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Posts posted by Ric

  1. 13 hours ago, Coventry Saint said:

    I don't believe anybody would (or should) file domestic abuse under anti-social behaviour, even if that broad definition loosely applies. 

    I'd just call it what it is, tbh.

    Anyway, sorry, didn't mean to derail an otherwise wonderful thread.

    I wouldn't put much stock in the category I used, it was clearly not intended to be anything other than a shit post.

    I also hope you don't think I am in some way lessening the impact of domestic abuse. If you do, I could explain a few things (in DM) as to why that would never be the case.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Pens_Dark said:

    Nope I just took a headline, like you did, to make some snide remark about a place where people live. As if Paisley is some sort of Scottish Beverly Hills.

    Struggling for relevance here, PD.

    I'm spitting facts, you are throwing out pseudo science.. :D

    Also, where have I defended Paisley? It seems you've gotten your jimmies so rustled you've assumed this was a zero-sum game! ;)


    Edit: btw, get yourself an ad-blocker there, chum, that's just friendly advice! 💻



  3. 3 minutes ago, Pens_Dark said:

    I was wondering why the majority of you lot spend your time on here bringing everyone else down by making match threads entirely unreadable. Then this popped up...



    Did you actually read the article before posting this "hopeful gotcha"?


    Based on the total number of sunlight hours an area has over the winter period, the study shows that Paisley is one of the most naturally unhappy places, with the town only seeing 140 hours of predicted sunlight this winter.

    That's some science right there!

  4. 10 hours ago, Doonhame Buddie said:

    Have you read his partner’s posts on the Kilmarnock thread?  Honest and open and entirely understandable.  A young man away from his young family - no wonder his form dropped dramatically. 

    With this in mind it was an “one off incident”.  A fluke goal, just as unpredictable as the Snodgrass cross/shot last season. 

    Zac is a good goalkeeper and highly thought of by our management and Middlesbrough’s management.  He deserves our full support. 

    We’ve been tremendously lucky with our goalkeepers in recent years. Hemming is the next in a great run. 

    You can make any excuse you want for it, but the facts are the facts, he was so bad with Kilmarnock last season he had to be dropped. Go back and watch his games. If he can suffer confidence issues, once, then he can suffer them again. We would be having the same discussion if we had brought an outfield player who had suffered the same fate. If people are sitting there thinking I am criticising him unfairly and will never recognise if he has a good game clearly never read my comments. I said the same for Curtis Main, who was an absolute embarrassment for us for months, months. Did he come good in the end? Yes, he did. Did I call him out when he was being dogshit? Yes, I did. Did I call him out for his excellent performances last season? Yes, yes I did.

    Do I want him to be a success? Of course I do. The biggest thing is how he reacts to his mistakes, because keepers who make none (just like any player who makes no mistakes) are as rare as hens teeth. Robinson is the person who makes the call, it's his job on the line, and considering his success with us last season he has earned the right to make those decisions. Personally I think he was blindsided by Carson's tantrum and limited by our budget, so he's had to lean into the Hemming as #1 out of circumstance rather than desire.

    Bottom line is that we all have opinions, but that's all they are. I don't get annoyed at people bigging up Hemming, because... people certainly have, yet people seem to get annoyed when I am less ebullient. The only arbiter here will be the end of the season, when we have a much better idea of how good (or bad) he'll be. Again, though, I obviously wish for a positive outcome.





  5. 16 minutes ago, medals said:

    You are still At it,

    I quote you - "My main issue with Hemming is that he doesn't command his box, and we saw that in the game against Aberdeen."

    One incident in one game and you also called him a step down.

    You are being very selective there.

    For a start it wasn't "one incident", as I posted links to his performances for Killie where he failed to command his box when he joined us. He had a nightmare for them last season and had to be replaced. That's the reason I am concerned about him being #1. It's not some sort of unfair agenda against the lad. Is it his fault he is #1? No, of course not, it's Carson's for having a tantrum. Do I blame him for taking the opportunity, again, of course not. It is Robinson that's made the call, and it's his job on the line so I presume he must trust him, but that doesn't stop people having an opinion on what they see.

    Secondly, as for him being a step down, he is, you simply cannot argue the case. Part of that is because we have been very lucky with our keepers recently. Is he a better keeper than Hladky, Alnwick or Carson? If you think so, then that is a crazy take. The keeper we had before that was (iirc) Samson. Is he better than Samson? Perhaps, that's a different argument. The biggest thing for me is for Hemming to learn from his mistakes. Keepers have mistakes "baked into them", it's how they react that is important, and we won't really know that until the team experiences a tough period of results.

    Finally, when he's had a good game, I've said he's had a good game. Feel free to check my comments.

  6. 2 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

    Hemming never made a single mistake yesterday. Is anyone claiming he did? 

    Not me. I never even saw the game.


    4 minutes ago, medals said:

    You seem to be overlooking my point.

    Hemming was being spotlighted.

    We lost a goal yesterday where 2 other players let us down, and I never saw mention of it on here - so why is Hemming under the microscope alone? Fair is fair right?

    As I said, I didn't watch the game so can't comment. IMO, we've been very lucky with keepers, but Hemming is definitely a step down. Admittedly this isn't really anyone's fault other than Carson for throwing his toys out of the pram.


  7. Just now, medals said:

    Plenty folk ready to analyse goals against us with Hemming in place of Carson

    I'll take that on - I'd analyse his goals as much as I would any keeper we have. My main issue with Hemming is that he doesn't command his box, and we saw that in the game against Aberdeen.

    Other than that he's looked better than he did with Killie last season, but that was a pretty low bar.

    All keepers are confidence players, we'll have a much better idea of just how well Hemming will cope is when we are not winning games.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

    I bet Alloa fans had similar thoughts about Saints when Ross and Goodwin stepped up.

    I'd happily trade in the ability to bring in a manager outside the transfer window if it guaranteed we don't lose our manager outside the transfer window.

    If it can be done for players, it can be done with managers but I just don't see a push from clubs (or the governing body/bodies) to make that happen.

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