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O'Kelly Isley III

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Posts posted by O'Kelly Isley III

  1. 1 hour ago, The Moonster said:

    Approachable? I'd reckon 90% of our support didn't have a fucking clue who he is or what he looks like (before this announcement) despite him being on the board since the 14/15 season. I hope both Les and Frank do a grand job, I really do, but I fail to see why we need a Chairman and a CEO. What exactly is the role of a CEO at a club like Dumbarton? A Chairman is there to chair meetings and ensure the board reaches a consensus on decisions, the Commercial Director is there to run the Commercial side, we have a receptionist that handles all enquiries throughout the 3 days our club is open, what exactly will Frank be doing? Will he be taking a wage?

    I'll reserve judgement for now but I can't say I hold out any hope (excuse the pun) of things being more friendly, welcoming or transparent in light of these appointments. Looks like a chance missed to shake things up properly IMO.

    There's hardly a queue of folk waiting to get involved in football clubs, so let's not jump to disrespect two who have in Les Hope and Frank Meade.  Like Wilf I have some knowledge of both guys and I share his opinion.  I doubt very much whether either guy will be taking a wage; where Frank is concerned he is a qualified accountant and I would therefore anticipate a vital oversight brief in his CEO role, although I agree the title is a mite overblown.

    As to the future workings and effectiveness of the DFC well now we really are in uncharted territory.  Brabco hold the title deeds to a rapidly decaying asset having little residual value, whilst their yellow brick road has never looked more than a potholed cycle path.  Interesting and challenging times ahead, let's make the most of every season.

  2. 4 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

    I could be wrong here, but I reckon Raith have missed their chance to get Aitken. Taking the Raith job in League 1 looks unattractive for him IMO for a few reasons. The first being that he'll be expected to piss the league and get Raith back up at the first time of asking. The second being in order to take the job he needs to quit his job at Rolls Royce, which I am certain combined with his job at Dumbarton makes him a hell of a lot more than he will solely at Raith Rovers. The third being that Raith seem in a right mess off the park, having just paid off Locke and his staff and got Yogi in, they can't have much cash flying around. Before Raith appointed Locke none of the above was really a concern, other than him having to drop his Rolls Royce job. I also reckon the fact he was interviewed and not chosen will go against the Raith board.

    If Aitken stays with us he has excellent job security and with Alloa or Brechin joining us we will, once again, have a good chance at achieving our objective. It's a no brainer if I'm Stevie Aitken but given he hasn't signed his deal with us yet he may well have a different view.

    Pretty decent summation Moonster.  I'm not altogether sure how Saturday's events will pan out but maybe we should be wary as SA's contract extends only to May 27th so the timing would suit any predator clubs.  IMO he'd be unwise to give up his day job for the Raith gig, but if he is genuinely ambitious to progress in football then he will at some point have to seriously consider his options.

    Another season of keeping us up would do his credentials no harm, but perhaps how the DFC Board is re-shaped and more importantly how they plan to support team affairs may become a telling factor in signing a new contract.

  3. 7 minutes ago, optimistic said:

    Ayr united I hear

    As Stevie Aitken was due to meet with the DFC Board today and he's meeting the players tomorrow night I'm guessing we'll be getting confirmation of this very soon.  Either that or you are going to be left with some egg on your face.


    8 minutes ago, optimistic said:

    Ayr united I hear


  4. 1 hour ago, squeezeboxson said:

    Must be some kind of feedback from the awards bash last night? Who sounded keen to stay and who was saying their goodbyes etc.

    Gutted I missed it as I always enjoy it when I can go, but sometimes work/gigs take priority.

    I really enjoyed the evening, and it was nice to see the players and their partners stay the course and share time with the supporters - we seem to have had a genuinely very decent bunch of guys on and off the pitch.  Obviously some will now be off, but it was nice of Thommo's mother to pass on her thanks and the contribution from American Alexander Graham was really heartfelt and came across as very sincere.

    The continued presence of SA and ID will be crucial in building a squad, and to be honest Stevie gave a very honest and diplomatic speech as you would expect.  It's up to these guys and the club to get a resolution, and the earlier the better.

    I've picked up that there are strong financial headwinds at the club and I'll repeat my earlier assertions that we need to find fresh ideas, fresh ways of bringing in revenue and fresh attitudes; if that means change and/or reorganisation in the running of DFC then so be it.  I noted two Brabco players in attendance last night, but until that consortium can provide a costed, realistic and workable prospectus to match their rhetoric and vision we are very much where we are right now.

  5. 8 hours ago, Nowhereman said:

    32 new pence surely?

