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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. The issue is the £50k is probably a drop in the ocean compared to the amount of #sponcon they'll be likely to rake in in the months afterwards. So nobody will ever risk being the 2021 version of Nasty Nick.
  2. As much as Liberty seems nice I'd absolutely crack up laughing if Jake makes it to the final and snatches the £50k.
  3. Really got to feel for Turnbull at this point. Genuinely must have had more fun playing through balls to Sammon & Main.
  4. Hugo's 100% never been within 10 yards of a burd in his life eh.
  5. Disappointing lack of support for Liam Kelly's maw here tbqhwy.
  6. Possibly why we've still no appointed him as the official club captain?
  7. Can I just say that bike races on motor racing circuits aren't the most exciting.
  8. An absolute simp of the highest order. Get him to f**k out of this show.
  9. There was nothing more majestic than big Cedric striding out of defence to pick someone's pocket and ping passes about. Some laugh having a defender the size of a block of flats who could nutmeg strikers at will.
  10. Similar carry on with the Dutch BMX. During a warm up an official decides to cross the track and wipes out a cyclist. I can only assume its volunteers who get the gig at these things so they've no idea what's happening.
  11. I'd actually forgotten about Newell tbf. Poor guy was nailed to the bench and in just about one of his only appearances got his face caved in by some Aberdonian donkey.
  12. Wouldn't have been upset if we'd ended up with Odoffin tbf. He absolutely ran all over the top of our, admittedly soft as shite, midfield a few months back.
  13. The Casa Amor shit? They basically separate the men & women into 2 villas and chuck in a load of Love Island regens to see if they can make the show more entertaining.
  14. Watched 4 episodes of The Night Manager last night. It's just so bloody good.
  15. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! https://www.cyclingweekly.com/news/tokyo-2020-olympics-anna-van-der-breggen-crashes-after-being-pulled-off-bike-by-official-during-tt-recon?utm_campaign=socialflow&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com
  16. The contrast in the villas. "Never have I ever went to Asda after 11pm." Meanwhile across the road Casa Amor are sucking each other's toes like there's no tomorrow.
  17. There was: I know there's no race radio in the olympics but surely to f**k a team car or something could have given them a shout.
  18. Stephen Robinson seeing us get a transfer budget and long term contracts:
  19. The Netherlands going through the full catalogue of making a tit of themselves. Claiming no time gaps, no communication, van der Poel not knowing a ramp had been taken away in the MTB despite everyone else seeming to be fully aware of it.
  20. I've been doing the arithmetic on this there and the explanation for this change of tact is that we are absolutely massive.
  21. Might as well put out that we're interested in this lad: https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/cameron-barksdale/profil/spieler/525654
  22. "Are these people really well fans?" Imagine working yourself into that big a shoot over a part time mob you play once every couple of decades. Have to be honest with you I was over it before I'd even got out the stadium. It was a howler of a performance in a glorified pre season game. To borrow @capt_oats patter:
  23. Lamie scored last week from one before teams worked us out. Like I'm not saying we bin them forever, but if teams are sending 2 men out maybe mix it up a wee bit?
  24. Not to go full yer da but get these short corners to f**k. They knew what we were doing and charged down every single one of them resulting in them being a waste of time.
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