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Breaking Decency

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Everything posted by Breaking Decency

  1. A combination of white and brown bread, it has all the health benefits of brown bread in a white-ish loaf
  2. So I slipped over and ripped the arm of my nice parka Serves me right for saying I wouldn't drink for a week then breaking it...
  3. I don't mind it to be honest. They're set up a lot better for the cold weather so it doesn't really seem as 'in your face' as even a warmer temperature would in the UK. I might have to go sledging tonight...
  4. According to wunderground.com, it's going to be -28c with wind chill on Saturday night. Hmm...
  5. Lucky you, on the aforementioned journey I stormed off the train when it finally got into Berlin, leaving behind a plastic bag with my food and drink for the journey. A couple of hours later and feeling rather peckish I went to have a sandwich when I realised what I'd done. Typically, the train only took Euros, I only had Crowns and of course they didn't take cards. I had to spend the remaining 10 hours or so thirsty as hell. The food in the dining carriage looked lovely too.
  6. I must say the train ride from Berlin to Prague is very beautiful (apart from the section of northern CZ which is full of rusting old mining/industrial centres which blot the otherwise perfect landscape). I've never done the Prague - Vienna route, but I can imagine it's rather nice too.
  7. The plane. PS. If this is something to do with getting a train to Prague for that trip you were on about, don't do it. I got the train from here to Amsterdam a few years back and it was a nightmare - completely overbooked (had to stand in the vestibule for about half the journey even though I'd booked a seat) and disorganised, and owing to the first train being delayed we missed the connection from Berlin and had to wait another two hours.
  8. Same here. I generally just leave it off all year round, although last winter I had it on for a couple of weeks - sleeping in a parka isn't very comfortable!
  9. I can almost guarantee Ukrainian trains aren't the fastest in the world. They might be fast compared to a lot of European networks, but certainly not the fastest.
  10. And you don't need a visa for Poland either, it's in the EU...
  11. Somehow I read your post as just a Washing Machine, rather than the actual clothes. I need to wake up...
  12. Second one is a penis or... a washing machine. Oh Adam.
  13. Groundskeeper Willie gets drunk on what looks like Buckfast in the new Simpsons episode. Their accuracy is getting better
  14. Michael J Collins - The Fancy Boy Will Prevail
  15. What I'd say is THE best DnB track of modern times. Blu Mar Ten - Believe Me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgX0Ox2Lnjg
  16. You asked for a team from some Eastern bloc country you've never heard of, so...
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