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Posts posted by SimplyTON

  1. You have to admire them for really honourable and impressive feat of running and building their own football club basically from scratch, but at the same time they appear to be a bunch of self-congratulatory wanky uber fans

    ^ this

    Very impressive but is there a glass ceiling for them and what happens further up the ladder when Sky money starts dictating more and more kick-off times etc.

    Will their principles be compromised?

  2. http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/jay-hart-clitheroe-sex-filmed-9079436?ICID=FB-MEN-main

    Footballer sacked after being filmed having sex with fan in dug-out at Tameside ground

    Clitheroe striker Jay Hart was caught in the act on a mobile phone at Mossley AFC’s Seel Park ground in Tameside.

    Not too sure if it was during a match

    “Any players, while wearing a Clitheroe tracksuit, represents the club."

    "Clitheroe striker Jay Hart was caught in the act on a mobile phone, still in his club t-shirt with his tracksuit bottoms around his legs"

    Solid case for unfair dismissal

  3. I've yet to see a story that ends in "and the missing person/animal was found after a member of public recognised them from social media"

    I think most people just share these things to make themselves feel better

    News reaches my timeline this morning of a stolen caravan that was found "purely down to Facebook"

    I make that

    Facebook sharing missing/stolen posts 1

    Enrico Annoni 0

    (HT 0-0)

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed the show once it got going but its left me hungry for more

    Looking forward to seeing the other mini-series and how they all tie together
    Hopefully we dont have to wait to long for another Daredevil series

  5. Cracking night of action last night

    Hawks had an awful 1st period - 3 goals down, Crawford pulled and Kane looking like me on the ice (understandably rusty)
    2nd period was ours though as we tied up the game and looked much more solid (Kane picking up 2A)
    Darling took over in nets and excelled after having very little to do early on.

    I gave up after the 3rd but Dunc won it in double OT (almost 4hrs after face-off)

    Great to take home advantage away straight away - its gonna be a close one.

  6. 2 Episodes in the books and enjoying it so far

    Certainly dark and gritty enough so far

    Not too sure about the united nations of bad guys - that "meeting" seemed a little weak but I figure its more just forerunners for Kingpin

  7. And i was thinking we got it bad here..... 5 feet of snow over the last 2 months....snowed in for 5 days in total.

    Yeah its been a tough one

    When I got here I was impressed how everywhere just got on with it after a big snowfall but this year has stretched that to the limit

    One Sunday storm mid-March it was Thursday before the kids were back at school

    Totally mental - whole communities cut-off despite being well prepared for it.

    Hopefully not much more to go this year :)

  8. Woah. Where's that?

    PEI on the east coast of Canada - mild winter then snowpocalypse for the last 4 weeks or so.

    We've now had 120% (2.4m) of the average winter snowfall with still 2 1/2 months of winter to come

    Since i've been here i've been so impressed with how major snowfall barely cause them to skip a beat but the past couple of storms have left the province struggling to get back operational.

  9. Big story today is the Panthers attendance last night - 7,311 fans in attendance for the 1-0 loss to the Sens

    Owner has stopped the practice of giving away free tickets which in previous years was filling the rink but driving away paying customers

    Dont think they are in as bad a shape as 7,311 fans suggest but a lot question marks about sustainability and Bettman's expansion plans.


  10. Caught up with a few movies in the past week or so

    Godzilla - 5/10
    Disappointed. Just really didn't care what happened to in the end.

    World War Z - 7/10
    Enjoy this after putting it off for a while due to poor reviews.
    The first 90mins are very good but Wales kinda lets its down in the end

    Planes - Fire & Rescue. 6/10
    Enjoyed this more than the 1st one

    Guardians of the Galaxy - 9/10
    Loved it - been humming hooked on a feeling for days now
    Desperate for more Marvel stuff
    (watched this at the local drive-in on Saturday night - awesome movie, superb setting. Hundreds of stars visible while still warm enough to sit out and take in the movies)

  11. LA in 5

    2 Cups in 3yrs (or last 2 non-lockout seasons) is good going.

    Hawks v Kings was the big one as it didn't really look likely that the Rangers would do anything in final

    King Henrik tried his best and pushed 3 games to OT but the biggest surprise was that it wasn't finished before the WC started

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