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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Cook wasnt scoring like he normally does and I reckon he should be allowed to have a regulation form dip like any other player. Its not as if he was an absolute disaster though. The top three actually did OK in the last teast, definite signs that Root was working on oving forwads on these slow pitches, Trott did OK and Cook was alright. The openers have struggled all the same, Cook was simply out of form as was Trott, Root had a tough start as a newbie opener. It was a big call to fling him in as an opener and while you could argue it wasn't working as brilliantly as hoped, he will definitely get better. I reckon all three will do better down there, the pitches are faster and they all like that. There is absolutely no chance Cooks captaincy is in question either. Look at his actual record as captain, its quite good! An ashes win and an away series win in India is good for any players CV. His teams havent actually lost too many test matches since he was made captain.
  2. Yes there are a few times when the umpires could have given a kick up the arse to either side. They have the power to fine but I actually think it would be better if they penalised the actual teams in some way. Not sure what would be the best thing to do though. Add six runs for every over not bowled in the day or something? But then again, what do you do if its the batting side continually changing gloves or moaning about some mythical person moving behind the bowlers arm? You could take runs away from them I suppose but how do you do that? Whp actually loses the runs? The batsman at the time? Fines obviously dont work well and dont get enforced much, there should have been fines in this test I suppose, but other than some folk that barely watch test cricket normally, having a whine about what was going on, I didn't have a problem with what either side did in the context of the game at the time. It was still a bugger to have had to chuck it with four overs to go, especially with 4-0 looming
  3. I don't think England actually timewasted in their first innings at all. They were confronted with a large total and in the first innings and the priority in that case is to rule out the Australian win. It would have been incredibly easy to have gone for it and lost cheap wickets and they could have ended up struggling. There was also a shit forecast for Saturday which at very least meant a lot of cricket being lost to rain. Australias decision to declare was more or less right as there was around forty overs left, you can bet your lifeif they have knocked over a few quick wickets that England would have been in trouble and the over rate would have been right up at fifteen or sixteen an hour. Collapses happen in those circumstances so often in the last innings. As it was the declaration would never have come had England not skooshed on with the scoring rate on the last day. They scored well over three hundred runs in the four hundred odd scored and gave it a chance of opening up. If they had simply batted time again, nothing would have happened and there wouldn't have been a declaration at all. There shouldn't be any moaning about either Englands progress on Friday or what Australia did yesterday. They were both dealing with the situation at the time and thats whats good about test cricket. The umpires now have the sole decision regarding light, back in the day it would have been offered to England and theyd have refused to go off, thats not even an option now, which in my opinion is wrong. It was a shitty way to end the test but on reflection it was fair enough and Australia were quite right to slow it right down, just as England were quite right to have speeded things up at their end. Its a brilliant game! I cannot wait for the next series and one of my mates is going down there for a couple of the tests, including the boxing day test. b*****d.
  4. Australia were looking for quick breakthroughs early on, when they didn't come and it was looking like England were opening up a bit the over rate slowed down. They were going at 12 overs an hour in that innings so they realised they had to go for the draw that way. No problems with that at all, again its down to the umpires to enforce slow play rules, and it's just the same as England were doing in their first innings. The declaration was an attempt by Clarke to see what would happen. The total was gettable, but was going to be tight as this sint one day cricket and you can bowl wide and down the leg side and set negative fields whenever you like. The over rate can be slowed down as it's a time thing too although you are "obliged" to get through a certain number in a days play. I dont really understand why they dont start tests eary like they can do in Other parts of the world though as it helps get rid of the bad light issue at the end of a days play. There are issues in England with conditions of play, you certainly get a bit more moisture in the pitch before 11o'clock but so what? As Bycott would say, they played on uncovered pitches for nearly a century anyway. It was a good ending to the series in a test that looked like it was going to drift on for a draw. It was still a draw of course, but a more exciting draw than it might have been. The sight of Clarke whining about bad light as his arse was collapsing was also quite entertaining. I think it also showed that England simply play quite ruthlessly really. When the chance to win the match was presented to them they clearly stepped up to it which may have surprised the Aussies a bit who were probably hoping for another bat for time job like the first innings. I have no issue with the way England played, the match would certainly have drifted to a dull draw had it not been for Clarke looking to take a win into the next series. As it was, he nearly made an arse of his team and it was them that had to "go negative". Some ridiculous selection decisions although Woakes did OK, Kerrigan will go back to county cricket and hopefully Monty will be in a better place and they pick him.. Australia have their team more or less sorted now, Harris stayed fit and proved he is a class bowler and Faulkner showed he is decent and not a bottle merchant too. The next series will be tighter because of this and that is no bad thing really. England did a job here, they won the iportant bits of the tests although they didn't ever really impress fully. They won the series comfortably without real contributions from Cook, Root, Trott and Prior, but I'm pretty sure most of them will do better out there anyway. Englands quick bowlers will prefer the wickets down under too, although Anderson can perform on pretty much anything these days, it will benefit Broad, Finn, Tremlett and whoever else gets picked. Swann too does OK out there. 12 weeks! Yass!
