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Posts posted by Reynard

  1. Well no I'm not.

    I'm just curious, I stated economics was not my strong point but I've always been interested in what a world would be like without the system of money.

    I reckon it would be a better place tbh.

    Everyone gets what they want, right?

    Manking has always traded with one another. Even as kids in the playground we will swap things with one another and attach values to these things based on scarcity or how much the other person desires it. Take fitba stickers. I had the Argentina 78 sticker album and I had to swap half the Scotland team to get Daniel Killer from Argentina to complete that particular team. It was a simple trade off, I wanted it, the other guy had it and we reached a negotiated conclusion based on the value of the goods. No money changed hands.

  2. Sorry if I'm misunderstanding you, as economics aren't my strong point but if EVERY country relinquished debt then no-one would be losing anything, surely?

    Yeah that would be right. Why would less indebted nations want to? They are in a powerful negotiating/political position.

  3. In theory, you could have some form of debt forgiveness or a completely changed way of valuing currency. Countries are buying up gold with gusto. China and Russia are hoovering up as much as is available and the bulk of the newly mined stuff. Germany has asked the US for its gold reserves back. Paper money is a figment anyway unless it is backed up with something of value and without tangible assets you really have nothing at all.

  4. Is there anything stopping the world from being cleared of debt and everything just starting again?

    Who is the debt payable to? Will China take a haircut for the likes of the USA without getting their pound of flesh? Unlikely I'd say.

  5. We could do with her now unfortunately.

    My only real criticism of her, is that she didn't push more economically and she didnt roll back the state enough.

    Apart from that, she was the best Prime Minister I'm ever likely to see.

    BTW, what the f**k was that shite in George Square the other night? A bunch of plook faced little wasters and their bearded tit lecturers celebrating her death by using champagne bought from evil capatalist companies? They made fools of themselves as usual.

  6. On a similar note, my Aunt (who stays in Essex) is coming to stay with us on Thursday.

    She is a tad mental, and not in a good way.

    Hate saying that about family but it's true :(

    It's horrific. There is five of them as well, three weans to destroy the place. It actually costs us a fucking fortune to feed the b*****ds, they never lift a finger to help clean the place either.

    I fucking hate it. I will be working strange hours next week. <_<

  7. Jesse Ryder in an induced coma after taking a tanking from a group of guys outside a Christchutch bar.

    No real surprise sadly when you hear some of the stories about him.

    Was headed to the IPL too...

    Yeah some of those NZ boys like to party hard.

    When I was playing at Ayr our pro was a bloke called Brendan Bracewell... he was a grade a nutjob and led most of the young shavers astray with his antics. He actually decided to live in a caravan right behind the clubhouse that summer and more or less shagged his way through the entire lady membership as well as half of Ayr. At Cambusdoon there was a huge dent in the ceiling that was left there as a memory to a night where he had managed to put his head through the ceiling.. he was actully a very gifted player but I think he was too hard to handle to be trusted in their test side never mind be away on tour with a bunch of lads for months on end.

    He was a bit of a change after we had Salahuddin for a few years prior to Bren turning up..

  8. I went to bed once they got Bell out as I thought it wouldn't take long to skittle the rest out. Looking forward to watching the last seassion again now as it must have been a bit of a monumental effort to dig that draw out.

    NZ bowled very very well throughout the series, been impressed by them especially as they had prepared surfaces that were not exactly helpful to bowlers. It was a better series than I thought it was going to be and NZ were unlucky not to win it at the death.

  9. Another four rockets fired over from the Gaza strip . I wonder how the terrorist apologists on here will manage to blame Israel for this happening? Or I wonder how many rockets will have to be indiscriminately fired across before it provokes a response from Israel which horrible little left wing wankers such as Omen Jones will then use as a stick to hit the Jews with, by lying and misrepresenting what actually happened?

  10. Agreed. First time in a long time that Broad has looked fit and dangerous.

    On a side note pleasing to see the Aussies getting another absolute chasing in the field. Xavier Doherty has to be one of the worst spinners in world cricket and I am thoroughly looking forward to the ashes.

    The Ashes series will be fantastic. Australia might well be poor just now, but they will raise their game. It is certainly lovely tosee that shower of arrogant blowhard c***s in disarray at the moment all the same. <_<

  11. NZ made to follow on, a pretty good effort by Englands bowlers and Broad in particular who has lost confidence since his foot injury. He bowled a good line in general even though the ball wasn't doing much of the pitch. Panesar got the odd ball to turn which will hopefully happen a lot more in their second innings. It is still a batsmens track by the look of it but if it does start to turn a bit then England should be winnign this weather permitting. You cant see NZ batting through seven sessions to save it.

  12. You know what VT? You are a class A1 ar*e!

    He is right all the same.

    I understand that some folk will act as if this is the death of the peoples Princess and all the rest of it. But the club and fans were warned about all of this years and years ago. They did f**k all, they lapped it all up and waved a dismissive hand at anyone that suggested the board were making a complete horses arse of their club. The shit has hit the fan and is spraying all of them at the moment. Very unpleasant.

  13. Tbf, was part of the problem not that their board promptly sanctioned increased spending... based on ludicrous predictions of home crowds... once they got promoted? If they'd wanted to 'rake in the cash' their Board could have, but instead it just got spent, no?

    The real stupididty began with the appointment of Calderwood. The season they finished second to us in 1999/2000 they were spending 120% of the clubs turnover on wages. They increased the wage bill the following season in the SPL and had two or three seasons of real financial doping which had them sitting in the top six for a while and all the rest of it.

    It was an absolute pleasure when we relegated them the season we bounced back.

  14. Cook said he was going to bowl as well - which was clearly bollocks. It was obvious by about the 4th over that the pitch was not going to do anything.

    Cook was bluffing. I really don't understand the NZ thinking on this at all. The ball MIGHT have done something in the first hour or so but it ight have done it through the air, it wasnt going to do anything off the pitch. The NZ batsmen showed they could stick a decent total on the board in thelast test, they have guys who can bat FFS, let them! Their bowling attack isn't horrendous but they toiled in the last teast on a batting strip and they are going to be depressed as f**k trying to get batsmen out on that thing. Unless England go on a gift spree again, which is looking unlikely, they are going to rack up a big enoughscore in the first innings to count out an NZ win. The pressure then goes on the NZ batsmen to deliver a big score, and the pressure of that can sometimes be enough to make a team crumble even if the wicket isnt giving the bowlers any help.

    Hopefully the fucker will take a bit of spin then...

  15. What the f**k was McCullum doing by making England bat first? This wicket looks like another road. Its a fucking batsmans paradise again and that fuckwit makes his team bowl first on it? His bowlers should take him t=round the back of the stand and shoot him. England should try and bat for two days and a session or so and rule out the NZ win, and then see if the pressure of batting time cracks them.

  16. Yeah, I'm the one deflecting. :lol:

    You certainly are. The media reported this as fact, the guys whose kid was killed also reported this as fact in spite of having been around long enough to know the damage a rocket is likely to cause compared to something Israel would fire in. Jones commented on it and used it as a big stick to beat down the evil Israelis using the usual PC leftie speak of the day. He is a total cock, and he is being ripped to bits over on the Speccy right now. He has been on in a futile attempt to defend himself and is sinking like a fucking stone.

    I wonder if the BBC will even report this? I bet they don't.

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