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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. Confirmation that I got tickets for the Commonwealth games squash quarter finals and the mens final itself in the best seats. £30 each , not bad at all.
  2. Yeah I've had a look through that online shop a few times. I'm wanting to support my local place, it's been there for over a hundred years in town and I think it will have the vast bulk of whats available onine. I've told the wifie that runs it that I'm working my way round the entire tobacco stock anyway I had a few goes at the black cherry again today and it's really nice. Its a bit like the vanilla one in that it took me a few cigarettes to actually realise the flavour was so good. I might actually like it better than the vanilla now. And another thing that can be annoying with roll ups is stained fingers. I havent had those at all from any of the tobacco I used. I did get some Amber Leaf as a port in a storm a couple of months back and it did stain and I hate that. Its not nice tobacco either and at £4 for 12.5 grammes , its also shite value for money. I'm making sure I am well stocked with decent stuff in future.
  3. Ive had the American Spirit cigarettes before and they don't smell stale on you either but they are very expensive. I think they were pushing £10 a packet from the tobacconist at one point. Cigarettes have definitely got more chemically tasting in recent times as well, which wasn't great. The smell when you walk in the door of the tobacconist is incredible. Absolutely gorgeous. Quite a few of the hand rolling tobacco is available additive free or organic now. Regular rolling stuff is better than factory fags regardless but the additive free stuff is definitely the way to go. Drum even do a version now too. If you are going to the bother of rolling your own then you may as well get decent stuff I reckon.
  4. Its mild stuff. I suppose it will taste nice in a pipe too but folk dont inhale those so much anyway. Its mild enough to smoke it like a normal cigarette. Or you can just not inhale I suppose. Whatever you like really. I tried the cherry stuff with cherry flavoured rolling paper and its brilliant. My faither in law has definitely had the vanilla stuff in the pipe before because I recognised the smell right away. As I said last week, he smokes his pipe indoors and at no time at all would you think a smoker lived in the house unless you happened to come in during a full on reek! The smell just does not linger and leave that vile stale smell you get with factory fags. It obviously isn't riddled with the additives you get in those. I used to smoke a pipe as a joke when I was a kid About five of us used to travel to the football on the train utterly reeking the carriage out so we could barely see each other. Them were the days.
  5. The regular tobacco I use is that Pueblo stuff and its very dry. I have a wee leather pouch I keep it in and my faither in law told me to get an old broken bit of terracotta plant pot and sand it into a small pebble shape, drop it in water for twenty seconds , dry it and lob it in with the tobacco if it has dried out too much and it will rehydrate enough. Certainly had no problem with the flavoured stuff but its cut a bit thicker anyway so it obviously holds a bit more moisture.
  6. Just exactly the same, you'll learn how much to pack it as well so you don't sook yourself inside out. Its a bit more moist than regular stuff if you'd rolled before so just leave it out with the packet opened over night to dry a bit and it will be fine. It will smoke straight from ther packet but it takes a bit more lighting to get it to burn sometimes. Its great! It's cheap! And it smells nice too and doesn't stink your clothes at all.
  7. Dalling in Ayr. I normally bought Pueblo loose out the jar from them which is about £7.50 an ounce but I decided to try the flavoured stuff the other week and it was considerably cheaper. Again, it's loose out the jar, I "think" the brand was Auld Kendall? could be wrong, but I,m sure that was the name on the jar. She told me that because it wasn't as fine cut that it wasn't classified as cigarette tobacco and therefore the tax was considerably less. Pipe tobacco is taxed less and I think that stuff it lumped in with it. Its ribbon cut so its fairly easy to roll, I'm making perfect rollies with it anyway. I think you can buy online if there isn't a proper tobacconist near you.
  8. I haven't actually tried very many at all. I've tried the vanilla, which is absolutely wonderful. Especially if you smoke it with the orange Rizla papers or the orange zig zag papers. I got the black cherry yesterday which isn't as huge a flavour but it still smells lovely and it tastes really nice. I got half an ounce of toffee flavour too which I havent tried yet. I have tried cherry menthol before and to be honest I don't like menthol smokes anyway. But there are absolutely loads to try. Its fun (and not expensive) just buying a half ounce here and there and seeing what you like.
  9. I thoroughly enjoy it, and I'm fitter and healthier than 99% of the anti tobacco Nazis that whine like f**k about it. I have no intention of stopping either, it's too much of a pleasure. I don't drink really either, so a man is surely to be allowed a hobby?
  10. Will investigate! I mixed the cherry with the vanilla stuff I bought last week. It was nice too. That stuff was £4.20 an ounce. An ounce will last me around a fortnight at least. Im saving a fortune and in smoking the slightly thicker cut stuff, I'm not giving as much tax to the government either.
