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Ye Olde Hamiltonian

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Everything posted by Ye Olde Hamiltonian

  1. Apparently they were unlucky against Thistle,only being undone by defensive mistakes. As for us,letting Sowah go was a bad move I felt at the time as the guy was capable of playing a few positions and would have been a regular for me this season.That game at Paisley,it was Sowah and Ziggy who seemed to single handedly repel the wave of St.Mirren attacks until we were beaten by a lucky break of the ball. A back four this season of McGowan,Ziggy or Stanger(not playing Stanger at right back as Rice has done in friendlies),Sowah and Hunt or young Leon McCann would have sufficed and allowed us to splash any cash to strengthen our shocking midfield.
  2. Why is this Clyde v Accies game at Stenny as it suits neither team/support.Surely even playing at Firhill,New Douglas Park,Broomfield,Albion Rovers or even Pollok /Rutherglen Glencairn would have made more sense.
  3. Enjoyed reading this thread and have always taken an interest in Queens Park due to the history and status of your club. Forgetting our abject display on Saturday,I was impressed by QP on Saturday:some nice wee passing moves and players busting a gut against some in our team resting on their laurels allied with a good shape and you deserved the extra point. My brother moved to the South side and has been at more Queens games(the Martin Canning effect)than Accies and enjoys his trips to Hampden but like myself feels you guys are missing out as there are plenty of people in The South Side who want nothing to do with the gruesome twosome but want a side to support who will strive to go places instead of treading sand every year. Fwiw,my Mrs' old man was a Thirds supporter from Cathkin and there is no reason a semi-pro Queens Park with their great youth policy could not move up the Leagues in the fullness of time especially if you tap into the South Side community. All the best for the rest of the season but speaking as an outsider,sometimes you have to change to avoid being left behind in modern football.A refurbished and renamed Lesser Hampden bringing in revenue allied to turning professional will help in retaining and recruitment in respect of retaining the best of your youth and senior players.
  4. You guys need to stop fretting as you haven't seen how bad we were on Saturday versus Queens Park. What I don't get reading this and other threads is how unfit some of the SPL sides look playing against lower division teams-even ones where they only train twice a week.
  5. Well,that was 'Canningesque' and so reminiscent of last season's Betfred Cup stage. A weaker defence minus Ziggy,Kilgannon and even Sowah who came onto a game,McGowan on the bench and central midfielder Ronan Hughes playing right wing back where he was dreadful under Canning shows Rice is not learning from his professor's mistakes. Still no creativity in midfield and there needs to be a big,big improvement otherwise we won't get through this group. Well done to Queens Park,been the early 1980's since their fans were last in Hamilton(at the old Douglas Park) and they were well organised and should be nobody's pushover this season.
  6. Play like today and we will be down by Christmas. It really was Groundhog Day from Canning's League Cup team of one year ago and we have a weaker defence plus no nearer to solving the lack of a creative midfielder.
  7. McCann was great in the reserves/under 20's last two seasons,so was surprised to read of him being pumped out to the juniors as he is way above that level.
  8. Accies pay better or match most of our bottom six rivals like St.Mirren,Motherwell and Livingston,so would be surprised if they had offered much more money. Rice has stated he wants a younger,more energetic team which may explain us not "bursting the bank" to sign him but as you allude to,we desperately still need a creative midfielder. Most Accies fans would have wished him well if he had went to a side not in direct competition which is the issue here as it could come back to bite us up the jacksie. Sign the likes of Aaron Doran and it will be Tony Who?
  9. Accies fans are split on this with some saying he isn't the same player as before his bad injury(pre season will be vital for him methinks) while the majority are angry he has again joined a club who will be competing and scrapping in the same area of the League. Me:he can go fcuk himself...saying that knowing Scottish football,he will train with St.Mirren and then sign for us last day of the transfer window.
  10. There were Accies fans who tried to align the fan base to the Yes Campaign who were told to Foxtrot Oscar as supporting us is bad enough without bringing Politics into it lol. I know folk who are rabid Yessers,staunch Unionists,Communist Party and For Britain supporters in our fan base never mind Labour or Tories.It matters not a jot as long as they leave their personal opinions at the turnstile and get behind the team. Still not met a Lib.Den supporter though at NDP.
  11. Queens Park away on a Saturday would be a great away day with all the good Southside pubs.
  12. A very hearty thanks to the Accies Family who did Derek Findlay and his son Ross proud yesterday.
  13. If we had kept Canning it would have been us down automatically and Dundee in the play off with St.Mirren safe. McIntyre signed I think 10 players,Kearney six or seven and Rice one so the guy did a better job for me as he was still lumbered with Canning's dross and had to play some of them to help us over the line. Looking forward to the summer and hopefully a few coming in with a decent pedigree rather than being proven correct about most Canning signed.
  14. There are three certainties in life:death,taxes and Dundee winning in Hamilton after a terrible run. I couldn't believe watching the first half that Canning never changed it as the Dundee defence strolled it and a blind man could see Big Freddy needed help up front. I've never bought this Dundee worse side by miles as all the bottom sides are guilty of putting in days like we did today.When I saw the team,I feared the worse as the Accies midfield is the worst in the League full of players like Imrie,Kelly,Taiwo,Boyd and McKinnon who are all Championship level-only the new boy Martin from Hibs looks good enough at this level.As for Aaron Smith-surely he can't be worse than what we have utilised all season there? No surprise to us Accies fans what happened today and well done Dundee.Accies now enter games verses Hibs,Rangers,Aberdeen and Killie-three of which are away, but Accies being Accies we will pull off an unexpected win in one of them which will keep Calamity Canning in a job.
  15. The guy who founded the Accies HAFSWO Supporters Organisation in the early 1980's and was one of those who helped to save the club in 1970 turned 3-4 years ago into a Celtic fan in his mid 50's;his political pals may have had a part in this as the guy is cult daft. I also know two guys who were Accies stalwarts for over 20 years who turned into Well fans in their late 30's early 40's-can't work that one out either. Conversely,I know a few who have changed in recent years from supporting the Old Firm and are now Accies Season Ticket holders along with their kids.
  16. I would rather have Jim Watson playing than Craig Watson;the guy is a bombscare and out of his depth at this level.
  17. Not forgetting the various coffee shops down The train wreck of a town centre.
  18. Spoke to a few County fans post match in The Vaults.Good guys who realise time is still on their side as other clubs have also had bad starts.
  19. Never noticed this one.There's a well known guy goes to the Accies games called Tatty, but he lives in Larbert I think,so probably not the same guy.He is also a devout Christian so pre marital conjugal relations woud be out the window.
  20. The Mrs has a new Head Chef in the kitchen at her work.She's big,loud,tough,gay and looks like Tam Cowan.She is now known as Sargeant Strapon.
  21. Kinda looks like that ex Airdrie Chairman,George "sfa"Peat.
  22. Accies would only have defeated them as usual in the penultimate game at Cappielow.Better it ended now.Task for Moore is to keep the confidenceup,but I wouldn't be surprised to see Morton go for Billy Reid as despite the disastrous last few years,he can get a side out of this League with the right backing.Whether Morton fans would accept his manner of football is for them to decide.
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