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Posts posted by sutton01

  1. Nah parents are pretty cool, and as i said have no objection to me staying weekends

    The only logic i can make sense of it with is they think il keep her up too late when she has work in the morning

    And pre-marital sex definately isn't an issue seeing as we got caught in the act in the past and they still talk to me.

    Im sure they have reasoning that makes no sense, but the gf still wont want to risk going against it :(

  2. I have Street Fighter IV, Saints Row 2, GRID Racedriver and Top Spin 3 that I would be willing to get rid of as I went a bit daft and bought them all but only ever play Pro Evo. Saints Row 2 is probably the only one that has had any more than 15 mins game time so they're all as good as new.

    All for PS3

    How much you after for Saints Row 2?

    Only games i got atm are GT5 and Tiger Woods 08 though so cash might be better for you

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