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    Stirling Albion

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  1. First time watching Waugh last night and was impressed. I feel like we've needed a player like him for years, even going back to the promotion season. My only concern is his physicality - or lack thereof - and whether he might get bullied, but there's clearly a player in there!
  2. We planning on selling season tickets at any point or nah?
  3. He obviously didn't get much time on the pitch, but liked what I saw of Conway. He's got pace and looked sharp. An option in behind that German high line? Maybe not as a starter, but off the bench?
  4. I'm not even kidding, the course of action from SA at this point should be a grovelling phone call to Darren Young.
  5. Record saying it's Aitken. Four-man shortlist was Aitken, Tam O'Ware, Patrick Cregg and Alan Maybury.
  6. Aitken is a hugely underwhelming appointment. I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt over sacking DY until we knew what the plan was. It's clear now there was no plan.
  7. Don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but I thought L1 was a step too far for Banner and I'm surprised a L1 team has moved for him.
  8. I'm probably reading too much into the statement, but perhaps notable the wording was "taking over" and not "buying." I have no idea how these things work, but maybe a revenue-sharing agreement over a number of years? No upfront cost? I dunno.
  9. Today's statement was a lot to digest. Pleased that the club has held up its hands regarding communication, website, social media, match highlights. Obviously no guarantee that things will actually improve (wasn't the new site meant to be ready for the start of THIS season?), but recognising how far behind in these areas is a positive first step. The most interesting part, which I wasn't expecting, was the revelation that we're talking to the council about taking over Forthbank. Not owning our own stadium limits what we can achieve as a club. Also hugely positive to hear the surrounding astroturf pitches are part of the discussions. Anything we can get to generate regular, reliable revenue would be huge for the future of the club. No idea if talks over Forthbank will amount to anything, but I'm at least encouraged the club has the ambition to even explore that as an option. If only they would actually communicate with us more frequently, we might understand their decision-making a bit better!
  10. We got relegated on Saturday. Then sacked our manager on Monday. The season is over. Yet there still hasn't been any meangingful communication from the club. This is becoming a bigger and bigger problem. Does anyone actually know who is running the club? Who is putting in place the plans for next season? Who is leading the search for a new manager? We shouldn't be left in the dark like this. As a season ticket holder and trust member, I think this is unacceptable.
  11. Very surprised at today's news. While there were questions to answer over the way this season finished, do we really have any faith that the board will be able to find someone better for the job than DY? DY also deserved a better send-off than that statement the club put out. Really poor stuff that perhaps highlights some issues behind the scenes.
  12. Don't need to beg, mate. You don't have to wait very long for a Falkirk disaster.
  13. Ultimately a huge missed opportunity to consolidate in L1. It shouldn't have been beyond us to stay up this season. Now we're back down in the L2 quagmire which will be just as difficult to get out as it was last time. My fear starting this season was our midfield would be too weak and we wouldn't have enough attacking creativity. The first few months had me thinking I'd called it wrong. I'd started on the humble pie, but ultimately my fears were realised. Not enough was done to improve the squad. By the time new players arrived (Crane, McPake, Offord etc) DY was chopping and changing so much in a desperate to find something that would work no chemistry was ever likely to develop. Ironically, the 3-4-3 shape we ended up using in the second half today seemed to suit us. I wonder if we'd attempted that before the final 45 minutes of the season, maybe we would have finished eighth and not ninth? Hypothetical, of course. Some big decisions are needed this summer. A lot of the squad needs cleared out. The midfield has to be a priority. We also need a new Robert Thomson-type striker. Our attacking options were too similar this season. Not enough variety. A strange season, but ultimately we can't complain. We got what we deserved.
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