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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. Next season we should fully lean in to Alexander being a fucking nutcase. I want to see him throwing stuff about the place and kicking through doors on a Tuesday morning.
  2. I'm all in for this scorched earth transfer window. If we're going to be shite can we at least be funny and shite.
  3. I love Tom Aldred. Career move goals as well. Hounded out by the fans at Bury (Club died. Get it right up them.), a hero at Motherwell and now he's living the absolute dream in Australia.
  4. I enjoyed the Snyder cut tbh. The Whedon cut was a hot mess. At 4 hours it was excessively long and there's not a chance I'd have went for it in the cinema because I absolutely had to have a break at half time for a pish and something to eat. And the bonus of no dodgy CGI top lip was nice too.
  5. Having never watched a minute of this until last Monday I've skelped through 5 seasons in about 8 days before this. It's very good, if a bit nonsense at times. Nearly pissed myself laughing when Fleming turned into John Wick at the end of season 3. Sprints about 3 miles at full pelt wearing a bullet proof vest and an assault rifle then perfectly snipes the driver of a speeding vehicle off a bridge from about half a mile away.
  6. Honestly why would you have social media as a professional football player. You're just opening up to the goon platoon throwing wild accusations at you. Gallagher's agent is clearly on overtime with the amount of kites he's flying at this point, and I can't really grudge him a punt at a higher level. It's a short career so might as well get cash in the bank while your stock is high. We've all said it before but 5 games (+ the cup) to go. Hopefully we shithouse our way to safety and then f**k this whole season into a wheelie bin. Clear out of the dreck in the summer and pray it's not so shite next year.
  7. I miss Liam Donnelly cynically levelling c***s to stop counter attacks. If anyone says "professional fouls are a horrible part of the game" then fight me. They're glorious.
  8. Who can we turn to when we're linked with someone we've never heard of from the seaside leagues down south?
  9. I've been an M in every Motherwell kit since about 2014 until I tried on this seasons one. Like I'll freely admit my lockdown 1.0 diet was mainly pizza and Tennents lager but that was a fair shock to the system.
  10. Basically I just want us to get enough points to be mathematically safe then hope that coincides with the boozers opening up and I can celebrate punting this season so far into the fucking sea.
  11. Absolutely disgusted that Lamie's been overlooked for the Scotland squad tbh.
  12. The big striker was 7ft + but was a complete and utter huddy. Don't think he won a single header. And aye Anders Lindegaard signed for Man U shortly after. Fairly certain he was a decent Football Manager signing as well.
  13. When we were in Europe I was a broke student so couldn't go. Now we were in Europe and a fucking pandemic tanked any hope of going.
  14. Surely buying a cutting edge console to run it at 60fps, only for me to spend it playing as an18fps character is a big brain move, no?
  15. Had a blast of Astro's Playroom which is pretty cool even if just as a technical showcase. Haven't picked up any other games as yet but I've unlocked the suit from Into the Spider-Verse so I'll entertain myself by doing this about 800 times:
  16. I had the shittest stream going for it. My old man & I absolutely bouncing round the living room. What a time.
  17. Tom Hateley may not be a popular figure. But let me tell you when he hit the back of the net against St Mirren to send us top of the table I was absolutely convinced we were winning the league.
  18. I should add I am a fan of Polworth. Some of his passing and assists last season were *chef kiss*. The drop off this season has been honking though. It could well be lockdown is a shiter for him. Or maybe he just can't be arsed anymore. Seems to have emptied his toys out the pram since we had to prove that Turnbull's knees exist.
  19. I suspect Polworth's tea is oot unless he works some miracles between now and the end of the season. Our midfield is currently doing well without him, and since Alexander has come in he's sold the jersey's at Pittodrie as well as having a stinker against St Johnstone.
  20. Finally got my hands on a PS5 from Game last week. Got delivered earlier. God damn Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a beaut.
  21. I've always got the impression that Mo Ross could start a fight in an empty room so I'm pretty alright if he's left. Las should just be kept around at all times. Genuinely seems like the nicest guy going. Also:
  22. I had to laugh at his whole "6's & 8s" bit on Inside Motherwell. At a time where it looked like our midfield had barely even met each other never mind worked on patterns of play.
  23. Seconded. The Partick branch is merely a pretender. Huge fan of half pizza/half pasta being a completely acceptable option there too.
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