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Everything posted by LargsTON

  1. Incorrect. There's probably about 4 posters who fall under this category. Namely the stalkers and their fluffers.
  2. Morton fans have never got on with each other. There's been brawls after several games amongst rival groups of our own fans in recent years. [emoji23]
  3. Someone annoys you or your groomer you; 1) find out their name 2) find out their place of work 3) find out where they live 4) pry into their family life 5) blog about them Which ones aren't true?
  4. Believe me myself and Watson are relatively civil in comparison to others he's fallen foul of.
  5. As you well know I was pals of both parties so I did the correct thing and took a step back. You continue to deflect from your creepy behaviour though. People know what you are.
  6. You've went to the trouble of finding out where people work, their first names, used pictures off social media of family members including me with my wee girl and even mocked up images of your victims hanging from trees. Not to mention pictures of their homes. You think that's normal? Its textbook stalking and i wouldn't be surprised if you're sitting at your laptop now with a pair of boxers stolen from Tobys washing line wrapped round your head. As I said you're a ghoul and I'd hazard a guess that you and old Ernie have indulged in a bit of bestiality with his scabby greyhounds by now too. Ya moon unit.
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