  11. Got an ounce of Black cherry flavoured tobacco yesterday. Absolutely fantastic stuff, and it smells wonderful.
  12. Onions is one of those guys that needs to be playing a lot or everything goes pear shaped. He will be out in SA this winter so if anything does happen to Anderson he will get the call to go over. Panesar coming back in is unexpected but welcome as he is the best back up to Swann in the country by a mile. He is a bit fragile mentally though so he will need to be looked after really well. The fast bowling looks decent potentially and plenty of cover in there too for wickets that will be better suited for pace than the puddings in England this summer. Bairstow being persisted with seems OK to me and his wicketkeeping is probably the reason why. Keiswetter maybe unlucky but he isn't really rated for test cricket. The batting line up will pick itself for now Carberry might be in with a shout down the line but not to start with unless there are injuries. It looks alright really to me.
  13. Were the EDL invited to share a platform with the fat controller at the disappointingly attended Nuremberg rally on the hilltop yesterday? Or are they too English to be allowed to share a stage? The nats preferring to allow all the other loony European versions to come along, but not their nearest and dearest neighbours version?
  14. Its much better tobacco generally. The better the tobacco and less stuff added to it the less afterstink you'll get. Factory cigarettes have loads of stuff added to them to keep them burning and to stop them "going off" if theyve been stored for a while. If you break up a factory cigarette and look at the tobacco and compare it even to "rubbish" like drum or golden virginia you'll see the difference. Bloody hell, that vanilla flavoured stuff is fucking beautiful.
  15. I actually had a regular cigarette through the week and had to put it out as all I could taste were the chemicals they add in. I'll never be able to smoke one of those again I doubt. And, in full agreement with non smokers, they DO stink like f**k afterwards. Is a vile, sour, lingering aftersmell that you'll never get from decent tobacco.
  16. The flavoured stuff you could still enjoy immensely without inhaling it if you wanted to. A bit like how pipe smokers do it. It is seriously pleasant stuff. The only advice id give you is to but a handful of the various flavoured fag papers and try them out with it, youll find agood combo eventually and when you get the tobacco, leave it sitting open for a day or so to let it dry out a bit as its thicker cut and hald moisture a bit more than cigarette tobacco. When its a bit drier just shred it up a little bit more and give it a rub and it will roll easier. You'll need to experiment a bit to find out how to pack it so you arent sooking yourself inside out trying to get a drag. Buy maybe half an ounce of two or three different things and see what you like best. They will weight it out for you anyway. If it dries out too much just soak a couple of filters and fling it into your pouch and that will be enough to sort it. If you snuff it, don't blame me!
  17. Try the Auld Kendal vanilla and cherry flavoured tobacco, if you cant get it locally (there should still be a tobacconist near you) then get some online. Its fantastic. I gurantee that you'll be opening the pouch just to get a smell of it every five minues. You can actually get the flavour by having a draw on it while the thing is unlit. Its lovely stuff.
  18. At the tobacconist in town here. You'll only get that stuff in a specialist shop or online. It's absolutely fantastic stuff. I got some black cherry stuff last week and it was brilliant. They have some really nice stuff to try, so I'm going to work my way through as much of it as possible with as many combinations of flavoured roll up papers as possible and then find my favourite. The vanilla tobacco with licquorice paper is beautiful. And it isn't strong at all and it doesn't smell on the fingers or clothes either. And another thing about the slightly thicker cut tobacco is that they label it as pipe tobacco which means you pay less tax on it so it's cheaper. You'll get about eighty cigarettes out an ounce of it. And it only cost about four quid.
  19. I got an ounce of rolling tobacco yesterday. Vanilla flavoured, and it's absolutely beautiful stuff. Its actually pipe tobacco but that means its slightly too moist at the moment but Ieft it out to dry a little bit and it smokes beautifully now. I wish I'd discovered the joys of hand rolling cigarettes years ago. I'm enjoying trying out all the different tobaccos.
  20. I've been playing Risk with my son, which he is quite liking. He asked what other similar type games we could play and I said I had a couple of others (Diplomacy and Campaign and Panzer Leader) and would go to my parents place and dig them out for him. Turns out I must have loaned out Campaign to a friend at some point in history as it wasn't there. So I bought a used copy of it off Amazon for £11.50 It just arrived. Fucking YASSS! Mon the Prussians!
  21. He is supposedly out for 8 weeks or so, the series starts a few weeks later. He did well to string four tests together in a row this summer. Siddle will need to step up.
  22. St.Mirren lay down to Celtic which caused Hearts to lose at Dens Park and bottle winning the league.
  23. I remember the West Indies bowlers during the Holding, Marshall,Roberts, Garner era Down at 10 overs an hour at times. Mainly thanks to Holdings run up from the steps of the pavilion. I think that its a valid tactic to simply slow the game down at times. You also get batsmen simply blocking from time to time, you cant actually poull a player up for that or fine a team for not scoring enough runs. This test was still good stuff, I actually quite enjoyed the attritional stuff when England batted and the negative bowling towards the end of Australias first innings.
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