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Lou Brusch

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Everything posted by Lou Brusch

  1. Supporting teams after it was cool! Ultimate hipster

    Worst bit is that I hardly go to watch Gretna 2008 these days. Should be called Gretna Til I Stop Bothering

  2. You say that as if I didn't spot that, I'm as sharp as a tack mate ;)

  3. Sandi Thom - I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker
  4. Confuse "to" and "too", "there" "they're" and "their" and I shall come a-biting.
  5. im·mi·nent/ˈimənənt/ Adjective: About to happen: "imminent danger". Synonyms: impending - impendent - forthcoming Just went back and checked the context and that's what it was. Ultimate Team is down and I thought I'd give a hand in the push to 100,000 posts on here. You're welcome.
  6. if you've believed that for so long then I'm not going to be able to change your mind On second thoughts, I'm going to bite. My higher English teacher couldn't read but she still taught my class well on how to do that kind of stuff! I now feel obliged to say something relevant. Has Green named his World Cup winning players that he's signing via this date loophole? This should be interesting
  7. I'm too quick for my own good, the buttons on iOS are never where they're meant to be I'm not trying to turn this into a grammar nazi thread but if you're wanting to jump to the defence of football's governing bodies some more then you know where I am Oh and by the way, there's a stray comma in there
  8. Do the associations in question struggle to use brackets correctly? And can the not spell "imminently"? If this is the case then anything they say will be met with a vote of no confidence I'd imagine.
  9. Ted Hankey had a stroke during the MVG game?
  10. Default baw = nae baw. It isn't too much bother on semi pro though, 8-puff against qpr But (rant part two) on Professional I am utterly hopeless so I feel bad for the opposition because I know I'm too good for Semi Pro, yet I have to go that level otherwise I'd get beat 7-4 or something.
  11. Don't let craigkillie see you posing a "what if...?" question, they're irrelevant apparently. I still can't understand how a cameraman can catch Cawley yet the police presence couldn't get him. Twice!
  12. He's just posted that the people who are naming him are "mindless p***ks". Quite a few people wishing him well with his bum love in prison too
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