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Everything posted by mev

  1. Actually, it's a question from tourists that has provoked arguments in Scandinavia itself. The Swedes naturally claim that if the region had a capital it would be Stockholm as Oslo and Copenhagen are much smaller cities. The Finnish people don't really consider themselves to be a part of Scandinavia so Helsinki doesn't really come into it. A silly question but not one that hasn't been considered by the Scandinavians themselves. It's obviously not an argument that any of them can really win. Anyway, United have had some really good Scandinavians that played for them as have one or two other Scottish clubs I won't mention.
  2. Silly question. What's the capital of Scandinavia?
  3. You guys need to cheer up and remember that as usual the referee and both assistants will be on your side in the Dundee derby or as Tam Courts might say, your exploratory research on derby referees points to integrated asset projections.
  4. I've told you a hundred billion times not to exaggerate! lol
  5. Hope you guys get a point against Rangers to allow Tam Courts to keep his job. I don't think I've had so much entertainment from a football manager since Brian Clough. At least he knew what he was talking about!
  6. I'm trying to get inside Tam Courts mind to understand where he is coming from. I think he is saying United need a more blue-sky approach to millennial logistics as your organisation believes in holistic organisational football concepts. You therefore need a more contemporary reimagining of your logistical innovation to ensure you go forward with your plans to implement transitional mobility on the pitch. because it's time that you became uber-efficient with your remote organisational innovation. At least, that's what I think he means??????
  7. Do you think he'll stay that long? He's already a United legend in his own imagination and it seems the United board have bought into it. Their patience won't last long if they continue to submit to defeat as tamely as they did on Sunday. I'm not convinced they'll appoint a good replacement even if Courts does leave, as being able to quote loads of stats and haver absolute drivel seems to be the main qualities they look for in a manager.
  8. Absolutely. You outplayed the Dons from start to finish and were the better team by a country mile. Tam Courts is a genius.
  9. Yeah, you clearly had Aberdeen hemmed in for the last 30 minutes......
  10. Although I'm a Dee I don't hate United. The current shambles at Tannadice reminds me of the Angus Cook regime at Dens when both he and his friend Jim Smith talked Dundee up to the point where what they were saying bore no resemblance to reality. That United seem to be going down the same road must be very worrying for you guys.
  11. I'm no longer a season ticket holder as the games I could get down to Dundee for kept getting moved for TV or I missed out on tickets for cup games because I couldn't get to Dens to stand in a queue. I think it's fair season ticket holders get priority but think the club could arrange something for their out of town season ticket holders and similar who genuinely can't make it to Dens to stand in a queue rather than treating them like second class citizens.
  12. Season ticket holders should get priority. The problem is that out of town ticket holders and those who can't wait in a queue for tickets are being treated really unfairly through no fault of their own. If this carries on, such people should be offered rebates because they clearly aren't getting what they paid for.
  13. Probably, well those who can manage to queue will anyway. Those who can't have to make do with watching it on TV if that will still be allowed.
  14. I think it's about season ticket holders who live hundreds of miles from Dens and can't drive or walk to Dens to stand in a queue. I for one am fed up of folk who live in and around Dundee getting preferential treatment just because they can make it to the ticket shop more easily. I'm not a season ticket holder any more but can understand out of towners complaining about the way this was set up. I stopped purchasing a season ticket because of it and I would imagine others have been contacting the club threatening to do the same.
  15. Yeah, never really got an opportunity to score but had some nice touches and passes. He looks like he's always aware of what's going on around him so may well set up others for goals. He reminded me a bit of Eric Sinclair in his movement and the way he looked to bring others into play, obviously a lot taller though.
  16. I don't think there's any 'easy' games in the Premiership. I take it you mean easy in comparison to other teams we'll face? This is one we can no doubt win but just as easily lose, especially if we still have loads of players out isolating due to covid. Your 3 nil St Mirren comment tends to suggest you're thinking the same way as me.
  17. It seems McMullan has escaped serious injury. Not sure if that means he will play tomorrow though. They said the same thing about Mullen and he's only just started light training. You always knew with a ref like Newlands we would have a few injuries after the Montrose game. If he'd been harder on some of Waddell's challenges earlier in the game the bad tackle on McMullan probably wouldn't have happened. He was throwing his weight around right from the start. Jakubiak came in for some rough treatment but got nothing from the ref. Newlands was the same with Cummings when we lost to Ayr at Dens.
  18. It was an awful tackle and I expected him to see red. A shocker of a decision from the ref imo. When he left Dens, Waddell angered McPake with some of the comments online about how Waddell heard he was being let go. Apparently he heard about it on Twitter which McPake furiously denied. If Waddell was lying about that then I can understand why McPake wasn't holding back.
  19. Robertson's only 18, two years younger than Anderson so loads of time yet for him to get better at tackling. After he's left Shankland floundering with a superbly timed tackle then nutmegged Clark at Tannadice his confidence will soar and Real Madrid will come in with an offer of £100,000,000 which Dundee will reject because it's not enough. These purple tablets the doctor gave me don't half make you more positive about things.
  20. I'm hoping for a Gilzean type impact. 169 goals in 190 appearances can't be too much to ask.
  21. On our budget I can't see us signing anyone who is much better than Sheridan to be honest. I'm certainly not going to write him off before I've seen him play for us. McPake seems to have an eye for a player, the problem he had early in his management career was putting his signings together in the right formation as a team which he eventually managed to do in the latter part of last season. If he thinks Sheridan is good enough then it's welcome to Dens big man as far as I'm concerned.
  22. It's so often the case that players score against their former clubs, Kyle Benedictus for Raith against Dundee being a prime example. I can see McMullan being desperate to score against you guys just to make a point. I was very surprised United let him go to be honest as he always seemed to play really well against us. His final ball and passing is a bit hit or miss but when he gets it right it invariably leads to a goal after he has torn a hole through the opposition defence using his blinding pace. There is no way we would have been promoted without him. He really is a handful when given proper service from the likes of Charlie Adam and Shaun Byrne.
  23. McMullan is a very effective Championship player though. Will be interesting to see if he is able to make the step up this time, wasn't really up to it with United. They were extremely negative last season though. McMullan's greatest asset is his pace and he's a winger. From what I saw of United last season and it wasn't much, they seemed to prefer going through the middle or the channels with Shankland and Clark and then bringing the wingers/full backs into play. That meant his pace wasn't being exploited. His final ball can be a bit erratic at times so I can see why it wasn't working out for him at Tannadice. It was the same with Martin Boyle when he was at Dens. Paul Hartley preferred going through the middle and using overlapping fullbacks which didn't make full use of Boyle's Pace. He got sidelined at Dens but his game took off when he wen't on loan to Hibs who used a different formation which allowed him to use his pace to good effect. Dundee play a different formation to United using wingers and full backs linking up together and they don't tend to go through the middle so much. It seems to suit McMullan's game better.
  24. Somehow you guys have been able to sign players who fit right in with your squad and didn't take forever to gel with their team mates. It's absolutely key and James McPake has publicly stated he considers a players personality an extremely important part of his signing policy. They have to be able to fit in and not be of a type that would disrupt the squad. Copying you guys somewhat I guess. Paul McMullan was sidelined at Tannadice but has been on fire since he moved to Dens in the January transfer window.
  25. It's amazing how often a top six side gets relegated or really struggles for the following season or two because other sides have pinched their best players. There's usually at least one side like that. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was Livingston this season.
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