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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Only 30% want what Salmond and shis shower of fannies are offering though. 61% want either what we have now or some unspecified change WITHIN THE UNION.
  2. cant find the raw data for the poll yet the percentages are this by the look of it 30% independence 32% more devolution 29% current devolution deal 9% don't know
  3. 30% want independence. 61% want either devolution OR more devolution. Essentially its much the same as all the polls already tell us that only a minority of Scots want to leave the union. Are you still laughing?
  4. Was talking to my cousin in Canada. Apparently he and his family have spent the past fortnight skiing. Not spectacular for a Canadian of course, but its -30 there just now so its frostbite territory. But what made us both very cheerful was that his small kids were able to know what snow was. Especially since Al Gore told us back in 2007 that snow was going to disappear by 2013.
  5. Try and find it online somewhere its quite funny. And Brett wasn't at full tilt. Managed to hit him a couple of times too
  6. anyone see Piers Morgan facing down Brett Lee in the nets yesterday? Morgan must have been pished when he agreed to that. Brave, and stupid.
  7. I guess I won't be buying cheap cooking champagne in M&S in case some Muslim bigot decides not to serve me. I don't want to buy ritually slaughtered meat yet it's foisted on me by plenty of supermarkets because of Muslim bigots and their belief system. Get them to f**k off, or set up their own facilities for serving one another whatever the f**k they like, killing it however they like etc etc.
  8. Just had a punter in this morning. He's a bit of a down on his luck ex landed gentry type but he is a funny guy. Anyway, he has a farm up in deepest darkest Ayrshire and the place is "quaint" its very like the farm Caractacus Potts has in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. It still has the original earth floors and stuff like that. He came in wielding an old miners hat complete with working lamp on the front. This was a Christmas present for his wife so that she could still cook for him when there was a power cut.
  9. Oh yeah that should be motivation enough. It certainly is a fairly limited side but they have done a great job on this England top order and they have been brutal to the likes of Swann. That's impressive. I doubt very much this Australian side would have lifted themselves to these heights for anyone other than England either, the series being back to back has been a big help to them.
  10. Drivel. It puts to bed the lie that the UK is the 4th most unequal society in the world as we are told by the ethno nats. It also puts us above the countries held up as shining examples to us all by the nat clown collective. Just shows you how you can find whatever you want from stuff doesn't it? BTW I notice that the white paper was 18% out with its estimates of the costs to set up the tax collecting system in Scotland. Have they mentioned this yet over on wangs or newsnut? Didn't think so..
  11. A slightly better fist of it towards the end by England. Stokes played extremely well but he pretty much gave his wicket abeing ruffled by the previous ball. He batted really nicely though and Clark was definitely getting a little bit twitchy. Australia thoroughly deserved to take the Ashes back this time, their bowling in particular has been magnificent. They have worked brilliantly well as a group of bowlers, identified the areas to bowl and more crucially, not to bowl to each batsman and carried this out with ruthless discipline. The main difference has been the introduction of Johnson who was hostile and accurate in the first two tests. He was marginally less effective in this test against the top order but he was good enough to run through the rabbits as a fast bowler ought to. His reintroduction made all the difference and if he can keep himself in this zone he will be a huge player for the Aussies for a few years to come. A big if when you look at his career, but he is older and maybe knows his game a bit better now. As for England, there are one or two of the established guys that look shot through now and might never recover. Swann has gone I reckon, Anderson was always liable to struggle in Australian conditions but he needs to be rested up for the English summer and see if he can do it in another series. Broad did fine, Stokes looks like he will be able to hold an end up but what happened to Tremlett,Finn etc. Bresnan had a fucked back and was heaved back into the team and although he didnt let anyone down, it was a bit desperate. Onions wasnt included on the tour bizarrely. I suppose the next two test will be career defining for a few English guys now and we will see if the Aussies really want to tramp on English throats and keep the sort of discipline they had in the first three tests now that they have done what they wanted to. I dont suppose they will relax right enough but you never know.
  12. Most of the folk I know who enjoy cricket will "support" England but not totally root for them if you know what I mean? If you want to watch test cricket in the UK then you're going to be going to England test matches held in England by and large as its fairly easy to go to the likes of Durham, Old Trafford, Leeds, Nottingham etc. The majority of these folk will also play the sport at club level or have played it as kids and just like the sport. I 've been to watch Scotland a few times but it tends to be one day stuff which if you genuinely appreciate the game isn't really the same as watching the test playing nations, its a notch down from that. Still quite good fun though. I like cricket, and I quite like it when England do OK, but I don't actually support them. I am just as happy watching Tendulkar, or Shane Warne or Viv Richards or whoever the top players currently are doing their thing. Most Scottish cricket fans are the same. They just enjoy the sport for what it is.
