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Everything posted by thelegendthatis

  1. I know this is a total distraction from the important stuff about.....well important trivia.... Any chance of being brought up to date on. 1. The Somers guy aka as "The Chairman". Is he really a Craig Whyte/Chucky Green stooge/appointee? 2. Is Ally still shamelessly milking the club (or is it the company?) he loves? 3. Any decision yet on police leave for the 24 hour period following the Rangers AGM? Any word on Mad Dog or Bonzo Borland attending? 4. Has James Easdale come clean on the make up of the two shadowy groups who have shares in Rangers? He must know who they are as he has been given their votes for the AGM. 5. How is the share price looking? 6. Anyone here received Jimbo Traynor's cv yet? Bet there is a copy coming your way soon. 7. Has there ever been a Rangers chairman that Ally doesn't love dearly? One thing to love them and be 'encouraged', it is something else to pick up your phone to tell some journo so he turns it into a (non) story. 8. What Rangers players are getting stories written about them NOT being picked for Scotland? Just in case you are interested that wee ginger Strachan didn't pick me for his squad either. What other stupidity and nonsense have I missed from the ghetto that is The Rangers these days? .
  2. Help!! I am trying to find the forum on here that talks about Rangers/Sevco ups, and especially downs. Where has it gone to? Or has everyone else given up like the Rangers fans?
  3. Was William III gay? aka Queen Billy. "William of Orange had male lovers, most notably William Bentinck, whom William made Earl of Portland, and Arnold Van Keppel, who was a mere page when William met him and made him Earl of Albemarle. Neither of these men did anything to justify their elevation. The only common factor was that they were constant and intimate partners of William of Orange." But, at the end of the 17th century, accusations of sodomy came laden with double meaning and were aimed at emphasising both the court's supposed moral decay and William's foreignness. "Billy with Benting does play the Italian," went one rhyme - "Italian" being an easily recognised euphemism. Scandal also accompanied Van Keppel's rapid advancement through the ranks of the court. In 1697, Bentinck wrote a letter to William, declaring his shock at the rumours of "Things I am ashamed to hear, and which I thought you to be as far removed of as any man of the world, I would have thought any man of society would have distanced himself from". William III had no children although married. Don't care in the least what his sexual persuasion was. Hope everyone else is equally understanding.
  4. From the Rangers announcement. Somers is an Honours Economic Studies graduate and a qualified accountant (Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). He spent all his career in Fund Management and in addition has considerable experience in matters of corporate governance. Mr Somers will oversee the current process of appointing a high calibre Chief Executive Officer and further independent non-executive director(s) to form a unified board and provide stability for Rangers. In order to allow time for the process outlined above to be progressed (??), the Company will hold its Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) on Thursday 19 December 2013 at Ibrox Stadium, 150 Edmiston Drive, Glasgow G51 2XD. Mr Somers will, in accordance with Rangers’ Articles of Association, be subject to re-appointment by an ordinary resolution of the shareholders at the AGM. (Or perhaps not re-appointed) Mr Somers is currently a Non Executive Director of ACE Europe Life, part of the ACE Group of insurance and reinsurance companies; Non-Executive Director and Chairman of Audit & Risk Committee of Europe Arab Bank; Independent Trustee & Chairman of the Investment Sub Committee at Fujitsu Technologies International Pension Plan and, Chairman of the Investment Committee at TCF Investment Managers Ltd. Mr Somers is not currently beneficially interested in the issued share capital of the Company. (But maybe interested in the share price going up? An agreement to buy at some future date so many shares at today's price? What is his severance package if he gets bumped at the AGM?) http://www.allenbridgeis.com/people/senior-advisers/david-somers http://www.tcfinvestment.com/content/tcfinvestment (mmmmm Blue Knights or Marguerite Holdings connections? Who knows?)
  5. There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know. Donald Rumsfeld 2002. Lots of known knowns. Craig Whyte is a con merchant. The Rangers 'legends' were a bunch of self centered money grabbing hired mouthpieces. The Majority of those who have been on the Rangers board over the last 20 years should be strung up. (and many more) Known Unknowns. Has Ally taken the pay cut yet? Could Dave King be a fit and proper person according to the SFA? Who are the people behind Blue Pitch and Maguerita Holdings? Why is the board stalling the AGM as long as possible? (and many more) Unknown unknowns But the unknown unknowns is the fun one. What have these dodgy geezers really done? Thoughts please? And no suggestion will be laughed at no matter how outrageous. Chances it we will find it to be true. If past history has anything to go by.
  6. As you say 'only' I must assume you aren't bothered about who are behind these two groups. And if Green is found to be in the 'background', is that good or bad for you? Or good or bad for your club?
  7. ".......will ensure spectators will be in a constant comfort zone......" How little did they know.
  8. Salaries at The Rangers are based on the person's weight. That is the only reason I can think of that puts Ally on over £800k. That is why Stockbridge is (only) on £200 or so. Jabba must have been up there with the BIG boys. I know it sounds an illogical method of deciding what to pay people, but then again everything else they do there comes across as being at least as daft. Ally is prepared to take a cut in salary, but not go on a diet. Hence the delay in 'negotiations'.
