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Everything posted by city_gord

  1. Yes, she is about 3 months. And crazy.Eta - So it is the Man City game. She sat there for both games though .
  2. Here is my cat Bella taking a front row seat for the Arsenal - Bayern game. And here she is keeping an eye on my Double Decker and cup of tea.
  3. Someone on my news feed who always goes on about motorbikes and how great they are just shared this picture and story... The Honda crotch rocket rider was traveling at approximately 85 mph. The VW driver was talking on a cell phone when she pulled out from a side street, apparently not seeing the motorcycle. The rider's reaction time was not sufficient enough to avoid this accident. The car had two passengers and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car with them. The Volkswagen actually flipped over from the force of impact and landed 20 feet from where the collision took place. All three involved (two in the car and the bike rider) were killed instantly. This graphic demonstration was placed at the Motorcycle Fair by the Police and Road Safety Department.. Pass this on to car drivers or soon to be new drivers, or new motorcycle owners and especially everyone you know who has a MOBILE phone!!! A picture is worth a thousand words. Save a life. Stop talking on mobile phones and Texting while trying to drive. The life you save may be your own..... Or mine... Keep passing this on so everyone will see what can happen by using a mobile PHONE while driving I pointed out that perhaps the motorcycle travelling at 85 mph also contributed to the crash. I'm still awaiting a response...
  4. First three statuses on my news feed this morning... Happy mothers day to my mummy..love you!! Xxx Happy Mothers day to all you lovely Mums, hope you get spoilt, wish my Mum was still here to spoil.xx Wishing my wonderful mum a happy Mother's Day! While most people will be enjoying family time and a day off, she will be busy helping people get better. Love you mum xxxxxx I suspect this will carry on all day!
  5. One of my friends liked this page so I decided to have a wee look. https://www.facebook.com/amanda.tod.r.i.p The thought of someone using my name to post shite like this frightens me more than death itself.
  6. The girl who was kind enough to 'share' this with me is constantly posting pish like this. The worst thing about it is that there have been four people like it in 10 minutes.
  7. Similarly to this, my girlfriends sisters 18 year old pal was round at our house the other night and was using the laptop to check her Facebook account. She doesn't have 'massive' chebs as such, but they do appear to be of decent size and shape. I am a bit unsure as it has proven difficult to get a good look due to the presence of my afore-mentioned girlfriend. However, she is a bonnie enough looking lass. She had something like 2090 friends and around 50 notifications when she signed in. I asked if she even knew all these people and she said "some" of them. She then showed me her pending friend requests, there were over 200 of them. She barely knew any of them as the majority were guys who had seen her profile picture and were adding her in the hope of getting a ride. As soon as she signed in her chat thing lit up with guys saying things such as "hey babe, thnks 4 da add. wotcha upto? xxx". Absolutely cringeworthy! It would appear that Facebook is now a popular teenage dating site and no longer just a means to keep in touch with friends and family. I also had this appear on my newsfeed today... has had a gd day 2day and is lookin forward 2 a few vinos 2nite wi a m8 Is that even English?
  8. There have been a few lassies on mine in the last few days coming out with "Need a hug " or some variation of that. I'm not sure if their attention seeking is more annoying or the people who comment "virtual hug coming your way" or "Big hugs hunni xxxx" Twats, the lot of them!
  9. How many letter r there in the a-bet? 19-cuz ET went home on a UFO+the FBI went aftr HIM ! And the same girl... House work all done kids away down for a nap I think I will got for a nap be4 I go to work I can't see why she would think anyone actually gives a f**k about her shit life.
  10. This is similar to how I imagine cavemen talked to each other...
  11. This appeared on my news feed today... This is probably the shittest thing I have ever seen, not just on Facebook but anywhere!
  12. Yesterday my newsfeed had a girl complaining that Facebook hadn't notified anyone that it was her birthday. She was expecting all the usual "Happy Bday Chick xxx" messages but got f**k all! :lol: She spent the rest of the day checking in at restraunts and pubs and writing things like "Birthday drinkies" to try and get as much attention as possible. Now deleted.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Friendship-wid-u-ix-my-favourite-mixtake/231397800210337 https://www.facebook.com/rishav.is.waiting https://www.facebook.com/fallen4luv?sk=wall https://www.facebook.com/First.Crush.Is.Memorable https://www.facebook.com/pages/ThE-BeSt-FeElInG-In-LiFe-Is-To-SeE-SoMeOnE-HaApY-BeCoZ-Of-U/183265211719579 https://www.facebook.com/aryan.smile.lips One of my "friends" has liked these pages in the last hour. What a twat! That's the easiest deleting decision I have ever made.