    Well considering the UK had switched to decimal coinage the previous year, of course  Thirty two pence would have previously been called 6/-5d - under the old system no-one ever referred to anything above 11d as 'pence'.

  6. 3 hours ago, Benito Robles said:

    Times have changed and Scottish football is no longer the attraction to potential and even existing punters as it once was. All the bits and pieces of inconvenience when added up make a day out pretty rubbish and expensive. I believe that fans are seen as a pain in the backside by many folk who 'run' and own football clubs and that attitude came home to roost many years ago. For the Sons, it may be a big catchment area for potential supporters when Helensburgh, Balloch and perhaps even Argyll is factored in, but the competition for those folks leisure time is fierce. Success on the pitch, for which DFC are to be rightly praised for, is simply not enough anymore, sadly.


    The Bonnyrigg awayday was nostalgic reminder of what attending football in this country used to be like, and backs up Benito's argument.

    He's right too about the 'attitude' thing; DFC has an abysmal PR reputation in the local community.  For a branch of the so-called sports entertainment business it has the modus operandi of a private members club, and sadly I don't expect anything short of a Boardroom personnel change to alter that situation.

    There is still a lot of goodwill out there but channelling it into bums on seats would require a sea change in attitudes and actions.  A good start would be to stop regarding supporters and the general public as some sort of necessary evil.  Aye, at times it's that bad.

  7. There's a possible paradox here; Stevie Aitken may well be an ambitious young manager but perhaps the example of Ian Murray's demise at St Mirren may have lodged in the consciousness of club owners and Boards of Directors.  In other words his future candidacy might be dogged by an 'aye, but' factor - if you were, say, an Inverness Director, in four weeks time would you push for Stevie ahead of someone like Paul Hartley ?  I know, I know, but you get the drift.....

    For what it's worth I sincerely hope that both SA and Ian Durrant remain in place here next season and possibly beyond; whilst everything is relative, these are great days indeed to be a Son fan. 

  8. Thanks guys, you comments are very much appreciated.

    I saw my first Sons game in April 1960 and I honestly never thought I'd seen the best of it in the 1970's.  However, the last five seasons have been as enjoyable as they have been surprising; we have become something of a Wimbledon/Wigan outfit, and whilst we know we will wake up with a jolt someday, let's hope it's not any time soon.

    Huge, huge credit to everyone involved and especially Ian Murray and Stevie Aitken.

  9. 15 minutes ago, lionel wickson said:

    A guy who broke John Cushley's nose iirc.

    It was indeed the Buzz-Bomb.  I was never sure whether it was Big Cush's nose or jaw which was done but whatever it was, it was one of the most stealthily executed acts of thuggery I've ever seen in a Scottish game.  A throw-in on halfway to an Airdrie team attacking the Turnberry End; Drew runs towards the thrower with Cush on his heels; the ball goes long down the left wing and as everyone's eyes follow it he simultaneously spins and with hardly an arm motion powerfully elbows JC in the coupon.  Forty four years on I can still see Big Cush hit the deck like a felled Douglas Fir.

    Sheer poetry in motion.  Violent poetry.  

  10. For all the youngsters on here, today, the 28th April 2017 marks 50 years to the day since Third Lanark FC played their last ever game.  Coincidentally on a Friday evening, they were thumped 5-1 at Boghead in the final league game of the 1966/67 season by a Sons team which finished in 14th place on 33 points.

    Thirds were in 11th spot, one point ahead, but they folded during the summer in very controversial circumstances, amidst accusations of financial irregularities and asset stripping.  Although serious problems had become evident heading into the season's end no-one attending that evening was aware that they were witnessing a very sad occasion in Scottish football history.  As such the crowd for what was a pretty meaningless end-of-season fixture was on the low side; I was one of them and saw Sons goals scored by Harry Kirk (2), Gus McMillan (2) and Big Roy - Kirk's first was in the opening minute without a Thirds player having touched the ball.

    The question is, which local 19-year old entered the history books as scorer of Thirds last-ever goal ?  For the record, they were replaced the following season in Division Two by Clydebank FC.

  11. 1 minute ago, The Moonster said:

    Whilst I agree it's a good result for us, I'm not getting over excited. I'd like to think it won't happen but we could lose our last 2, meaning if St Mirren beat Raith on Saturday and then Raith beat Ayr on the final day we would be 9th. On paper that's not an inconceivable turn of events but we know we've got a decent side and everyone's still fighting. We just need a point more, IMO.

