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Everything posted by LargsTON

  1. I went to see it on Monday with the missus and I'm surprised to say it's the funniest film I've seen in ages. 8/10.
  2. You should have got her put down. You'd have saved yourself a lot of money and taught the daft c**t to be more careful in future. I did that with my neighbours dog once. It was one of those awful "staffy's" and shat in my garden once too often so I took "her pretty head."
  3. *cough* Acid Bath *cough* I'm on my 6th already.
  4. I'd also imagine her parents DNA will bear some similarity.
  5. I immediately thought of Hannibal Lecter. Ingenious on the part of Mr Fraser. That's how I'll I'd bump my wife off.
  6. Bloodstain I'd recommend this book. The guy tries to be impartial but basically agrees that Murdoch was framed and Falconio may still be alive.
  7. I realise that, mate. Not as far as I'm aware and not according to wikipedia. Where did you read that anyway?
  8. I refer you to my earlier post and the disappearance of Peter Falconio. His body was never found (cos he's still alive, imo) yet Brad Murdoch has been banged up for life.
  9. I read three books about the disappearance of Peter Falconio on holiday and after what I've taken in I'm inclined to believe that Bradley Murdoch was set up by the police. He was a prolific drug runner with a chequered past who happened to fit the bill. Peter Falconio also discussed how to fake his own disappearance for weeks before he vanished with several friends. Some of this stuff only became public after the trial. Home? I'd suggest a non-extradition country if they've any sense.
  10. Nobody seen Die Hard 4 yet? Going on Saturday night, can't wait.
  11. Are you fully cut now or do you always post without taking a breath?
  12. I'm not sure how you do that black out thingy but suffice to say they both survive after you think he's dead. Wikipedia's more detailed.
  13. I agree. Watched it at Linwood with the missus last Friday night and was pleasantly surprised. Bit silly in places but a few genuinely jumpy moments. 6/10
  14. You can take the boy out of Saltcoats... At work, just about to watch Hostel II, will report back. B)
  15. I was pleasantly surprised by it. The Buffalo Bill scene was worth the rental cost alone.
  16. I agree. I can't recall ever seeing a cinema audience so moved. 9/10 for me. Rowan - are you sure it wasn't the straight to dvd "Flight 93" you saw? THAT was seriously shite.
  17. ALF wants to return but has forgot his password and relevant e-mail addy to recover it!

  18. I agree. I struggled to understand the basic plot of the film, it was totally convoluted. Even when the other half slowly explained it to me it never made sense. Plenty of needless, graphic violence though so it wasn't all bad. 5/10.
  19. I loved Roadhouse. Awful script and acting but highly enjoyable. Loved the scene where two drunks are eyeing up a blonde's ample cleveage when the husband asks "Ain't they the best set of attitudes you ever saw?" "Sure are." "I tell you what; for twenty bucks you can kiss 'em!" "Are you kidding?" Cue several seconds of fondling and groping when the husband becomes impatient. "Well, are you gonna kiss em or not?" (groping continues) "I can't!" (groping continues) "What d'you mean you can't?" (groping continues) "I ain't got twenty bucks!" Cue mayhem as husband decks the groper followed by chairs and bottles flying everywhere.
  20. The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada - 8/10 Excellent film starring and directed by Tommy Lee Jones.
  21. Well, it's not the kind of comment a guy would come out with. A straight one anyway. Watched A History Of Violence and Firewall over the weekend. Both pretty good - 7/10 and 8/10.
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