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Ken Fitlike

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Everything posted by Ken Fitlike

  1. You pull this bit of deflection with a few other posters.... somebody puts up a legitimate , informative or pish-ripping bit of discussion and you wade in with ' you support Inverdiddy United, but 600 out of 800 posts are on the Rangers thread' So bleeding what? It doesn't detract at all from their Inverdiddy allegience. Possibly because this thread is The Place To Be on This Particular Topic and everybody migrates to it. I support Aberdeen and post mostly on AFC forums, only dropping by here to enjoy this fantastic thread.
  2. good to see Alex Thomson again.... what about another old fave that hasn't been seen for a while.... http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ good grief! same old repetitive insanity......
  3. Bart - 'what they call you?' Fake-O Kid - well, my name is Ally - but most people call me... . . . . . . ....Sally.
  4. a sponsorship opportunity that Chucky has missed..... the Northern Engineering & Welding Company logo would look smart on the front of the 'Rangers' shirts
  5. the ideal gift for the 'head in sand' world view of the average Govan Zombies FC supporter
  6. that vanguard bears boycott link - about 2 pages back... the full announcement is pure comedy gold Unified Supporters Platform Calls For Boycott Written by Admin Monday, 01 October 2012 20:12 The Unified Supporters Platform calls on the Rangers support to withdraw its financial input to any SPL club by boycotting the next round of the League Cup, drawn on 4th October, should our opposition be ANY Scottish Premier League club away from home. Since the turn of the year, Rangers FC and its supporters have been abused, maligned, derided and disrespected by the supporters and certain hierarchy of SPL member clubs. These cowardly clubs, who decided Rangers were not needed in the SPL, attempted to destroy us when we had reached our lowest ebb. Unfortunately for them, and to their bitter displeasure, the Rangers survived this trauma. We are stronger than ever and our magnificent history continues unbroken. Our supporters have waited patiently for apt opportunity to respond to some of the poisoned hatred and unrepentant vitriol directed, both at them and the club, by starving SPL clubs of much-needed cash. By boycotting this potential fixture the message the support sends out is loud and clear; “Their hate-filled stance against our club and its support will never be forgotten”. For once our support must unite like never before to send out this clear message, we have to show we mean business. This statement has been endorsed by the following: The Rangers Supporters Assembly The Rangers Supporters Association RangersUnite Rangers Till I Die N.I. Vanguard Bears Copland Road.org Blue Heaven Union Bears Number One Fanzine The Blue Order Tweet VB Calls For Boycott Surely they would 'hurt' the other SPL clubs even more if they boycotted the home cup ties. Shared gate means a routine tie at Ibrox would generate more money than one at a 'diddy' ground
  7. is there an upcoming pish talking Olympic Event that you are in 'only 4 years to Rio' training for.
  8. I wonder what part of 'Your Club Died' he does not get. This not the previous RFC being punished. They are gone gone gone....This is a new club being shoe-horned back into the set up and getting more assistance than any other mob would get in similar circumstances. I did smile at his line..."No one is denying that Rangers were badly mismanaged for 10 months" and who was 'the manager' Ally?
  9. One of the current (currant!) pleasures is when any blue-noses start talking about their team is to enquire if they are speaking about Oldco or Newco, and then to continue rubbing it in by references to Servco, Club 12, The Rangers FC etc etc. This induces what I believe Pand B regulars call 'Seethe'. Oh such fun. My personal preference is to do the finger quote stylee thing......
  10. I noticed that we were now on page 2999 so I googled images for 'Rangers Thread Page 3000' this popped up on page 1 going to google' Charles Green Male Model' now...
  11. I didn't realise he started his career at such a high level... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Goodwin
  12. But all the other chairmen are as bad, if just a bit more sleekit. They would surely have voted the Zombie Rangers straight back into the SPL - but the prospect of the bulk of their customers saying 'Do that and WE are walking away' forced them to cast ZR out - only to start coming on heavy to the SFL to slot them into division one and minimise the prospective loss. Integrity my arse. edit - SFL not SLF. I wish someone would 'Listen'
  13. I was one of the Peterhead match attenders who deliberately gave the Social Club a miss.... issue covered on PFC message board http://www.singwhenwerefishing.com/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=3133 this is kind of off topic to Servco 5088, so i'd better say John McVeigh is a tit
  14. 'Omnishambles' is the appropriate word, I believe. Why can't the door in football corridors of power suddenly burst open and Jocky Scott hoverpacks in with a'‘Wha’s in cherge here?’ and proceeds to sort the fcucking lot out. I've enjoyed the grave dancing era of the BRALT, but I've now got totally lost in the couple of days after this gerrymandering into SFL1 ploy surfaced.
  15. I LOL'd at him being renamed 'Dark Mingwall' a few pages back..... we should try and make that stick
  16. Golden Gordon.... I have been in this mode after returning home from Pittodrie
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