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Everything posted by ForzaDundee

  1. Hey guys, ForzaDundee here with a quick question. Anyone know where I can get the SPFL fixtures imported into Google calendar? Can't remember what I used last year but they were quite good and automatically updated with any fixture changes. Cheers guys.
  2. Why do the BBC devote so much coverage to these three murdered Israelis. Sickening bias.
  3. Anyone got anyone on Facebook that goes to St Andrews. Unbelievable how every single picture they post is full of bow-ties, tweed jackets and chinos. Makes me feel physically sick.
  4. People shouldn't need to have a clue about how to behave on roads. Infrastructure should exist so that anyone can simple jump on a bike and ride safely.
  5. Swear I've had some sneezes that felt more powerful than some orgasms.
  6. World Cup has been fantastic. Much goals. Such scenes. Wow.

  7. The President of Nigeria is called Goodluck Jonathan. Here is a picture of him.
  8. I've come to possess two 24 crates of Stewart's Beer with a best before of Aug 2013. Common sense says of course they will be ok but thought I'd ask the P&B massive first.
  9. Costa Del Dundee

  10. Anyone got a link to the full results? Heard the result for the North East is Yes - 43.5% and No - 38.3%.
  11. Someone call an ambulance. I've caught World Cup fever. #Brazil2014 #ABE #CoppaDelMundo

  12. Labour are trying a divide and rule strategy, particularly in Aberdeen.
  13. A council-estate version of Matty Lockwood on the right.
  14. I've came across big groups of these types on two separate occasions in Dundee. I'm pretty liberal-minded but why do people think it's acceptable to walk about like this?
  15. Good choice. With hindsight I wish I'd went to Heriot Watt.
  16. There's no chip on my shoulder; you won't catch me moaning about it and I hate it when folk try to belittle other degrees or anything like that. It's just blatantly obvious though, don't know why some other's have a problem with it. I'm sure most would happily confirm that medics have to work harder than them, why then do they have a problem engineers working harder than them? Maybe it's simply due to an image problem surrounding engineering in general.
  17. Doesn't take a genius to work out that your workload is more than people on other courses.
  18. Probably depends on what uni you go to. At Edinburgh Uni first and second year of engineering courses are pretty easy (obviously still harder and more workload than most other courses though) except for the maths courses whilst third year is a massive step up. Pretty sure Edinburgh only offer 2nd year entry though and there seemed to only be 2/3 people in my class that entered at this stage. If you've been full-time at college for a few years then you might actually find it easy to carry that work-ethic and momentum into uni. To be honest, I've got no idea though.
  19. Watched a band from Shetland who were pretty decent and spotted an absolute protégé in the kids football tournament.
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