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  1. For those of us that remember the old Um Bongo adverts, according to Wikipedia Joel is in fact of Congolese descent. Probably best not to use it as a chant, all the same.
  2. I just stumbled across this Juve kit from a couple of seasons back...
  3. This is the big question though, where do you get a striker that can do Ruth things, and is happy to sit on the bench?
  4. Aye, you didn’t see him at the start of his stint with us…
  5. You can wear a kilt to your own wedding, but not liking a horrendous tartan on your team’s football strip is apparently a hate crime.
  6. You and me both. i would also move the sponsor out of the bands to keep nice clean lines there, but that’s just me.
  7. As someone that couldn’t attend what was this statistics presentation? Was it about underlying statistics of the season just gone, or something else?
  8. This has been a fantastic day of business. If we can strengthen from here, we should stay up relatively comfortably I reckon. Additional signings of quality will be key from here.
  9. I’m obviously not a Raith fan, but as someone (with no talent) that trained with him for the school team right across the railway line from Starks, this is a cracking story.
  10. I’ve said it already, but if Ruth does sign up for next season, that’s absolutely huge for us. He’s pretty much irreplaceable.
  11. It wouldn’t be the daftest idea in the world for him to stay on with us to have a crack at League One. One year contract, gets to prove himself at a higher level in an environment he’s comfortable in, and he can move on up if he proves himself at that level. There are untold risks for his career if he moves to a different club under a different manager.
  12. Thankfully the car was still there more than twelve hours later, miracles do happen. Speaking of fair play to Faz, I guess he’s up to par now after evening out relegating us? Michale Ruth could never play for us again and still be a hero to me. Here’s hoping he fancies another season with us…
  13. Drove down and parked up in Pilton this morning and walked into the centre to work from the Edinburgh office. Not far off walking back to Pilton now. Bricking it.
  14. We got away with one with the penalty claim, but it’s hard not feel feel sore about Sonkur not seeing red, then scoring their goal.
  15. Sonkur stamped backwards at Ruth after bundling him over in the middle of the pitch at the far side.
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