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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. Can SOD make him some special empire biscuits to convince him?
  2. There was a point on his return where a few of us thought we should give him a run on the left and tell him his only job is to cross the ball as often as possible. Unfortunately he was doomed to playing inverted and, coupled with him looking like his confidence was shot to ribbons, the loan was a total bust. Fair play to him for getting paid handsomely for a couple of years. If he's sensible he'll have enough behind him to keep him comfortable.
  3. At this point Main would come in as third choice for me. He is a decent option to have. It goes: Mika The Bair Main Obika Any of the children we have on the bench. Playing with 10 men. Folding as a club. Shaw.
  4. Presumably we'd either have had to pay him off up front or stick him on gardening leave for the rest of his contract. That would have been alongside us paying 3 managers & 3 assistants all at the same time.
  5. I've no strong opinions on Halliday tbh. He's generally alright to listen to on Super Scoreboard and I'd probably rather have someone known to get us to the end of the season rather than Daws cooking up some other fucking mental signing that gets injured or looks like they've won a competition.
  6. Sloth was here for the barbers and Johansen was handsome but fucking shite at football. Mika absolutely hard carrying my opinions of Scandinavian players we sign.
  7. This is a Nick Daws appreciation post. You can only respect someone getting paid to do the bare minimum.
  8. How foolish of you to think that the ticket information would be found within the tickets tab! That's what they want you to think!
  9. Not to go all Vine in 2012 but about a week ago. https://www.motherwellfc.co.uk/2024/01/05/scottish-cup-ticket-details/
  10. It's a faff for the away end but any of the surrounding streets tbh. You won't be able to park round the back of the away stand as that's all controlled but the other side you're right as rain. Adele Street/Catherine Street and those around it are all fair game.
  11. I'd be up for KVV coming back but on the proviso that there's a faceless Twitter account tells him he's shite as soon as the deal is signed.
  12. So, from the sounds of it, we had an approach to buy the club outright 3 years ago. Knocked it back because we're fan owned. That then became an opportunity for someone to buy a minority stake in the club which fell apart when we had a pandemic. Now we've decided to go all in on attracting an American investor. I, personally, think my Saturday afternoons need more t-shirt cannons and Buffalo chicken wings.
  13. Not to piss on anyone's chips here but this kind of shows the problem in communication. Surely we shouldn't be reliant on someone making forum posts off their own back for clear comms from the WS. Is this not something that should come out via some official means?
  14. I have cringed so hard that I have formed my own singularity and will now be vanishing into the abyss. Had a good run but that's seen me off.
  15. Miller would be hard carrying that fives team at Powerleague.
  16. I want to know if he's got a bucket for the improving peoples lives budget because I'd hazard a guess that it's pretty fucking empty right now.
  17. I reckon those ones actually do have some merit tbf. Shift some extra tickets perhaps. The David Turnbull one, however. Who the f**k was that actually for outside of the obvious two folk?
  18. 40 minutes of Derek Weir giving an update. Shorter than a Ketts pre match interview.
  19. Are we honestly thinking Curtis Main is the solution to our problems here, lads? I must be losing my mind.
  20. Nick Daws overseeing the signing of a mid 30s former SPFL player who was a bit of a jobber at his previous clubs?
  21. Crankshaw, Aitchison and Danzaki all in that window as well. What the f**k was Hammell smoking when he booted up Football Manager?
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