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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. I'd add to that. When you deliberaately hold a door open for someone coming through after you and they completely dingy you. This infuriates me.
  2. What if it came up against a Beedrill, though? B)
  3. Aye, to be fair I didn't have much of a life then.
  4. I found the truck but never found Mew. I caught Mew in the cave next to where I caught Mewtwo.
  5. The Red Gyarados was in the middle of a lake which everyone kept saying had a Red Gyarados in it. Not that unusual to be fair.
  6. Lidl's lasagne is indeed the berries. Comes second to my own homemade stuff though B) .
  7. I had a Wetherspoons fish & chips for £3.20. And 2 pints of Strongbow. All and all it cost about £7.50. Ye cannae whack it.
  8. It's a brilliant phrase. I'm just making myself a steak sandwich. OM NOM NOM NOM. I am fully aware of the time.
  9. Epic, sir. A truly wonderful culinary delight.
  10. Cheer up. Also, minorly related note. Was I talking to you on msn while pished the other night?
  11. Had a Dominoes Supreme. Purely because I'm too hungover to do anything creative with a kitchen.
  12. Went to the Blue Babboon for chips and gravy on the way home from the casino.
  13. I'm positively moist at the thought of this :D I can't wait.
  14. I have only just eaten my bolognese. It was a winner.
  15. That's your take... That's the insurance company's take...
  16. A sausage supper with so much vinegar your eyes water when you open the paper, ye cannae whack it.
  17. Fair do's. My progress on my bolognese is here.
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