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Everything posted by cookieboy

  1. 100% that will be their get out of jail free card
  2. Forth should have been a free kick to Penicuik before the pass to the scorer I agree with you a very good game to watch looking forward to Wednesday
  3. In the 11 months in the job he has made a huge difference right enough the inspiration has been overwhelming
  4. Are you really surprised by any of this they must be the most incompetent set of directors who are actually running or should that be ruining a multi million pound business absolute disgrace
  5. Penicuik have certainly been audited so hopefully will be heard on Thursday
  6. Absolute farce the season is almost finished and nobody actually knows what is going to happen
  7. Could not agree with you more shambles springs to mind
  8. No criticism intended only stating the facts if the SFA stick to their over the top criteria they have not met it, but then you remember the goalposts have already been moved with their application so watch this space maybe happen again
  9. I wish we had the same problem I am sure your management will prioritise and no matter who plays you will have a strong starting lineup
  10. Meggetland for a final who makes these decisions unbelievable
  11. A mixture of injuries and the new players that were signed cup tied unfortunately Still the better team on the night but good luck to The Spartans
  12. Seems strange as it’s exactly the same as the one Leith play on at Peffermill
  13. As you say it’s easy to support the big teams and the committees deserve more credit as very often these clubs are run by fewer volunteers The pyramid system is all about finding your level unfortunately it is being poorly managed by the SFA
  14. And what makes you think Bo’ness are so special delusions of grandeur me thinks
  15. Everything in place magnificent work done since the turn of the year well done to everyone involved I have no idea when the inspection will be for the license fingers crossed all is ok
  16. I’m now wondering if you were actually at the game .I think you would have difficulty pointing out another chance they had ?? Dougie’s highlights are always fair and a up whether we win or lose
  17. The evidence of how comfortable it was is in the highlights in my opinion H
  18. Very comfortable win tonight with a good few of the guys missing not a bad crowd
  19. Easthouses Lily v Penicuik Athletic tonight league game 7.30 ko
  20. It seems to me and many others that the SFA make wrong decisions almost every time one is needed Thought Maxwell would have been different unfortunately doesn’t look like he will be
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