  9. Was this the final straw that broke the camel's back? http://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2013/oct/29/daily-record-rangers the article includes The blogger concluded: "The questions the editor of the Daily Record should be asking today is: did Mr Ferguson [the article's writer] speak directly to Aim and directly to Mr Shackleton's office or did he just speak to a PR company?" For PR company read Jabba. If so it just shows again his total ignorance of all that has been going on around him.
  10. With 2 directors, who gave Traynor the old heave ho? Stockbridge? Doubt it, he seems such a wimp. Must have been the bus boy. Wonder if he had to sign some confidentiality/non disclosure agreement? If he did, would expect would come at a decent payoff price. He must know lots of the muck that has been going on. Time for CharlotteFakes to get going again......
  11. Hope he got a big payoff. With some of the clowns who walked the plank getting hunners of thousands, I am sure Jimbo's lawyer will have negotiated a deal well into 3 figures. Personally I think he is irreplaceable. Recruiting someone who can do nothing for so long at big money will be hard to get. Or will it?
  12. Having been away for a few days I was expecting to have to catch up on my return with all the changes going on. Unfortunately nothing at all. The board (or what is left of it) has said nothing. Every day that goes by without them taking some initiative on the AGM and directors, the more they lose credibility and play right into the hands of Jim McColl. McCoist keeping his head down on his salary cut negotiations. Still earning more than Laudrup at Swansea. King still talking the talk, with the help of the MSM. Thought by now someone would have said he is a busted flush? Big news is Jon Daly scores a goal from open play and Ally claims stuffing Stenhousmuir by one goal is a 'major step'. (I kid you not.) Almost as if they all live in some parallel universe where reality can be ignored. Still if you have lived like that for 20 years, hard to get back to the real world.
  13. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-boardroom-battle-gers-supporters-2528867 Team McColl gets the supporter groups on board. Unfortunately the queue of snouts to get into the trough is forming. "Rangers hero Mark Hateley last night threw his weight behind the campaign to get Dave King back on the board at Ibrox. And the former Light Blues striker is backing the South Africa-based businessman to bring some much-needed stability back to the Ibrox club. Hateley said: “Yes, I have met David a few times. “He is Rangers minded and anybody who is Rangers minded is good for the football club. " Other "Rangers minded" people have included John Grieg, Sandy Jardine, Gordon Smith, 800k Ally, 50k Walter. Were they good for the football club? I rest my case. Andy Goram, where are you? You must be next.
  14. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/battle-rangers-former-director-paul-2486279 "Murray and entrepreneur Jim McColl are leading the shareholder revolt against the board and the pair now insist they have the right people in place to begin running the club immediately. As Record Sport previously revealed, former Liverpool managing director Christian Purslow has been lined up for the role of chief executive. And Murray yesterday said a financial director has been secured...." .....Murray also revealed his legal team has secured permission to burst open the secrecy behind the club’s mysterious investor groups, Blue Pitch Holdings and Margarita Holdings. It’s expected the paperwork, which should confirm the identity of the anonymous moneymen behind both camps, will be handed over to Murray and McColl’s lawyers by tomorrow. Murray said: “The fans’ groups demanded clarification about the beneficiaries behind Margarita and Blue Pitch. On their behalf, we made a legal request for full disclosure of the identities of the investors, who were obviously among the original backers of Charles Green’s takeover. “Between them they hold 15 per cent of the votes and it’s vital that any doubt about the motives of these groups is cleared up and that supporters and shareholders alike are told who is making key decisions about the future of the club.” Meanwhile the Evening Times has a simpering article http://tinyurl.com/okkyr26 King being a 'Ranger's man'! And happily the Campbell Ogilvie scandal returns. The AGM to be held sometime never. Will administration2 happen first? We get closer to the proof that Scottish football is inherently corrupt from the top downwards. McColl will start with Rangers and clean it out and the evidence unearthed will topple many more. The approach from Paul Murray from the McColl camp has Frank Blin's fingerprints all over it. He is leaving Paul Murray to be the public face and do all the media stuff, but you can sure he hasn't gone anywhere. Oh yes, and Alistair is still drawing a full salary. P.S. And finally there isn't a Ranger's legend to be found anywhere. They are lying low until they find out who is in control and where the war chest/slush funds are. Then the red tops will be full of them holding forth.
  15. Day 19, and Ally still to put pen to paper on his reduced salary 'negotiated' agreement. When Ally, when??
  16. Craig (wealth off the radar) Whyte is still keeping us entertained. http://www.scotsman.com/news/scotland/top-stories/craig-whyte-in-housekeeper-poison-threat-claim-1-3153337 If a housekeeper can sus him out as a con merchant, why did the Rangers 'legends' not see through his lies?
  17. They will attend home games before long, just as soon as the panic buttons have been installed in the directors' box.
