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Everything posted by Reynard

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/worl... "Many of the Palestinians killed in Gaza during the last two days by the Israeli aerial and naval bombardment were members of militant groups, but civilians – including at least four children – were also among the dead. They included 11-month-old Omar, the son of Jihad Misharawi, a BBC Arabic picture editor." I wonder if the BBC will apologise for being completely wrong too? I somehow doubt it. They allow one of their own reportrs to peddle lies on their behalf, and to use the death of his son to peddle his hatred. Disgusting stuff.
  2. I wonder if that limp wristed left wing cretin and general all round c**t Omen Jones will today be apologic=sing to Israel for peddling his leftarded anti semitic views on BBC Question Time during the last scuffle between Hamas and Israel last year? http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/douglas-murray/2013/03/will-owen-jones-apologise/ Knowing what a stupid little fucker he is, the answer to that is , of course he wont.
  3. That Dundein pitch was terrible. The Wellington track is supposedly more like a decent test wicket so hopefully the weather stays decent and we get some good cricket on it. Watching a bunch of batsmen in the comfort zone is a bit boring, even if it was funny watching Finn do a Chris tavare job for over an hour when he eventually got his fifty. And again, well done Hamsh, what a great debut.
  4. Why don't you do the cycling or rowing machines or something. Everyone seems to equate cardio with running. I fucking hate running too, so I don't do much of it, it really is deathly dull.
  5. Been quite impressed with the NZers so far. They bowled really well on a flat wicket and have taken advantage while batting. Rutherfords 171 on debut was fantastic, he really did look the part out there and played his shots. The weather seems to be making it a bit tougher for the bowlers, its a cold wind there apparently and that won't help the swing of Anderson or even the likes of Finn and Broad. No bowler likes lumbering about when its chilly. England shoudl escape with a draw OK although they really need to take a look at themselves for that batting effort.
  6. Big six for his 150. Keep it going .
  7. Hope he gets a daddy hundred now! Hes playing beautifully.
  8. Great to see Hamish Rutherford crack a century today against England. Used to watch him playing at Ayr when he was a young kid and played squash against him several times, a nice guy and a fantastic cricketer.
  9. Its amazing how long these situations can take to finally reach genuine crisis point. I predicted this was going to happen since Calderwood was installed as manager all those years ago, there have been a few rumblings and near misses in recent years but the end game has arrived I know a few Pars fans, and they just want to go to the fitba and see their pals and have a blether and hopefully see a decent game, like we all do. Hopefully, whatever is left of the club after this mess is still worth their while gathering round, they deserve better than this. They SHOULD have been asking awkward questions of the people runnig ther club all the same. Masterton has been a long term shyster and deserves all the flack coming to him. He won't give a f**k though, these kind never do. Good luck DAFC
  10. He was thinking about going back to his constituency and high fiving all the muslims that gave him another job in Parliament. It's all about George, always.
  11. its a bit different if you are some sort of athlete in competition with other folk that are very fit. Little things will maybe help you in that case. For ordinary folk just looking to keep fit and enjoy sport socially it really wont matter at all
  12. Yeah, I understand this. I just think it would be better to get folk to eat reasonably normally and take a bit of exercise. The more exercise you do, the more you get hungry too. Then you can worry about what you are sticking on your plate.
  13. Do you reckon this is what Tryfield is up to? I don't!
  14. A young squash player, Harry Faulkner died on the court last night. Another victim of YSCD (young sudden cardiac death. Its worth some of you young guys getting checked over every now and again if you are going to be doing anything vigorous. They reckon 15-35 is the most at risk age group for whatever reason.
  15. Yeah but the folk I just watched doing it just wired straight in using the same hand they probably used to wipe shit off their dangleberried arse while failing to wash their hands afterwards. I'll fucking bake my own tonight.
  16. Folk that don't use the tongs provided to pick up bread and pastries in the bakery bit at supermarkets. They are disgusting clatty b*****ds.
  17. I found tabata was excellent for keeping me going in long rallies where you go into oxygen deficit but also recovering from them. I'm raring to go again while my opponent is tying his laces to stall and get a bit of air back into himself. Not sure if that will happen AS much in badminton but I suppose if you are good at it then it could do. Why don't you join a club or something to get a game? There's bound to be plenty of folk in the same boat as you are looking for a match a couple of times a week.
  18. I've got weights at home, it's fine for what I want to do with them. I have zero interest in looking like some sort of bodybuilding mess anyway. I just tend to work on the core exercises anyway to give me a bit more overall strength. Playing squash does all the rest I need really although I do the tabata thing a couple of times a week as it definitely makes a huge difference to my endurance on the court. I definitely last that bit longer than even most of the younger kids I'm playing against who are normally still recovering from the last rally half way through the next one. I just enjoy the game as much as anything else and its fairly unique in that you are both on the same bit of court, bumping into one another causing a bit of aggro and all the rest of it. I like that. I like the fact you can actually hear your opponent in distress right next to you.
  19. I normally gub this guy but a combination of him beasting hismeslf in the gym and his training for some marathon and my lack of condition just now made it close and good fun. I can normally wear him down for fitness by making the rallies long and moving him around, but he is fitter than he has ever been. I used to play badminton at school and quite liked it, haven't played for years, but it would be a good way to keep fit while enjoying yourself. Much better than plodding away on a treadmill anyway.
  20. I won 3-2, four of the five sets went to extra time. It was a good match. I love playing squash, I couldn't see me running about like that unless I was chasing a small rubber ball to be honest.
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