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Everything posted by Durnford

  1. I know I'm in the minority but I was quite heartened by last nights performance. Yes; a draw feels like a loss but for months the team has been on zero confidence; half hearted attempts only to let in a sloppy goal and then everyone's head drops you could actually visibly see it happen on the pitch. I use to criticise Nicky Devlin a lot but, at such times, you would see him clapping his hands and shouting at everyone to pick their game up. Last night there was a moment when the first goal went in that you could see the team collectively deflate; then they picked themselves and each other up and got back into the fray. The second goal was a particular case in point; any time in the last three months that had happened and we were beaten. Not last night; the boys picked themselves up and battles; not just to get a point but it was obvious they were after all three. Of course there are problems, having re-watched the highlights from last night I am now convinced that Nottingham shouldn't have even been on the bench let alone starting in the team. Previously for large parts I thought he'd done okay but his positioning last night was awful; Obileye could have reacted faster for the first goal but I have to admit it was beautifully taken. Another thing that gave me hope was actually the amount of chances we had; we had far more that the stats actually show (remember Andersons miss will show up as on off target as will several others). Plus we actually also looking like not ont a team that can score goals in open play but a team that believed they can score goals in open play. I continue to be frustrated by our set pieces; for example why does every single corner have to be blasted past every player into the goal area into the far end of the penalty area where no bu@@er is? There's still a lot of work to do but leastways I've started to see a team with a bit more confidence. There's ten more games before the split and five after - we play both St Johnston and County twice more but likely both at home after the split. There's still hope!
  2. Yes; I'm not convinced about the lost the dressing room line. I can see it if you have some strong leaders in the team that feel they know better than the manager but I'm not sure we have that. You can certainly imagine the likes of Pittman and Holt would back the manager to the hilt. Actually Id also expect the same of Obileye and possibly Shinnie.
  3. No; I'm reluctant to single player out; other than Holt and Anderson I think they were all guilty to some degree. Actually there seemed to be a number of cases where the ball ended up in no-man's land and none of our players rushed for it as if they assumed someone else was going. Maybe that's poor communication or lack of team knowledge but most have been around all season so its difficult to assume the latter. Talking of Yengi I thought he had a good debut for us but that was when he was playing in the centre when his height really showed. That being said; one thing that irritated me about Saturday was that whenever we put a high ball into the area (corner etc.) it went railing over everyone over to the far side of the Penalty area - with the likes of Nouble and Yengi in the side surely thats a waste.
  4. Thought Davie's interview was okay but there still something about the players' body language that I'm not comfortable with. On Saturday we saw numerous examples where players lost the ball but then failed to chase it down and harry the opposition. That use to be our hallmark; never give the opposition a minutes peace. Tactics etc, are all very well but, at the moment, we need the player to be prepared to play out of their skin. I'm probably wrong but I have a fear that some of them are looking not to get injured in case it nobbles their chance of a move to another club.
  5. 55.88835190651534, -3.520705267780098 https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/55°53'18.1"N+3°31'14.5"W/@55.8883519,-3.5232802,502m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d55.8883519!4d-3.5207053?entry=ttu Walk over the footbridge and you're there
  6. Hmmm.... Happened in our game against Celtic but didn't change the result. Although the keeper getting sent off after they've used all their substitutes in the first 20 minutes might just work
  7. So you're convinced County are going to score TWO own goals? Good to know.
  8. Is this game live on Sky; Amazon; BT and BBC? Surely a sporting feast; if just for the meltdown at the end.
  9. I've been watching live football for almost 60 years now but VAR is now sucking any enjoyment out of the whole process. Sure, before we had wrong decisions and honest mistakes but it had spontaneity and entertainment value. Fans could celebrate a goal without worrying is some little individual in a room miles away could take it away from then., but most of all there wouldn't be those gawd awful pauses while people wonder what on earth is going on.