  5. And what about opiates? They have been around for centuries here. Surely, using your time method then these should all be legalised because theyve been around for ages?
  6. There is no justification for banning any drug. Its up to individuals to decide what shite they want to put in their bodies, there is absolutely no point in listening to pious arseholes ritually condemning various drugs while they tan in to alcohol themselves without seemingly realising that its a drug in itself. If someone is intent on drinking themselves t death then let them do it. Offer them help if they wish, ignore themif they don't. The same should go for any drug available.
  7. Lampooning Islam? You should try it. I wonder if your headless corpse will be displayed from a crane for your troubles?
  8. It was all sort of inevitable really. Sometimes the last test can be the crucial one, or like this one, it doesn't matter. I think when the Aussies won the toss and batted on that thing and made the big score then it was almost inevitable that England were going to bat time if they could. The forecast was known to be poor for the weekend anyway. It was fairly gruesome stuff yesterday, allied to the way the Aussies bowl it hasn't made for great viewing.
  9. Islamism is. Thanks for displaying your ignorance though.
  10. Who welcomes Islam? I certainly fucking don't. Its a vile ideology peddled by fascist authoritarian cuntbags. And welcomed by chinless leftarded fucks, who will be the first ones getting ther throats slit by these pig fuckers.
  11. That would still make ALL of them smarter than you all the same.
  12. It would have been almost understandable, if those two newbies had been sniffing around the squad for a while or even been close to knocking on the door. Woakes had played one day crap but its not the same as test cricket. Kerrigan seems to be some sort of mass panic reaction to Monty taking a slash on a bouncer the other week. It is so completely out of character for the England set up to do this which is why it's so weird. As for this game. Good century from Smith, he batted nicely and has deserved a century this series. He looks like a test player more and more, and considering he wasnt expected to be playing much, thats good for the Aussies. A score of around 500 is good on that wicket and is about what youd expect for a decent side to get. Looking at Englands efforts late on it seems that the wicket is still OK to bat on, they were getting a bit of conventional swing going but only if they pitched right up and that SHOULDN'T bother test batsmen too much. It will be a big batting day tomorrow, England can pretty much do the go slow thing again if they want to, there is no pressure on them to do anything in this game really, the batsmen need to concentrate on getting big scores and killing the game. Siddle looked the best of the Australian bowlers tonight, Harris was wayward compared to his usual self and Starc was bowling utter filth although there was always the random chance he would pluck a good ball from nowhere.
  13. Thanks for your input. Stellar as usual.
  14. Shouting racist, homophobe, islamaphobe or whatever a phobe is the latest lefty shite and how these spangles attempt to close down discussion. Stick a label on someone and shout a lot. It can be fairly effective at times, but the impact of these words is gradually being eroded through inappropriate use by these fools. Its the boy that cried wolf scenario and they are too thick to realise.
  15. He has YOU all bent out of shape with hatred.
  16. I like the way he sticks the boot into Islam. He's dead right as well in spite of the "whateveraphobewearethrowingaboutnow wailing of the fanny leftards around here.
  17. He's a Shane Watson type bowler who can be used to hold an end up to give the proper bowlers a rest. England don't really need a bowler like that when they have Swann around as he can do that job fine. Need a look at the guys batting now obviously.
  18. Yes, thats a possibility. He's a fourth choice seamer though by the look of it, it doesn't plug the gaping hole in the bowling attack.
  19. He's playing his county cricket in the second division. Fair enough, Monty has been out on the piss for weeks now but I reckon he could have turned up half cut and produced better.
  20. England have never needed two spinners this series, they went thre nil by operating with one world class spinner and three good seamers. Thats what they should have done here, instead they went with one world class spinner, a guy whose specialist delivery seems to be the one that goes straight on. Two good seamers, and Woakes who looks less threatening than Johnathon Trott. As strange team selections go, that one is right up there. Absolutely no idea why they didn't go with Tremlett or Finn and just leave Bairstow where he was for the last test. I havent spoken to a single person anywhere that can understand the selection decision. Its not even as if either of the new guys have been tearing it up in county cricket. They were nowhere near the test squad prior to this and then suddenly win caps? Someone like Tremlett or Finn hammering the ball down fast on that wicket would have been a good option for Cook to turn to, all he was left with was Trott and crossing his fingers that Woakes didn't get too badly raped.
