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Posts posted by qos_75

  1. There is nothing wrong with any of that. Lobbying is perfectly permissable in a democratic state. I just don't agree with the idea that the military aid to Israel is motivated by an Israeli/Jewish lobby. Defending Israel is clearly in the interest of teh US in the region.

    I agree with most of that. However I do think you are down playing the power of the Israeli lobby. I don't think a President looking for a second term in office would bode well if he cut military aid to Israel and softened US policy against the likes of Iran et al, even if he wanted to.

  2. Anyway, the point is not how much aid Israel recieves but the idea that the US funds Israel due to the mechanations of the 'Jewish lobby'.

    They are one of the most powerful lobbies within the US, along with the Cubans.

    Now I am sure the US would fund Israel to some extent anyway, but they are very good at keeping issues that effect Israel near the top of American foreign policy. Obviously this comes into play at election time when parties are trying to raise campaign funds.

    You just need to look at the candidates in the last US election both made great play that Israel and Cuban issues would remain a US priority and they would not soften their foreign policies where these countries were concerned. In fact even in the primaries Hilary Clinton made a great play of this, so I don't think the influence of the Israeli lobby on American foreign policy can be understated.

  3. The last one I read was Cold War, by Jeremy Isaacs and Taylor Downing. A good read I must say and one that I would recommend to anyone with an interest in global events from 1945-1990. Cold War covers all the major events and players from this time in a relatively unbiased assesment of the stand off between the two super powers and how it shaped the world.

    The book has been well researched and draws on material from the historical archives and the people at the heart Government around the world, to make it a good read.


  4. The last movie I watched was 'W' at the cinema a couple of weeks ago. It was a decent yarn without really hitting the highlights. Five out of ten from me.

    I think we are going to watch A Body of Lies at the cinema next week, hopefully that will be a bit better.

  5. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)

    Whilst some adaptions are okay, I feel that directors should now give these types of book a rest in favour more contemporary writings, if they cannot fully capture the greatness of the classics. It's good to hear this is a decent film though. :)

  6. Is such a level of bruising normal a week after the "knock" was sustained?

    I was hoping that it would clear up by tomorrow night (when I play fives) but it seems to be getting worse day on day:


    I had a sore one on the inside of my thigh and the bruising lasted about two weeks. Dark purple to start with, fading to a light brown pigment and then before disappearing. I always thought the bruising lasted longer on the meatier parts of your leg, but that obviously proves me wrong.

  7. When I came out of work last night I noticed a screw stuck in one of the back tyres of my car. I took it to Arnold Clark this morning thinking it would only be a quick puncture repair, only to be told the tyre is damaged and also needs replaced, which will set me back £64 without VAT. However, they have told me it is VAT free day today, so that will be the price. Thanks for that. :angry:

  8. Wisemen - James Blunt. :o

    I am not really a James Blunt fan but this song has been on Radio 2 the last couple of days when I have been driving home from work, so I have downloaded it and I am begining to like it more than I should.

    I hope this is not a gateway song and I get hooked on stronger James Blunt gear. Oh the shame of it, I would be shunned by family and friends and on a downward spiral, before you know it I would listening to Daniel Bedingfield in order to get my musical 'fix'. A tragic chain of events I am sure you would agree. :(

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