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Everything posted by LargsTON

  1. When that first scorecard was announced I assumed the corruption i was banking on had materialised. Shocking decision. I had it 8-4 for GGG.
  2. Precisely my thinking. If GGG doesn't stop him he loses the fight.
  3. Stuck £100 on a points win for Canelo @23/10.
  4. Hey, I'm only going by what I heard the expert say. Don't shoot (nuke) the messenger.
  5. I listened to John LeBoutillier being interviewed on Talk Radio recently who confirmed Trump had the final call when pressed. I'm not going to pretend to be clued up on this subject as some on this thread are but I'll listen to the experts who certainly have more insight than yourself or me.
  6. No he doesn't. He has advisors but that's all they are. If he orders a nuke to be fired at NK that order will be carried out.
  7. Cleverly surely has to call it a day now. More one-sided than I expected.
  8. I trust you enjoyed your warm, flat and reasonably cheap Norseman pint? The toilets have had a facelift too!
  9. Nobody. You're just a fud along with your stalker. Two peas in a pod.
  10. Or just make them spend 20 mins in your company you nauseating bellend.
  11. And that's speaking as a huge Burns fan who's attended the vast majority of his fights. It's not even a contest.
  12. Burns wouldn't win a round and would get stopped within 6.
  13. You think? I've not felt the same passion for the derby since the late 90's to be honest.
  14. Nobody even wants to fight the guy. Rigondeuax, Ward, Lomachenko in that order.
  15. I still give that honour to Rigondeuax.
  16. How he's got another title shot is beyond me but I've taken him at 5/1 purely to give me an interest.
  17. Can't put my finger on it exactly but stylistically Burnett reminded me of Naz.
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