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Posts posted by Lofarl

  1. Just joined the pnb club on Strava. Went out for a ride today. Yesterday was a disaster, got 8 miles then got a puncture. I replaced my tyres as they were a bit worn out with newer more puncture resilient ones. I don't know if it was the tyres or the wind but my times were well out. Felt knackered today.

  2. My eldest dog suffered a mini stroke yesterday, glad to say he has improved over the last 24 hrs greatly. But I really thought I would have to get him put down. I spent a good chunk of yesterday looking over some old photos of him. Here he his...Majestic as f**k.




    Chasing the newest


  3. Didn't have all that many to deliver today, I heard that Rockstar are annoyed with Amazon selling them early so they are not getting priority on Stock Levels. I probably delivered 8 today and most were from Argos or HMV. Only 2 from Amazon.

  4. Right since I'm the only postie here to chime in. Tuesdays are our quietest days of the week and due to that its also the day we finish early. At least in my area. Now thats a good thing as it means we can take more amazon shaped packets, but also a bad thing for you lot as it means we finish up to 45 mins early. Also if you think most of them are going to work late at a time when the management are spitting on us I've some bad news.

    Also some of us want to finish early so we can play GTA 5

  5. Never cared much for Star Wars but I don't hate them or love them as some people do. I'll see the new ones and hope to god they are better than 1-3. By god they were crap. Hayden Christianson is utter wooden. Hopefully with Lucas out the way the films might be decent. Abrams has done a good Job with Star Trek.

    The most tragic character for me is Luke in the whole trilogy. He is adopted then many years later his guardians are slaughtered, he has to put up with a gay robot, sees his mentor Obi Wan die. Probably has to deal with the guilt of killing hundreds of private contractors on the Death Star. Losses his hand, finds out Vader is his father, lusts after his Sister, finds out he's been lusting after his Sister. Starts to reconciliate with his Dad, who then dies. Still stuck with a gay robot, watches his mate Solo get fired into his Sister, c'mon you don't want mates ploughing your sis. Not a lot of joy in Luke's life.

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