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Everything posted by lanky_ffc

  1. I'm not getting my hopes up too much at the moment. But if rumours on here are to be believed, this documentary could really blow the lid off things. Mainly due to D&P, things have been moving at a fairly pedestrian pace since admin was first announced. Could it be the catalyst we've been waiting for? See you all in an hour
  2. A couple of superbly worded letters from chrismcarab and WhiteKillieRose.
  3. Cheers for the info Cammy. I realise whisky's quite a personal thing but for someone starting out I think it's worth a read. Going to give it a bash as its only £9 on amazon. Picked up a half bottle of Glenlivet 12yo from Tesco earlier. Going to crack that open at half-time.
  4. Looking forward to a major breakdown from Forever Hibs.
  5. I voted Kujabi but in seriousness, I'd go for Driver or Suso. Both players have terrorised their respective fullbacks and a lot of Hearts play has come down the wings. Skacel will probably get it for his two goals.
  6. Anyone else have Hearts and Skacel anytime scorer at 4/1?
  7. Amazing that Hibs are still in this. Just before they scored I felt it was just a matter of how many for Hearts. Much better for the neutral though.
  8. Kujabi has struggled with Suso early on. That yellow card won't help matters.
  9. Anyone know what's happened to the Beatport app? Are they doing an update or is it just Apple being c***s?
  10. I'm more excited about the Scottish Cup Final than the Champions League.
  11. Has it started already? My own gripe is that the next weekend I can get down to London to see my girlfriend is the Jubilee weekend. She lives near Windsor which is bound to be unbearable.
  12. I've only tried a handful of whiskies but found most of them pretty enjoyable. Looking to get more into it, is this whisky bible worth a read?
  13. Yup. I'd like to think Levein would take a hard line approach to anyone refusing to play because it would upset "the people".
  14. More threats of boycotts. Link The one that strikes me is getting players to withdraw from the national team. Absolutely laughable. How many Rangers players are irreplaceable? If McGregor refuses to play Levein will just pick Gordon. Which he probably will do anyway. And Whittaker isn't a first choice fullback. Of the current Rangers squad I can't think of anyone other than Naismith who's currently injured and isn't a dead cert either. You also have the scenario that they're in SFL3 - or even the SPL - with a squad of youth players. Would any of them be good enough to get a game?
  15. I'd never heard of her until I started working up here. Now I see her every other day.
  16. Just catching up with Alex Thomson blogs and found Green's "CV" very interesting. Maybe I'm being a bit naive, but I can't see how a legitimate businessman could have so many directorships -and of such short length - in that period of time. Also quite interesting to see Thomson citing some of the individuals who may form part of this mystery 20 which may or may not exist.
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