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Everything posted by LargsTON

  1. This is a real bugbear of mine. Only the Albert ever seem to go to the effort of running a second bus. Surely it's the duty of the official MSC to ensure any fans that want to get to Dundee are provided with a seat? Poor show.
  2. Anyone reckon we'll see the rematch?
  3. For me? I don't care if he's being serious or not, I just want to see the thread.
  4. Where was this? A barely literate (at times) Jakeball on business in Barcelona? Doing what?
  5. For anyone wondering; this isn't a random picture. It's the new segregation mesh which I assume has been put in place for the visit of Ayr.
  6. Good night last night despite the Burns outcome. There were a group of Namibians seated directly beside the exit myself and my mates left from and it was great to see virtually every Scot who passed them stop to congratulate them and shake their hands. A couple of the women were reduced to tears. They'll certainly have been left with a good impression of the Scottish people.
  7. Going to the fight tonight, looking forward to it. Does anyone know much about this Indongo character? Burns is a huge price for the stoppage.
  8. State of this c**t. Looks like he was drinking from the first bout in the UK to the last bout in the US. Apologies.
  9. To be honest this thread should be either closed or moved to gold. So many know-alls that know f**k all.
  10. Paulies slipping more shots as the fight progresses. Glimmer of hope for feather hands.
  11. Good stoppage. Maybe a round late.
  12. I agree but PPV is here to stay and we're ripped off to a greater extent watching our respective teams. It's a cheap night in. We could be like the Yanks paying $100 then we would have something to moan about. Thankfully we'll never get to that stage even if mugs like me shell out an hours wages (give or take)
  13. Aye I realise he's just ticking over but it just seems odd a fighter of his calibre fighting in an empty arena.
  14. I don't see why folk make such a fuss about paying £15-£20 for these. Hardly breaks the bank, cheaper than hitting the boozers and more often than not a few enjoyable bouts. Stuck a few quid on most of the undercard to stimulate my interest.
  15. Likewise. Selbys had a bit of a fall from grace fighting on the arse end of a card like this.
  16. I'm not sure Motherwell fans would be too open to the idea of Duffy tbh.
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