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Everything posted by ForzaDundee

  1. Republicans show solidarity with Palestine as they are largely left-wing and support the underdog. British Nationalists support Israel because they are largely racist, right-wing bigots.
  2. That Prince Joffrey (or the boy who played him) almost ran be over with his bike when I was walking through the Meadows earlier. Glad he died.
  3. Absolutely shite mate. Editing this post just to reiterate how pish a joke that is.
  4. Bought one of the "No Pirlo - No Party" t-shirts in my avatar from Ebay for £4.50. Genuinely excited to wear it.
  5. I moved out from a Grant Property flat yesterday and woke-up this morning to find they've randomly taken £267.43 out of my account.
  6. Apparently the captured solider could be have dual Israeli-British nationality. Would be very convenient for the genocide apologists in this country if true.
  7. I have a distaste for the state of Israel and think people who follow Judaism are daft. Does this make me an anti-semite?
  8. Just got my hole but she didn't want to stay the night because apparently she's up early for work in the morning.
  9. Motherwell getting punted out of Europe is proof of Armageddon IMO.

  10. Thought that until everyone I know started going. Male/female ratio is exceptional and elsewhere on a Saturday in Edinburgh is generally shite except Castle Clvb.
  11. Didn't think it was possible to get chucked out of big cheese. I've seen a guy basically puke up on a bouncer's shoes and then stand with his mates laughing at the person whose job it was to clean up. Fucking can't wait for the cheese to start up again.
  12. Just want to say 11000 season tickets is some achievement. Could someone please provide a link to somewhere detailing the whole Bidco/FoH agreement. I'm pretty interested in fan ownership structures but have neglected following the Hearts situation for some reason.
  13. Israelis watching Gaza being bombed from a hilltop. Apparently cheering and clapping with every explosion.
  14. Anas Sarwar booed off stage at the Palestine protest in Glasgow. Pleasing.
  15. If the British Nationalists win the referendum I'm going to love the levels of seethe which will emanate from them when the SNP win the next Holyrood elections. "But, but, but uncertainty. But, but, but neverendum. But, but, but Quebec."
  16. ForzaDundee


    Just finished season 3 there. Not sure about the ending, definitely not as good as season 2.
  17. Think there's something called Samsung Link that gives cloud storage space. Otherwise, try to increase your dropbox space or try Google Drive and Skydrive.
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