  10. Quick note to the visitors - remember to bring sun glasses else theres a good change you'll be staring into a sunset for an hour
  11. I can only think that Rankin is expecting the directors to fork out. That the club even hopes to break even is a mystery to me; with an average home gate of about 5000 and 19 home games per year I'm guessing that might equate to a total gate receipts for the year of around £1.9 million With a squad of around 30 professionals on a conservative salary of £45k (I know the likes of Parks were on considerably more than that but there's also a couple of academy player in there) that equates to about £1,350,000 on base salary before appearance fees, goal and [cough] win bonuses are taken into account. Matchday security must amount to at least £3k for a cat 3 game (if the game is called off I suspect a large proportion of this fee will still be due); that's another £57k. On paper that might indicate a positive of half a million but then the stadium costs must be a good few hundred thousand pounds; management team; stadium staff; maintenance; rates; services (electricity etc); maintenance cleaning; public liability, accountancy and legal etc. etc. On this basis surely any hope of a trading profit is heavily reliant on other revenue such as advertising; club merchandise; the hope of a cup run or the bonanza of selling a player for a "healthy" fee. Where on earth is all this hidden money? Maybe Rankin started to believe all the hype about Nouble?
  12. At the moment I'm particularly interested to hear if the supposed transfer for Nouble is concluded. TBH I think he's been my biggest disappointment as a player since Gabor Vincze (2nd time around)
  13. TBH at the moment my biggest concern is who have we actually got fit to play on Saturday - I'm not sure I can ever recall us with such a thread-bare team; even after administration when we had to let so many player go.
  14. With the Teto back in South Africa thing; I'm not sure it is completely dead in the water. With him in the country under a visitors permit there was virtually zero chance of getting a proper work permit. If he really is a Livingston Employee (i.e. we're paying him some wages) then presumably he can be loaded back to his team in South Africa for the rest of the season and then apply for a pucka work permit as an existing company employee in the summer? A huge amount of supposition here but who knows - leastways I take hope by the fact that he is still listed as a squad member although I doubt the SFA would share that viewpoint. .
  15. I refer the honourable gentleman to the comment I made a few days back. Seriously though, if you're interested, you're welcome to go along you might need to convince the courts that you're a member of the media though). Also it will likely involve a number of guys in suits referring to a line of text in a submission which you have no sight of whilst another group of guys in suits refer to another document. This will go on until the presumed break for lunch and you'll be left sitting there thinking WTF. Its probably also the case that the protagonists will not attend in person. If you're really really lucky the findings might be given although its just as likely they could be delayed for further submission or investigation. Alternatively you could wait for the court papers in a couple of days time? EDIT - not having a go at you pal; just based on my pervious experience; certainly not like the court cases on the telly.
  16. Sometime I wonder if our chances of getting loan player recently could have taken a bit of a dip in England due the the bad impression that artificial pitches seem to have there. Not long ago it seemed we were getting loan player from Liverpool; West Brom; Birmingham and Crystal Palace to name but a few; none of those avenues appear open at the moment?
  17. ALL??? Surely only those directly involved are even remotely interested.
  18. Strangely looking forward to seeing a few of the old boys; Millan; Mullen; Easton; Byrne and Hamilton (have I missed any?) back at the Vale. Should be an interesting day.
  19. Presumably no more news from the training camp. I imagine they'll be heading back within the next couple of day?
  20. Neither goalkeepers looked to be of any quality at all
  21. Aye; but its got some good points as well; unlike Dundee.
  22. That sounds like really poor man management. Maybe it was meant as a bit of banter but there really is a time and a place.
  23. Was told this story by one of my wife's friends quoting that the original source had been another player in the first team. All that being said I'm extremely sceptical; letting it go would simply erode discipline in the dressing room still further and LiviLion says in any other business this would normally result in immediate dismissal and escorted from the building. A possible exception here would be if this was in retaliation to an earlier assault or if, perhaps, the offender in question was viewed as too valuable to the business to let go - unlikely in these circumstances. Unfortunately there seem to be more than enough people in and outside of the club with an axe to grind; also some players have been told they've no future at the club and have been trying to get them out the door since last season. the list of candidates is substantial. That being said; its not impossible. PS Is that enough sitting on the fence?
  24. Would be absolutely astounded if you were right about Dave Stoker. We used to cross swords regularly on the Rivals boards and often disagreed but I always found him fastidious about his diction and very particular about his facts; I believe he was also the editor for the match-day programme during the Keane years. RTCB is certainly not particularly worried about diction. Even the pedophiliac nature of RTCB handle is most un-stoker like. At the time I believe DS was on friendly terms with Nixon although I'm not sure That continued after the troubles started.
  25. Think the Livi Room is still going. The Lions Den is still there but only really used by the supporters football team
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