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Posts posted by sutton01

  1. The guy in the flat next to mine at student digs went out with this girl who i vaguely know for like a week during freshers and cheated on her.

    I ended up out on a date with her on saturday and unfortunately the pair of us bumped into him when going back to mine.

    Talk about an awkward conversation especially as im pals with him and he still likes her a bit and regrets cheating hahah

  2. Start Mental Health & Counselling on the 20th, but have a week of inductions and shite from the 13th. I'm off Wednesdays. :)


    Iv got all these induction things but i really cant be bothered with them

    Just want my timetable and student card then deal with the rest as it comes

  3. Basically cause they only just found out i got sacked from my last job.

    I applied online and told them there, then when i phoned and got asked to send in my CV i did

    I had interview and they never asked why i left

    And i did some disclosure work history sorta thing after job offer was made and put down that i was sacked on that too.

    But cause it wasnt on my CV nor did i tell them at interview, they say i witheld info from them.

    Only reason they found out, is apparently my application that i did about 3 weeks ago, has only just shown up.

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