebook and found it pretty funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygjK6AOiWz0&feature=share
  4. It all depends on which brand you've got and what your aims are. I would always have one after a workout as it's a quick delivery of protein to your muscles. If you're looking to bulk up then take another one during the day. At bedtime if you do a morning workout or breakfast if you do an afternoon/evening session. I'm using Cyclone and taking 2 a day. Mid-morning and after my workout at 6pm. Whatever you have, it should have recommended quantities on the side of the tub.
  5. I'm needing a hairdressers in Glasgow city centre. Looking for a good at a decent price. What can anyone recommend?
  6. I'm back at the gym after a 6-month absence and paying for it. Instead of doing a few weeks of sets of 15-20 on lighter weights I just went straight into the heavier stuff doing 5-8 reps. Massive error. The day after my first chest workout I was struggling to put my jacket on as it was so painful to stretch my arms back. Thankfully I'm over the worst of it and just trying to get my strength back up. Is there a specific thread for weights or is it all just discussed in here?
  7. I'm amazed nobody has used this one yet. Gabriel Tomato
  8. For my new job I get the bus in and have been buying a ticket which allows you 10 journeys within a month. I had to buy a new one today and had forgotten the name so asked for "a ticket for 10 rides". The bus driver laughed and said, "if only you could get 10 rides for £30!". Brightened up my morning.
  9. I was in the pub with my girlfriend and a few of her pals before Xmas. We were discussing that programme about the woman who got her face ravaged by a dog. Turns out I was the only one who knew what a face transplant involved. The rest of them thought you got someone else's face like in the film, Face Off.
  10. The one on the right should have done everyone a favour and worn a bra. Boak.
  11. That was my thoughts as well. A pretty pathetic fee for a team supposedly flush with cash. And I would really grudge him going there as whenever I've seen them on the Football League Show, they've come across as arrogant c***s.
  12. I applied for Total Wipeout and got asked for an interview in Leeds. I didn't bother with it as they only gave me 4 days notice. It would have been pretty expensive booking an Aberdeen-Leeds train at such short notice and the interview was only going to last 2 minutes.
  13. Interesting article about Darren Hill. Link Also, has anyone heard a rumour about Rangers buying Sibbald and loaning him back to us? Someone on my FB has suggested that along with a 45K bid from Crawley for Farid. Edit: Found the link.
  14. Try Hummingbird on Bath Street. Pretty sure they still do 2 for 1 burgers. Last time I went I had a black and blue. A big, juicy beefburger topped with bacon and Stilton. A brilliant scran for a hungover Sunday.
  15. When did that open? I've been to the one in Covent Garden and the food was excellent. Also, it was very reasonably priced given that he's a well known chef and the restaurant is in Central London. 45 across the UK.
  16. My favourite chain is probably Yo Sushi although it can be a bit pricey depending on your appetite. A really good selection of sushi, noodle and rice dishes and the service is brilliant - just pick what you want off the conveyor or ask them to make one fresh if it's not there. I also like nandos and think the reason it splits opinion is because it's borderline between restaurant and fast food. I view as more of a fast food place as I've never waited more than 15 minutes for my main and normally get houmus as a warm up. For me, the worst is probably Frankie and Bennys. The food isn't bad but it's so overpriced for what it is. For what you would pay there, you could get a much better quality of meal elsewhere.
  17. I have a few Arsenal 'fans' like that on my Facebook. Gloryhunters that forgot about the glory. Also, those love hearts really annoy me. Sure fire sign of a Facebook mongo. "I can't actually use words to express how I'm feeling so I'll post a name with a love heart next to it."
  18. We should be aiming for maximum points from the 3 home games and of the away games, the only tricky ties look to be Livi and Morton. Anything can happen though. Here are County's fixtures for the same period: Partick (H) QoS (A) Morton (H) Livi (H) Raith (A) Ayr (H) Dundee (A) QoS (H) Hamilton (A) Pretty similar to ours. We both play Partick, Ayr and QoS at home and Hamilton and Raith away. We play Ayr twice whereas they play QoS twice and they have a game in hand which, for the purpose of comparison, is against Dundee.
  19. To be fair, from what I remember of her at school, the fact she managed to bake a potato is a minor miracle in itself.
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