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Everything posted by squeezeboxson

  1. So in summary... Clyde are in fact a diddy team, despite all the shite they spouted last week. Looked toothless to me. We have work to do, but if you defend well and don't concede too many goals then you will always have a chance in games! Another very good goal tonight as well. Agree, not convinced with the 'keeper despite everyone thinking he is the best we have had since Alan Martin. But he is the best option we have. As I already said, work to be done but we are making progress and the squad seems somewhat better balanced than a couple of weeks ago. Would be handy to get the injured guys fit again though!
  2. That was far easier than expected. I did suspect that with Airdrie signing up every player that became available (many of them seemed a bit bizarre) that they would lack quality. Seen a few mention they think Airdrie will be at the top end of the table but on that showing they will be nowhere near it. We were well organised, full of energy and with Wilson keen to make runs you always have a chance. Nice to see Wedderburn turn in a performance (particularly 2nd half) that I was expecting of him too!
  3. Why would the SPFL make things "uncomfortable for Dumbarton"?
  4. Let's give May Wedderburn the 100 games it took Kyle Hutton to find decent form before we rush to judgement. As it happens I thought he was excellent yesterday; yes, he takes wrong turnings and can lose possession but it's been a long time since I've seen a Sons player who can kill the ball with his first touch and then play it - he found team-mates yesterday far more often than not. I thought he was a good signing and I still do, let's give him longer before we rush to judgement. I should maybe clear up - I'm not rushing to any kind of judgement. I'll give any player a chance in a sons shirt. I was simple of the opinion that he should be producing better performances than he did yesterday and the only reason I voiced my opinion was because a few had come on here to praise him. I thought he was wasteful in possession and clumsy in given away fouls too often. Fwiw, I always thought Kyle Hutton was getting a bit of a hard time of it when many of our fans were on his back and things. But, at the end of the day, that's just my opinion.
  5. I know Wedderburn has divided opinions wherever he went but I was quite excited (kinda) when he signed. However, it seems I am in the minority in thinking he has been mediocre so far. Gives away possession more than he retains it and is so clumsy at times bumbling into tackles. He has been absolutely nowhere near the standard that Kyle Hutton showed us last year, in what is a very similar position. On the plus side, we got a point and didn't lose today, where we would often have lost a goal in the last 5/10 minutes. We have work to do, of course, but don't we always at this stage?
  6. Not much in it to be honest. The trialist looks like a decent option to far. Either side just one wee bit of creativity (or quality if I'm being optimistic...) from a goal.
  7. Guessing maybe a winger? Would be good if it was and a reasonable one at that...
  8. Can't say my opinion has changed much on anything viewing things again (with the alternative camera angle). Dabrowski looks slow to react to the 1st considering how far it has come. There's absolutely nothing in the penalty. Never a foul in build up to our 1st goal. Awful play in the lead to the 3rd goal. Looks a clumsy but correct red card. Work to be done with our squad this week anyway.
  9. I said the same at the time straight away. Looked to go over him and was far from being in the corner and/or out of reach. ETA: I didn't want to shout too much about it until I seen it again as in real time it was hard to say.
  10. So frustrating that if we had actually bothered our arses in the first half and not given away 2 terrible goals and had a soft pen against us then we could easily have gotten something from that game. Clyde looked comfortable on the ball first half but didn't have to show any quality whatsoever to get their goals. Lots of work needed from here you have to say.
  11. I really don't think Sam Wardrop is anywhere near as good as most of our fans thought he was when he re-signed. That was awful from him and then just as bad from Forbes for the 3rd goal. Clyde haven't had to work hard and have scored 3 goals
  12. My page seemed to flash up saying error when I was processing payment - I clicked again and it has charged me twice for it. Which would be fine if it sent a code to access and I could've passed it to someone else for use. Given it is through my account I'm disappointed it's even possible to be charged twice. Will make contact to look for a refund tomorrow. Otherwise a reasonable service and little issues. Frustrating to lose to such a debatable pen and felt in the 2nd half we played some nice stuff without creating too much. Just lacking a little quality throughout but flashes of what is to come hopefully!
  13. I see the lad Rohan Ferguson has signed for Queen of the South. Who else can we expect to come in between the sticks? Can't see us going with 2 loanees but will it be a young/unknown/unproven backup 'keeper or will we look to sign someone to compete for the no 1 jersey? Basically I'm fed up of the lack of transfer speculation
  14. Hopefully once we start training this week we can get some bodies in and around for the management team to have a good look at. Would be nice to get another couple in over the next week or two.
  15. Why should you be beating Dumbarton? It's a game you could win and are capable of winning as proved earlier this season but we're hardly cannon fodder for Clyde. This pretty much. Clyde have absolutely no right to be expecting to beat Dumbarton. We are 7 points better off having played the same amount of matches. I think if anything we should be beating you guys. Perhaps your bunch went into the match expecting a win and that's why they put in such a dire display?
  16. He was a bit all over the place and a couple of his bookings for our guys were questionable to say the least. But fortunately his poor decision making didn't change the outcome of the match.
  17. To be fair, I have seen East Fife twice this season (missed today) and they are comfortably the best footballing side I have seen. They play nice, quick football and they don't give you a second on the ball. The recipe for complete disaster when you start with Hutton, Carswell, McKee and Forbes. I think Jim has a lot of work to do to figure out our best formation. We have bodies at least but options mean choices - something I would rather have than not.
  18. We are now closer to the relegation playoff than we are to Montrose who are right above us... lots of hard work ahead of us.
  19. A lot of our fans were optimistic and positive following the last few days... wonder if that has gone fairly early?
  20. Apparently we have to "bring back Nade"... Concerning how low we are in numbers right enough. Surely we must be able to get a couple of young guys in on short term deals at least until JD can try to work on getting some extra bodies in.
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