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Everything posted by Stewbo

  1. Think I mentioned somewhere a few pages back before the rules were clarified not sure if its still there though.... ETA: It is indeed still there, post #367
  2. Stewbo

    Breaking Bad

    I think that picture was the Season 2 promo so you should be all right, I wont explain why it's not for season 5 because then it will ruin it :lol;
  3. Stewbo

    Breaking Bad

    Season 4 is up there with Sopranos season 4 and Lost season 1 as the best single television season ever. Gets amazingly tense as it goes on and the last meaningful scene of the finale is quite possibly my favourite ever. (Not even going to spoiler it incase anybody is tempted to take a peek, those who have seen it will know what I'm talking about
  4. Submarine - 10/10 Really lovely wee film, has that true indy feel to it. Really it's faultless in my opinion, about 50% of it genuinely makes you cringe, but thats all part of its charm. Some cracking lines in there aswell ("Don't call him a ninja Oliver, thats racist" "But he's white...." )
  5. Idiocracy - 8/10 One of these comedy films that relies almost exclusively on stupidity for its laughs. Although I'm not usually into this type of film, there was something different about it, I enjoyed it and would definitely watch it again, I think the idea is to indulge in the ridiculousness (Terry Crews as the president is frickin hilarious). Definitely worth a watch
  6. Brick - 8/10 Starts out pretty weird and tough to understand (the characters keep talking about lunch and the Netflix description didnt go into detail of what the film was actually about ). Things do become clear fairly soon in though and it starts to flow a bit better. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (The tall skinny one from Inception), Emelie de Ravin (Claire from Lost) and Nora Zehetner (loads of TV shows including Mad Men (Dons Neighbour between marriages) and Heroes (Eden, the girl Sylar fancied)) all star and are very good from the off. The plot is great, very engrossing, and the way it's shot is interesting and holds your full attention (Gus van Sant-esque feel about it at some stages). I highly recommend you watch it if you get the chance (Would've marked it a 9 but it seemed to fly by, maybe couldve been a little longer)
  7. Could have probably given you the same review from the trailer tbh. This is exactly how I would have guessed it would be. Rihanna = Average singer, not bankable actress. Looks so predictable and obvious (like a shite independance day is how I put it at the time) Safe to say I'll trust your judgement and not ever watch it
  8. Definitely Casino, the pen scene is my favourite from just about any mafia film
  9. The Crow - 7/10 Better than I thought it would be. Obviously has a big cult following but I never really fancied it, too much leather for me I decided to give it a go tonight though and it was well worth it. Quite a cheesy character (I like the fact he's different from other superheros though) and a pretty predictable story, but it comes together to be pretty cool. OK action scenes and a decent start put it up in my estimations, but the obvious last 20 minutes stopped it from being an 8 or 9.
  10. Meh harsh, that storyline was pretty shit (mostly because he wasnt actually evil, just emo like you say), but it was still a good film even with that. Not sure how the new one will go, looks ok but it'll have to be pretty fucking good to beat the last 3 (in box office terms)
  11. Avengers Assemble - 8/10 Eventually got around to seeing this today. Pretty glad I did, one of the better comic book type movies of recent years. Much love for RDJ returning as Tony Stark (much better than Iron Man 2 I might add). Also an honourable mention to Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansen for their parts, much better than expected. The only thing that bugged me was how hyped up it had been to me. Yesterday I was told (straight faced) it was the best film ever.... Sadly, for me, it wasnt even the best superhero film ever (Nolan's Batman's(Batmen?*) and the Spiderman Trilogy are still better
  12. Cant remember if I put it on here but Limitless is a very good film, much better than it looks. A decent watch and all that, nothing spectacular though. Funnily enough I also watched this the other night. Definitely gave me something I didnt expect. Probably the best gangster-y film I've seen since The Departed. Not as much dialogue as I usually like but it really fits the film perfectly and adds to the overall atmosphere. Soundtrack is perfect, casting is very good. 10/10 for me The Vice City thing is so much because of the title and credits, I felt the exact same way
  13. Stewbo

    Mad Men

    The guy is top class, they should've gotten him back in for the end of the series I quite like Megan btw, her wee turns are brilliant, randomly launching dinner off the walls/clleaning in her underwear for no reason etc.
  14. Ah I didnt realise Happy Endings was ABC, I thought that was FOX. The other ones though I dont like. CBS or NBC are probably still the best for comedies, 30 Rock still manages to amuse me (I know, right?!?! ) and I love BBT, Two and a Half Men (just as good post-Sheen, if not better) Rules of Engagement and HIMYM.
  15. A mate of mine has started tattooing fairly recently, from what he's done so far I'd say he's better than a lot of pro's ^His first ever tattoo, done on his own leg^ ^Most Recent Pic^ Was considering letting him be creative on my arm, a bit frightened he'd draw a massive boaby though
  16. ABC have had one decent comedy I can think of off the top of my head, Modern Family, and that kind of humour is nothing like Community. MF is about realistic situations that are funny, Community combines these weird, wonderful ridiculous situations and crams as many in to each episode as possible. I'd rather NBC dumped it than make 2 more seasons that are dogshit...
  17. Noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Epic!!!!! 8 bit adventure is my new favourite episode OK dont die, if we do we have to go all the way back to the study room! oh yeah, I used to love dying, but that little speech really turned me around....
  19. If you absolutely cannot wait then you could always google the words "one" "tv" and "shows" and hope for one of these newfangled streaming sites that neither myself or Pie and Bovril are affiliated with or condone the use of
  20. I believe it starts on channel 5 next week
  21. Jarhead - 7/10 Good film, solid plot and some of the scenes are very intense, particularly the one with the porno. The only thing is I didnt feel connected to it, it always feels like a movie, like its been scripted, which let me down a little. I think I was always comparing it to The Hurt Locker and it was never really going to compare... The Big Lebowski - 9/10 Was afraid this wasnt going to live up to its cult comedy hype that I'd heard so much about and is constantly referenced in TV shows but it definitely did. I couldnt do it justice summarising my views, if you've seen it you'll know how I feel, if not, then watch it. Hancock - 6/10 Not terrible but really not as good as I was hoping. I had it in my mind as a superhero film for 'grown ups' but it's not really. Easy watching like most superhero films but full of the same cheesey crap that ruined Iron Man 2, Transformers 2 and loads of others.
  22. I think it was more to show how the victims were linked and to show a more human element of them rather than just a couple of kids going mental and shooting a bunch of strangers who had no significance. It is very slow up until the shooters' story but it adds so much depth to the final scenes, you develop some kind of attachment to the characters
  23. Stewbo

    Mad Men

    My money would be on Betty, Roger or Petes wife. Surely the hints from Don won't come to pass, this has got at least 1 more season in it after this and they can't kill off the main character.
  24. Stewbo

    Mad Men

    Cracking episode this week, funnier than usual I thought, broke up some of the usual tension. I noticed in the opening credits that John Slattery (Roger Sterling) was directing it. He done a very good job I think, not sure if this was the first episode in which he has done so.
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