  13. I missed the entire days play due to "christmas celebrations" but thats the ashes off to live down under for a spell. Looks like another gutless batting collapse. I'll have a swatch at the highlights later and see what happened..
  14. Fairly even stuff so far. This is potentially the first time England arent completely doomed looking by the start of the third day. They still have a lot to do and that wicket is beginning to get the big cracks which should make things hilarious when England bat the second time around. The openers were alright, got a few breaks for once, Root got a bit of an iffy one by the look of it which was unfortunate and KP made an arse of it and got out to his rinse and repeat routine with Siddle. The one main worry now is that England got a bit bogged down when they lost a couple of wickets. The momentum went right out their innings which led to Pietersens frustrated howk I,m sure. They have to get into the right mindset tomorrow, play their shots and get the bad balls away as often as possible. Should be quite an interesting morning session to see what happens. If these two can make a partnership or one of them can make a big score then there is the prospect of Australia having to bat under pressure for the first time in the series. I was impressed with how the Aussie bowlers took the momemntum right away from England by denying them runs. That was good bowling, they built a bit of pressure doing that. They certainly werent blowing anyone away with raw pace this time, but they bowled tightly enough and kept the discipline that England had lacked in the first day. I thought Watson was excellent too, he looks like a fat mess coming in to bowl, but he is quite quick and he bowls a good line consistently well. Great bloke to have around a side.
  15. No.This is a two horse race. Andit's a referendum, not an election.
  16. Have had a throat infection thing along with a b*****d chest cold for nearly three weeks. This is the first day I've felt decent since I got it. Just in time for a night out with some old mates tomorrow.
  17. What was VT banned for? He's normally good at being an irritant and yet staying on the right side of the banhammer.
  18. I fear for Finn now. I think he is a good strike bowler but they have fucked around with his run up and action in the same way they did with Jimmy when he was a youngster. He might never recover as his action is "natural". He has genuine pace and he is able to get wickets at test level. He should be persisted with although I can just about understand the decision to leave him out on form. He's been ruined. Tremlett is past his peak and the injury has robbed him of a yard of pace, which in Australian conditions was his best asset allied to the fact he is a big lad and extracts bounce. Broad didnt bowl well today but has been generally good so he is allowed an off day but Anderson has nothing without the ability to swing it or extract movement, none of which has happened on any of these roads to date. He has enough control to try and build pressure right enough, as does Broad and Bresnan, but the attack lacks any penetration when Broad is off it. Stokes is a newbie and I liked what he did in his first test but he is going to be up and down and this is all new to him, the rest dont have that excuse.
  19. Its easy for a bowler to get carried away on a wicket with bounce like that no matter what the coaches and captain are barking at them.
  20. And they also bowled to Smiths strengths. He has a slight weakness outside off stump where he can be guilty of fishing at times. So lets bowl short to him on a tennis ball bounce wicket that isnt going through at full pace yet so he can rock back and pull for fun. Genius. Haddin was again excellent, if Prior had been in any sort of form with the bat it could have made such a difference to the English tail like Haddin has done for the Aussies. He is having a fantastic series so far and has dug them out a few times now.
  21. Tis is a result wicket, England need to get Australia out for a par score which will be around 450 then get something the same for themselves. The wicket will get faster and might start to take spin so the Australian second innings will be the key to the game (unless they add a hefty amount with their tail here). Idont think England actually let Australia off the hook at all, they were never actually on the hook. The wickets taken were thrown away with poor shots and it certainly wasnt as a result of good bowling. Johnston will enjoy bowling on it at some point tomorrow, it will have dried a bit and got faster and the bounce will still be there for him. England will need to turn up with the bat for onceor they are doomed. Picking Bresnan was a risk but other than going for Tremlett who has lost that pace he once had they were snookered. Bresnan bowled a fairly good line for the most part but Broad and Stokes were pish and got carried away with the bounce of the wicket, they bowled far too short and the pace isnt right there in the pitch yet until it fully dries. No swing for Jimmy so he just ends up a stock bowler in these conditions so Broad chucking pies wasnt a good situation and Stokes is inexperienced so can be forgiven but it wasnt a good day with the ball. England have to hope they can turn up tomorrow and get through Australia swiftly which I wouldnt bet on. The Aussies have done a number on Swann this series, really gone after him and he hasn't had any answers yet. Sunset of his career job by the look of it.
  22. I doubt anyone reads wangs or newsnut for any other reason than confirmation of their own prejudices. They are fucking atrocious blogs run by a bunch of semi literate wanks. And in Wangs case, a fucking trumpet on a titanic scale.
  23. Yes, facebook likes will make all the difference. The yes clowns really are fucking imbeciles.
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