    This.  Raith could get horsed in Paisley and then beat Ayr to pip us should we lose our last two games.  I think we'll avoid 10th place as Ayr need a couple of snookers, but 9th can still snare us.

  12. 10 minutes ago, SUPERSOUTH said:

    Andy Stirling rumoured to be joining QoS next season you heard this? Is he any good?

    The only certainty is that our squad next term will bear little resemblance to the current team.  Andy Stirling on his game is excellent, but he has some consistency issues; in other words a typical winger.  It wouldn't surprise me if he is headed to Palmerston.

  13. I would have thought that we would welcome all the support we can get, or is it only politicians from certain parties who are allowed to back us ?  Whoever pulls on the jersey and crosses the touchline should give and get 100%, and so it is with anyone who wishes us well.  As for the Trust, I'm a founder and always encourage people to join, but I also recognise that membership is not compulsory in order to support the Sons, and we should all respect that.


  14. There is an odd aspect to all of this, as essentially we have a two-sided triangle in play right now.  Where we should have input from Brabco, the club's majority shareholder and proponents of this scheme, the fanbase and the community (currently represented by the Trust), and finally the Board of Directors of Dumbarton Football Club, there has been until now an almost deafening silence from the latter.

    Has the full Board ever met to discuss this proposal ?  Has every Board member been consulted and had input ?  If so, is there unity of purpose?  Has the DFC Board, or representatives of it, met in open session with Brabco to discuss the proposed venture ?  And crucially, does the Board of DFC fully support Brabco's intentions ?

    A public statement on all of the above would I believe be helpful at this time.  I'm wondering too what effect relegation would have in relation to the relocation plan and the future sustainability of any development.

  15. 14 hours ago, Howlin' Wilf said:

    I'm quite sanguine about our team's prospects. On Saturday it was one of those games which the first goal was going to win.

    We will get 100% effort I'm sure - like others I reckon Garry and Nade might have been a better introduction than Nade and Nuttall. Probably a bit unfair to have introduced Nuttall at that stage in fact. I'll bet Garry was itching to get on. 

    No matter which league we're playing in I'd be inclined to keep Steve Aitken in charge, but with one merry-go-round in full swing and others surely to follow, we might be advised to have a reserve in place. The only thing is that Paul Hartley has Gerry McCabe as assistant, otherwise he might be a good back up.

    Obviously relegation would not be welcome, but to be honest I'm not too sure that life in the Championship has been too much of a blessing for the club.  Outwith the committed (and shrinking) fanbase there now seems to be much less general enthusiasm for DFC in the local community - costs and all-ticket games perhaps a factor - as people have perhaps become blase or have maybe just become fed up with the plucky part-timers battling the odds on a weekly basis.

    Money-wise we never seem to be out of the mire either; a small ground obviously doesn't help but I simply can't believe moving to the Renton Road will do anything other than diminish what's left of the core support.  I'm wondering just what effect relegation would have on that project - perhaps a slightly smaller pie in the sky ?

    Be under no illusions though, what has happened over the last five years is a minor miracle, and that will become more apparent over time.  Huge credit to everyone involved, and if this is the year that Wigan/Wimbledon gravity-defying act finally ends then so be it.  As I've already said, we're not away yet and let's hope for the best, but I agree, every effort should be made to retain Stevie Aitken. 

  16. I posted earlier on this thread that I was nervous as I've felt for a couple of weeks that we were due a smeller and today was the evidence.  Dunfermline weren't brilliant, but they didn't have to be to deserve their win, and when we failed to capitalise on those spells in the first half when we were on top, the second period into the gale was always going to be difficult.  Fair play to the Pars in the end.  

    Results elsewhere weren't great either but hey, we are not yet down - who is this tit who has it in for Stevie Aitken on the match thread FFS ?  However, starting at Palmerston we need to abandon the experiment of young McRorie in midfield as it just isn't working.  I'd prefer SeaGal, Carswell, Stanton and Stirling across the middle with Vaughn and Thommo up front.

    Nade and Nuttall aren't offering much, and the problem for the latter is in making an impact in twenty minute snatches, especially in games like today which are already slipping away.  Nade's best days now look to be behind him so it's the bench at best; as for Garry, sad to say he's never really been out of the blocks this season and match fitness has been a problem.  Having said that I would still trust him to give 100% as he always has.

    All we ask is that the team competes to the last, whatever the eventual outcome.

  17. 6 hours ago, Nowhereman said:

    I mentioned it earlier but will Thomson be in the best frame of mind for this game.He'd surely rather Morton took three points to try and get second spot with a view to the play offs - wouldn't he?

    Remind me - just who is currently paying his wages ?

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