  21. I havent seen that big a bottle crash in a debutever I don't think. I certainly cant think of anything quite as bad. His action is suspect for a kick off,he bowls round arm which means bounce is pretty much ruled out his game. Swann and Panesar both have high actions which means they will find it a lot easier to drop the ball on the same spot for ball after ball. Panesar in aprticular gets a lot of bounce even if the ball isnt spinning that much which means he can at least bowl an end to let the captain rest and rotate the seamers. And Kerrigan doesn't look like he rips it that much either.FFS, what a fucking calamity of a debut spell. Cook will be shitting it for the rest of the match if he is confronted with the prospect of letting him have another shot. Woakes, looks ordinary too but at least he recovered from his ropey beginning and got his line and length right. He didn't look capable of getting wickets though. As for Watson, he looked good, and he got the big score he has looked capable of doing. I like the bloke, I think he is a good player and his confidence will build from this. His bowling is vital for Australia too as he ties up and end and doesnt leak runs and nicks the odd wicket too. He seems to get a harder time than he should do from a lot of folk. He does have the LBW issue ongoing, but he batted a bit straighter yesterday and although he was out LBW earlyish on he cashed in on a lot of shite bowled at him and he paced his innings really nicely. It took a major catch to get him out too. Australia need to be looking at over 500 if they can although the rain might have changed conditions a fair bit and made it a bit better for bowling. Will find that out soon enough. Even so, with 300 up already they have to be confident of nailing this game. Its already there for them if they play well. Smith looked good apart from his first ball swipe and should be looking to get his century, the major glimmer of hope for England is Australais tail has pretty much started already. Siddle and Haddin can waft the bat of course, but realistically, England need to try and knock the tail over swiftly, something they havent been very good at really in general. And there are a few English batsmen "due" as well. I enjoyed yesterdays play, it was good to see Watson do well and I thought both Broad and Anderson deserved better than they go, they both bowled well and Broad was quite hostile at times. Swann had a shitload of bowling to do thanks to the calamitous efforts from Kerrigan and Woakes (although Woakes did recover). It actually augers well for Woakes that he got his act together because he could have been traumatised by Watsons demolition ofhis opening spell. Kerrigan could well be shot to bits though. It will be interesting to see how much bowling he gets now.
  22. He's finished, whatever has gone wrong in his personal life has spilled over into his cricket now. A shame really as he is a good bowler and was being picked for squads ahead of Kerrigam because he is a better bowler at the moment. As for who plays. Neither of the two newbies willplay. Its a sdtraight pick between Finn and Tremlett. I saw Tremlett in some t20 game last week and he was barely scraping 80mph and looked unfit. I think this was maybe down to the run up being wet and he was protecting himself a bit, but his record in county cricket has not exactly been screaming at the selectors to pick him. I'd still possibly sway towards Finn, he is younger and he is faster and the oval wicket should suit him OK. That said, it would also suit a fully fit Tremlett and if there is any doubt whatsoever about his ability to lay it on the line in this test he shouldnt be getting picked. Everyone knows what he could do when he was fit, but although he has been getting over in for his county, he hasn't been getting rave reviews. Those two are both new ball bowlers and need to be given the fucking new ball so they can make the most of their game. I dont see any other unenforced changes for this. The Tremlett thing is the only real area they might debate I think. I suppose they will be lookig hard at him in practice though and he was drafted in for the last test for the same reason.
  23. White folk only do racist murders, because only white folk can be racist b*****ds?
  24. It is probably going to be Tremlett in for Bresnan then. No rest for Jimmy yet. Too bad for Bresnan actually as he did a good job when he has played so far. Tremlett should do OK though and he might ruffle the Aussies a bit. He probably isn't going to rip through their batting line up all the same, but if he is on song he is a big problem on fast bouncy wickets. England will be going in with quite a long tail though especially with Prior having done f**k all with the bat. He is due some runs though but he is way out of form and his keeping is fairly shit too anyway. I can understand why Geoffrey is calling on Bairstow to be given more wicket keeping duties in the near future with an eye on replacing Prior in due course. Bairstow coming in at seven makes a bit more sense than him coming in at six with his flawed technique and playing across the line all the time. As a destructive wicket keeper/batsman in the Prior type mould he will do for me actually. Bresnan has to put his body right through the mill in order to bowl at "test pace" and it is certainly going to take its toll on him if he plays many more tests. Its a shame as he is quite close to being a half decent all rounder type if he can manage to bat like he did in the last test, he is no mug as a batsman and should have shown it a lot more for England. Hopefully he can be fit enough to get in the tour party.
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