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Everything posted by ForzaDundee

  1. Currently 2800 words and two weeks into a mechanical design assignment and only about 40% complete when the lecturer emails to inform of a 1800 word limit. Nothing worse than having to delete hunners of work.
  2. Just try scrape through it and next time make sure you pick an easy course like something from the business school or since your doing maths go for something like physics or astronomy. The programming courses are supposed to be really hard because Edinburgh is apparently number one in the UK for it.
  3. His parents pay his rent and he took a minimum loan because he had over seven grand savings. Halfway through the year he decided that he fancied some free money so moved his savings to his Dad's account and closed his saving account. He was left with only about £500 in a account so claimed that he couldn't pay the rent. He got a grand hardship and then transferred his saving back and booked flights and a holiday in Thailand for summer off it. He's a middle-class English guy and has plenty dosh. Me and my other flatmates take full loans to get by so we showed our disgust at him. He just seemed really smug with himself that he'd screwed the system and didn't couldn't get why we found it immoral.
  4. Edinburgh. Me and him nearly had a major falling out over it but I eventually just dropped it.
  5. My flatmate last year fraudulently got a grand from the uni hardship fund. Took him about a month I think.
  6. Dundee currently top of the league. Going to the Hull game tonight since there was fighting on and off the ince in the last game.
  7. Club Doss members will have better luck on Grindr.
  8. All the #EdUni hockey sluts are mad for tinder just now.
  9. I had a similar situation but the uni basically just said that it was a full time course and therefore any other commitments should be put after uni related business. In actual fact you'll come to realise that nobody cares what you do with your time as long as you pass in the end. Also, it'll eventually dawn on you that lectures in first year as the biggest waste of time imaginable.
  10. Heads up for tickets for their tour at the end of the year. Thinking of doing a good few as they were on top form at TITP. http://www.theviewareonfire.com/events/ Good to see that they're finally getting about a bit with lots of dates in Europe and North America recently. Maybe it's due to change of record label.
  11. Just did a dece HIIT session (lifted this morning) and my abs are looking #defined as f**k. Away to take a topless #selfie and snapchat it to some 8/10s. #standard
  12. Got to be honest here lads, many brands have been ruined by dossers who aren't dece enough to carry them off. I'm taking about the likes of superstar tradesmen who have the money for dece polos but combine them with voi jeans or wear SI jackets whilst sporting two for £20 Burton t-shirts underneath. Fair play to them for being able to afford it but wish they'd stick to fitting toilets and leave the proper stuff to #dece lads.
  13. Made In Chelsea* theme + Kanye = v dece http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uEKLAmqxWY *series 2, 4 and 5
  14. Just back from #TITP. Successful weekend on many levels. #Shoutout to Calvin Harris for getting out of Dumfries and becoming dece. #hardworkpays #Dumfriesaintdece #inspiration
  15. Anyone else hitting up TITP this weekend? #glamping #Kinrossnotdoss
  16. 2 scoops of vanilla whey 1 Banana Handful of porridge oats Semi-skimmed milk #favouriteshake #gainz
  17. Emotions are for girls and talking about how you feel only reveals weakness. Club Dece does our talking on the dancefloor by pulling all the 9/10s. #standard
  18. Doss is teuchter patter spoken by bed-wetters in places where protein powder hasn't even been discovered. #Fact
  19. These boys had it spot on yesterday. #Ladsontour #Wimbledece #Selfie
  20. Everyone loves the fairy Gok mother.
  21. Andece Murray #punchingabovehisweight #inspiration
  22. Weegies need to sort themselves out. A stain on our whole country, truly Scotland's shame.
  23. Dece weather like today only means one thing. #TapsAff #GunShow #ChebsOot
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