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Posts posted by scottxs

  1. It really isn't any sort of story, let alone THE story here. I don't know of anyone who's contributed to Doleman's expedition. It's not remotely relevant to me or the vast bulk of those interested in the outcome of proceedings.Genuine question, because I've no real personal grasp of such matters at all: How come, there's no implication? I understand why it's potentially catastrophic for those in the dock. If Sevco was created by the fraudulent purchase of assets though, how come that can't impact on Sevco now?I'm trying hard to be one of those mythical, neutral BRALTers, but I suspect that previous form might get in the way.

    ooooh this'll be good. Bet you get lots of deflection and whataboutery.
  2. I see Scott and Mad Max had issue with this post, I wonder why?

    Both John James and Andy Muirhead from Scotzine publicly tried to discredit Barry Scott hours after it was revealed he had provided some of the loan funds, in keeping with many other pieces they have previously written, they lied about Barry and have now been forced into humiliating apologies, it was these lies that The King all too eagerly copied and pasted directly onto this thread.

    no problem with it. just thought I would even out the greenie I've gave both of you a while ago

    don't get too upset about it they are after all only dots

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