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Everything posted by patriot1

  1. There's no point in making a decision on the leagues yet. Until the SPFL decides what to do with their leagues we won't know what is going to happen with Promotion from the LL which has an effect on the EOS promotion. The HL was different because they have no relegation. Besides, how can we make any decisions when we don't know how long this crisis is going to go on. For me even if we can't start again until September we finish the is season then have a truncated 20-21 campaign.
  2. You're right but that was before agreement was reached which I assume would allow them to retain their membership.
  3. It's been confirmed by the EOS that there have been 8 applications so far but no names have been divulged. At the time Lochore made their statement they wouldn't have been aware of the option to retain their membership.
  4. 8 out of 70 have applied to the EOS. I suspect they can't have resigned from the SJFA yet as the season hasn't officially finished so will they want/be allowed to keep their membership.
  5. Not only do the West Lothian clubs appear to have no interest in the EOS but the Tayside teams do not want to be part of the Highland league set up. So we're a long way from having an "all in" pyramid in Scotland.
  6. If all 63 teams move across plus a few others then we will have at least 4 conferences.
  7. Nothing has been mentioned officially by the EOS, in fact the teams who have applied haven't been named yet, only the number of applications.
  8. It was confirmed that eight teams had applied to the EOS so far so this line up would make sense. I can't see many more applications coming in unless something dramatic happens.
  9. I hope you're right about the figure of 15 but if the LL were planning on pushing ahead then why bother agreeing to the PWG meeting. What's the "common ground"? That's the question.
  10. It is a compromise because the original plan was for only teams that applied to gain access to the WOS and they would have to leave the SJFA to do so. Now all teams from the juniors will move and they won't have to leave. Surely agreeing to amend your plans to accept some of the demands of the WRSJFA is the definition of a compromise.
  11. It's the LL who appear to have compromised as it seems they are now going to allow all the whole WRSJFA set up to transfer en masse into the pyramid and although they will run the leagues teams will still be members of the SJFA if they wish and take part in the junior cup. This is completely different to the original WOSFL plan which saw teams applying to the new league and leaving the SJFA to move to the pyramid.
  12. I'm not sure what you mean. As far as I can see this "compromise" is going to lead to all the West region teams moving to the WOSFL so there won't be any need for applications.
  13. Completely agree. It seems that until after the 23rd we're not going to know the exact nature of the compromise but for me there can't be a junior/senior divide. And there should only be one national league trophy. If there is a Challenge Cup and Junior Cup then I want Saints playing in the Challenge not the Junior. As soon as it looks like we have clarity going forward we have to complicate things again. Typical of Scottish football.
  14. Would the WRSJFA agree to any compromise that finishes the SJFA?
  15. I've already queried this. What will the impact on players incomes be if no games or training?
  16. Any word from the PWG meeting? Were there protesters on the steps of Hampden with their pitchforks? What time is the LL/WoS meeting this evening?
  17. The SFP maximum grant for non SFA members in the EOS is £1k. St Andrews have received a grant for this sum. I believe the EOS sum is now £750.
  18. Is the pyramid meeting still going ahead on Thursday?
  19. Why is no one talking about this "partial" PWG meeting? What are the benefits to the LL and EOS of attending this meeting? Are they happy to agree some sort of compromise? What do the WRSJFA hope will be achieved? Why is it on the same day as the LL meeting with the West Region clubs? What on earth is a partial PWG meeting? I've thought for the last few months that the West Region would have something up there sleeves. Is this it? Is there any chance that the SPFL or SFA could put the kybosh on the LL plan? What's the maximum amount of questions you can ask in one post on P n B?
  20. Last four of the biggest cup competition in non league football. Superb achievement. Well done.
  21. I thought it was a strange game in which I can't recall either keeper making a save until there had been five goals. I'm looking forward to seeing the highlights as I was at the wrong end of the ground from the second hald stramashes and penalty claims. I would agree that the ball spent too long in the air but two of the goals were worth the entrance money alone.
  22. Can't see Tayport moving as they still appear to think their ground is in the middle of Dundee. And I would have thought Whitburn would be head of the haters of the "traitors". I still think the West Lothian clubs may go to the West Region juniors.
  23. Treaton Park is an excellent ground. Are you complaining about a fifty yard walk from the car park? I'm sure anyone with mobility issues is able to park nearer.
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