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Ken Fitlike

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Everything posted by Ken Fitlike

  1. I noticed the writer was upset about tax evasion - but could not find a single reference to any other club but Rangers. maybe because the article was about Rangers / Sevco / The Rangers / Govan Zombies. and even if other clubs had HMRC issues - they would be nowhere near the 'off the radar' scale of Rangers 'cheating years' It just occured to me that most of your posts are so fruitloop bonkers, that I suspect you may be a parody double agent of the Celtic persuasion whose task is to discredit Rangers support by creating the 'lunacy as standard' impression. it's 'Bhendarroch' really, isn't it? rumbled.
  2. Everytime I see a post from yourself like this ( and that's about 99% of them) I picture you as Homer Simpson in that clip where he is trying to retrieve his beer which is hung over the power cables, repeating his attempts ad infinitum, getting a jolt each time. Give it up, min! so you disagree with.... History is not just about the trophies won on the pitch, it’s about conducting business properly, fairly and within the rules. Rangers didn’t play the whole game and it will be another injustice if we allow ourselves to forget it.
  3. I'm sure they died. I read it somewhere. Really put a spring in my step that day. I'm with the Montrose programme guy. New club currently puffing and panting away in Division Three.
  4. http://swivel-eyeddavieleggat.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/celtic-third-lanark-and-rangers-stolen.html I'm not sure if this is more or less bizarre than the genuine leggo.
  5. Hiya Leggo, Hiya pal! seriously what the fcuk are you slobbering on about? d'ye ever read the pish that you type up?
  6. I suppose we should make allowances. After all, they must still be traumatised after their club went out of existance.
  7. 140 days! Wow - time fair flies by. I could have sworn it was only 139.. hard to keep an ACCURATE track of anniversaries, I suppose...
  8. 'careful now' WRK, as the oirish lads say... Boro's badge didindeed feature '1986' for a good while - but they have revamped it to feature their original foundation date. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middlesbrough_F.C.#Colours_and_crest Maybe they bought back their history (I'm surprised the Amigos - and their even more bonkers wannabes - haven't picked up that wee titbit and been triumphantly crowing about it)
  9. a good summing up of 90% of the Sevco Amigos' contributions on here since their NEW club was launched.
  10. yup, seems crystal clear. No dubiety whatsoever. I'm puzzled as to why some folk seem unable to grasp the concept. still, Sevco fans - wtf are they like?
  11. I'll concede that one. no way do I possess sufficient reserves of imagination to regard a 6 month old club as having 140 years of history.
  12. Shurely - ' you would't piss on him if he was on fire' Bendarroch starts another day by getting the simplest thing howlingly wrong. No doubt this will continue throughout the entire day. edit - a wee typo in a very short sentence. Ah well, I'll admit to my faults
  13. aye, both sides of the shitey arse disbanding into extiction would suit us all fine. (can I interrupt myself with a 'well done lat night Celtic, bye ra way')
  14. no f**king issue - as long as New Rangers FC don't get a f**king 50% split of the gate after this latest f**king scumbaggery episode.
  15. The chairmen would have had New Rangers in the SPL at the drop of a hat. Only when they realised that their own core supports would melt like snow off a dyke (due to the realisation that we were paying money to watch a corrupt competition - you can scoff about Sporting Integrity if you want - so what was the point any more) did they cast the votes denying the New Club direct entry.
  16. thanks. (for once I was genuinely seeking information instead of having a snipe)
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