  18. When they said "supporters can make ....direct difference to the day to day running of Rangers right now." Makes you wonder where fantasy starts and lies end. I assume that Walter charged his usual fee of 50 grand to endorse another scam that rips off the Rangers fans? And Ally will have claimed the equivalent of a weeks wages, namely £17grand for his carefully chosen words. With friends like that milking every cash pot available, who needs enemies?
  19. Two board members is "not suitable" to run Rangers http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/24603774 "I have been talking to everybody, trying to map out a path through this minefield." Shackleton said "....It is a very complicated situation " It would be good if he could explain this in more detail. In what way is it complicated?
  20. The McCoist pay cut negotiations - Day 16 August and Ally would 'consider' taking a pay cut. http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/mccoist-my-near-50-pay-cut-was-right-for-rangers.1380882563 October 4th and he puts a figure to it. http://www.heraldscotland.com/sport/football/mccoist-my-near-50-pay-cut-was-right-for-rangers.1380882563 saying "The negotiations started well before the accounts came out." Has it been agreed yet? Are 'negotiations' still ongoing? Who is left to negotiate with anyway? Did he get a win bonus for stuffing Brechin? I would assume there were would be a definitive statement from Rangers if only to appease the disgruntled fans. A statement that is clear and does not need forensic examination to find the truth.
  21. Reading the adulation today from May 2011 from the Rangers fans makes any normal person cringe. Absolutely desperate for something better then Murray as he tried to extract himself and pay off Lloyds, you can appreciate why the fans were prepared to kiss the a** of Whyte, even SDM ("thanks for everything"), and Green when he turned up. But it was just so naive. They were well warned by the 'enemy'as they saw them at the time. As Whyte appeared from nowhere with a fantasy business background, then Green and his fellow travellers, now leaving Stockbridge and the Easdale mob, the one common thing that made all the conning, lying, thieving, general dodgy if not illegal activities and backhanders possible was the public support of Rangers 'legends'. All these legends were well rewarded for spouting the right words, even if they were total lies, to the press, to the fans at supporters meetings all over the world. Some of the legends are still being well rewarded to spout what we ALL now know as nonsense. Smoke and mirrors to some. Downright lies to others. The crooks had a free run of Rangers to do with it as THEY pleased ONLY because the fans were reassured and kept quiet by these legends, Unfair to say none of the dodgy stiff would have happened without their repeated endorsement of whoever was in charge at the time. But without the continual endorsement from these legends the real issues would have surfaced much earlier. So hang your heads in shame: John Grieg Sandy Jardine Gordon Smith Other 'legends' tried to have themselves invited to the cash party by using the redtops to support Whyte and Green and their regimes, namely Mark Hateley and Andy Goram no doubt hoping they would get the invite. But the worst by far were Walter Smith Ally McCoist. Into the slush fund trough up to their elbows, every opportunity they got. Legends they may be but they didn't give a jot for the club, but they especially had a total contempt for the fans as they repeatedly regurgitated the lies fed to them by Whyte and Green. You all have been well rewarded for your treachery of the club and the fans. And please, don't insult us with words about 'your' club and how much it means to you. Hopefully none of you will ever have any further role in any football club in Scotland. With any luck the police will help you make the right decision. .
  22. RANGERS’ financial director Brian Stockbridge has called for the club’s fans to remain calm amid ongoing turmoil at Ibrox. In a statement, Stockbridge said: “Plans have been put in place to ensure the daily operations of Rangers continue as normal. “Rangers are financially secure and there is no prospect of the club ‘running out of money’”. (The Sun) "If you can keep calm when all about you are panicking, maybe you just don't understand the extent of the problem." Given Rangers had loads (£1million) in the bank to see them though to April, how does that look now that Mather has pocketed an unplanned £300K for an early exit (for the good of the club ) ?
  23. Ally is still sitting tight. Still on £850,000 pa plus (lack of) performance bonus. Even his traditional allies are seeing through his lies. From Ibrox Noise (never heard of this site before) "For a start, Rangers fans, myself included, applauded manager Ally McCoist for taking a 50% wage cut recently. Unfortunately the problem is this is, thus far, a complete fabrication. Ally McCoist's wage remains at £875,000 plus bonuses. No wage cut has yet been taken by the boss. McCoist also recently outed former director Ian Hart as a director who wanted him fired after the defeat to Forfar. Not actually the case at all. My understanding is Hart was only critical of McCoist's public verbal tirade against Charles Green (the whole 'we need a cup' comment), who was once McCoist's boss. And suggested to McCoist, had he been his own employee, such a tirade from employee against himself (Ian Hart) would have seen Ally fired. Hart did not want McCoist fired, he was only being rightly critical (as I was at the time as well) of McCoist's frankly ludicrous outburst at former CEO now consultant Green." Anyone have any idea at all how much longer before he actually does what he says he would do? (Come on you Sevconians, give us the inside story!) Talk is cheap. But some are better paid than others to give us cheap talk.
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