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Everything posted by smpar

  1. 50% isn't that bad. It's better than being paid nothing whatsoever.
  2. Absolutely f**k all, I'd imagine. I read "somewhere" she works just a few hours per week and earns roughly £80k per year. c**t. Masterton is a complete and utter c**t.
  3. A Pars fan tweeted a few players with something along the lines of "you can all turn up at 3:20pm on Saturday. After all, it's better than not turning up at all!" Andy Barrowman retweeted it.
  4. I should ask why manners bother you so much, and then I notice your My Team field. No explanation needed.
  5. Get them punted. Your brother and his mates have not taken you into consideration when organising this piss-up, so that basically gives you the right to treat them like shite .
  6. It's half term, I'm in 6th year and I went to my mate's house earlier and his c**t of a brother told us to leave because we were drinking and smoking weed. f**k that, I live in South Queensferry, how the f**k am I supposed to get home?
  7. Not really. Granted, a lot of hipsters descend onto Instagram to try and be funny/clever & make-believe models, but you do get some pretty funny/good photos on Instagram. The most annoying thing that is regulrarly posted is photos of food.
  8. You two are both gonna end up like that girl on Facebook that complained about her boss being a fucking perv etc, only for him to comment with something along the lines of "I guess you forgot that you added me last month."
  9. The first minute of training on Tuesday resulted in me rolling about the floor in fucking agony. Turns out it's ligament damage, again. No game for me on Sunday then. Seething.
  10. That annoys the f**k out of me. The number of people who are huge 'artic monkeys' fans is soul-crushing.
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