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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. I'll pencil in a KVV red card for sticking the nut on someone for a fortnights time then.
  2. To be clear, if that was Lamie the away end would have fucking exploded.
  3. Said to @thisGRAEME yesterday that nobody looks more surprised when something comes off for Justin than Justin himself.
  4. Thought we deserved the win in the end. I was concerned we'd revert to peak Alexanderball and try to shut up shop at 1-1 but at least we saved played 7 defenders for the last 10 minutes. So chuffed for Grimshaw. He's had a shiter of a time of things recently and he just bloody loves ML1. I thought the collision between Stryjek & Kelly was a bit of a nonsense. No chance is that a foul from Amaluzor for me. Stryjek himself seems like a total bombscare. Despite what Michael Stewart tries to tell you about that being "a good save, initially" it is definitely not. Proper Craig Samson lettuce hands on display for it.
  5. Get the season called now, Sturgeon. It's never getting better than this.
  6. The following morning it'll be like that scene out the Godfather but with a ram instead of a horse.
  7. There's very, very, very few sports folk I'd willingly go for a pint with tbf. Maybe a couple of cycling folk but I cannae really think of any footballers.
  8. Movistar will inevitably do something daft as f**k like attack each other until they all drop out of the top 10 if their Netflix series have been anything to go by. Some laugh watching them race through Valencia yesterday. Went there on holiday a couple of years back and hired bikes to explore. Managed about 2 miles before we nearly passed out in the heat and thought f**k this so went for pints instead.
  9. Liberty with a spectacular fumble here. Just haud on a bit and maybe end up £50k richer.
  10. I really enjoy Rory Smith's stuff. His writing is great and Set Piece Menu is one of the best football podcasts going. However I definitely wasn't expecting a deep dive into Motherwell's transfer dealings from him. Also f**k the tories.
  11. I bought Emerald off eBay for like £7 in the last lockdown we had and put a shameful amount of hours into it. I've still got Soul Silver from a similar purchase but the pubs opened back up again.
  12. Pack your own lunch. Done it a few years back at Glasgow Sheriff Court and the lunch was absolutely fucking hoaching. Make a sandwich and bring it with you.
  13. Aye I know it's more of a challenge than it sounds. Even ranked mode in Apex is a shambles for the most part. Literally getting thrown into lobbies with a guy called "definitely not a smurf". There's me barely hit the ground, looking for a weapon of some sort and I get one clipped by TTV_AdultVirginxXx. Rinse/repeat.
  14. Can companies not give us servers based around I have a life and can't sweat on this for 14 hours a day? I dabble in this but mainly play a lot of Apex and they have the same issue. I'm not the best player in the world but here I am getting fired in to lobbies where the champion is some c**t with 30k kills as one character.
  15. Have we thought about loaning SOD to them for a token fee? Call it £5 million?
  16. The least talented bunch of folk I've had on my telly since watching the Motherwell streams this time last year.
  17. Faye going on a TV show where they try to get a reaction out you and falling for it every god damn time.
  18. I'd quite like to try foraged mushrooms but I'd have absolutely zero faith in me doing it alone with Google's help as I fear I would wind up shitting myself to death.
  19. I mind him looking great against us but his legs look completely gone now. Would be world class at fives but he cannae move. I know a couple of Thistle fans who adore him so if they want to give Hastie a bit of competition they can help themselves.
  20. Aye I'd at least like to see us look more joined up going forward so maybe moving 2 forwards closer together is the way to do that. I'd sooner drop Woolery and see if we can drop a body in to midfield to maybe make us a bit less soft in there.
  21. You can generally tell when someone runs marathons because they'll never stop telling you they fucking run marathons.
  22. £25 to watch a game of football that will make my eyes bleed? What kind of idiot would pay that?!
  23. I've considered it and I think signing big Sondre is the only way I'll get over the crushing disappointment of missing out on Feghouli.
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