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  1. OMG was feeling knackered so decided to get a 1 hour nap at 10.30, somehow slept through my alarm and have just woken up now. How is that even possible? Plans ruined for today :(

  2. Having a curry with Sam Cowcher

  3. Happy New Year guys and girls. Have a good one! :D x

  4. So relieved that that's my exams out of the way! I think they went reasonably well! Now for a month long break from College, this will be bliss! :)

  5. Got back from Leeds Festival a few hours ago. It was mental, was a total mudbath though. Green Day, Biffy Clyro, Eminem, Bring Me The Horizon, Imagine Dragons, 21 Pilots et al, were awesome. Favourite song live was Shadow Moses by Bring Me The Horizon. Bring on next year!

    1. Dunning1874


      Took you a long time to get back.

    2. Gaz


      Did you walk? And are you a snail?

    3. ForzaDundee
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