  14. A person that loses a partner is called a widow. A child who loses a parent is called an orphan. But there is no word to describe a parent that loses a child, because the loss is like no other. So will you put this as your status for just 1 hour?? I'm pretty sure I know the ones that will. Think of someone you know or love who has lost a baby or a child, and take a few mins 2 remember their baby
  15. I have seen a few of these. The people posting them are also the twats who copy and pasted the ones about facebook charging aswell. Idiots. On September 31st 2013 Facebook will start charging you for your account. To avoid this, you MUST get NAKED, stand on your dining room table and do the Macarena, all while singing "I Will Survive". Then, and only then, will Mark Zuckerberg come down your chimney to tell you that your account will stay free. Pass it on, it must be true because someone on Facebook I hardly know told me. X ~Facebook JUST Released their NEW MEMBERSHIP CHARGES===> ~£9.99 for IDIOTS, £6.99 CROSS-EYED PEOPLE, £3.99 for special dribbly people, but it's free if you post a pic of yourself with a homemade foil hat on, goggles and most importantly swimming armbands (DO NOT FORGET THE ARMBANDS) by midnight tonight. When you sign in tomorrow, you will be prompted for your star sign. It is official, it was confirmed by my friend's, wife's, brother's cousin, who heard it from his nurse in the special hospital -also confirmed by the voices that speak to him personally! These charges are all due to the new changes. If you post your pic, your icon will turn blue, and FB will be free for you, AND as a bonus you will also get a SPECIAL jacket to hug yourself (choice of colours available). Please pass this message on, if not your account will never be the same again once the ALIENS have tampered with it! It's gotta be true. I read it on Facebook!! =P lol Both people deleted And someone likes this page... Dnt u find it Funny tht aftr Monday(M) & Tue(T), d rest of the wek sys WTF? That was my favourite delete so far. Everything about that page and person was just so shit.
  16. This rant has appeared on my news feed at least four times recently from oil rig workers... The Urine test (This was written by an oil rig worker in the North Sea - What he says makes a lot of sense!) I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to earn that pay cheque, I work on a rig for a drilling contractor. I am required to pass a random urine test for drugs and alcohol, with which I have no problem. ... What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a benefits cheque because I have to pass one to EARN IT for them? Please understand that I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their arse drinking beer and smoking dope. Could you imagine how much money the government would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a benefit cheque? Please pass this along if you agree or simply delete it if you don't. Hope you will pass it along though, because something has to change in the UK
  17. I had this appear in my news feed yesterday... URGENT NEWS: Tayside Police is appealing for information as they attempt to trace a missing child in Montrose. The youngster - who's female, around 2-3 years of age and wearing a red sleep suit - was last seen with a man at around 715AM on Union Street. Officers say the girl looked pale and may be… requiring medical attention. The man's described as around 20 - 30 years of age with receding hair, an Eastern European accent and wearing a brown suede jacket and blue jeans. 0300 111 2222 Followed 15 minutes later with "The girl has been found". Perhaps a bit of an over reaction there then!
  18. My news feed has been filled with shite from a guy I used to work with who has gone on holiday to Spain. Even leading up to the holiday it was drivel like "only 37 hours n i will b in the air. canna wait." Since then he has checked himself in at Prestwick Airport, commented on his plane, checked in at his hotel, posted about being delighted at finding Buckfast, posted about finding a pub to watch "The Rangers", posted pictures from his balcony, an almost hourly update with what temperature it is, and we have had a running commentary of every night out he has been on. I am looking forward to deleteing this idiot, but first I will wait until next month for the inevitable "omg, just got ma fone bill and it was ova 200 quid".
  19. I've made mistakes being your Mum, sometimes more than I would like to admit. But I will always be there for you, to hear you, cheer for you, to laugh or cry with you, to protect you with my life, and sometimes tell you things you don't want to hear. I will love you for eternity. No one will ever love you more than I do, because I am your Mum. Re-post if you have children that you love with a... Other than this being another of these incredibly shit "re-post if" statuses, it would appear that somewhere down the copy and pasting chain some moron has missed out the last part. So I am now wondering if one of my "friends" can't manage a simple copy and paste task or if they are so stupid that they copy something that isn't even complete! I don't care if she is my mother. She has been deleted.
  20. I've had these from the same person in the last hour... My curfew was the street lights, and my mum didn't call my mobile she yelled "time to come in". I played outside with my friends, not online. If I didn't eat what my mum made me then I didn't eat. Hand sanitizer didn't exist, but you could get your mouth washed out with soap, and your parents could kick your arse without being done for assault. i have much respect for the way i was brought up even if it was tough at times. Re-post this if you also turned out fine Except she didn't turn out fine, she got knocked up at 15 and hasn't worked a day in her life! 6 years: Mom knows everything ! 8 years: Mom knows alot ! 12 years: Mom really doesn't know everything ! 14 years: Mom knows nothing ! 16 years: Mom, what mom ! 18 years: Mom is outdated ! 25 years: Maybe Mom knows! 35 years: Before deciding, let's ask Mom! 45 years: I wonder what Mom thinks! 75 years: I wish.Mom was here to ask Thumbs Up! if you have the BEST MOM IN THE WORLD ! And just incase it wasn't shit enough the first time, 10 minutes later we got... At 3 yrs old we say: "Mommy, I love you". At 10: "Mom whatever!" At 16:"My mom is so annoying" At 18: "I wanna leave this house". At 25:"Mom, you were right". At 30: "I wanna go back to my Mom's house" At 50: "I don't wanna lose my Mom". At 70: "I would give up EVERYTHING for my Mom to be here with me". You only have one Mom. *LIke if u ♥ your mom* And with that she is deleted.
  21. The Inbetweeners movie is out in the next couple of days. Are we all ready for status updates like, Omg, just been to see the Inbetweeners movie. Sooooo funny lol. *insert line from film about 'clunge' here* I can't wait!
  22. My girlfriend posted this on her sisters wall... Your sister is your first friend in life. No one will ever understand your crazy family like your sister. Even if you don't get together or talk as much as you would like, she'll always remain your friend. Its "National Sister Week", repost if you have a sister you love. Needless to say she is now my ex and is currently trying to slavage some of her stuff from a pile of smouldering ashes in our garden.
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